Activity › Forums › Group Forums › Live for the sake of Life (Wolf RP) › The role play!
“Black. Black wolf. I’ve seen him, he was really hurt..I scared him off.” Jazzy growled under her breath and looked at the melting snow.
*Calypso’s tail thumped the ground she seemed a little happy that she had done a little to help drive out the wolf*
“Well, I’m not going to push you to work. You’ll be fine in about a moon, so, you’ll begin you job in about a moon and about 7 stars.”
“Your welcome. I’ll just make someone replace your job for a while.” Jazzy licks her paw and wags her tail. ((lol, sorry, I was eating breakfast))
Jazzy trotted off into the kill dean, got two rabbits and walked back to Calypso. “Here you go.” Jazzy put the rabbit down in front of Calypso. And Jazzy laid down to eat hers.
“Your welcome. Will you find a mate soon? Mating season is close.” Jazzy begain to eat her rabbit.
“I dont know… I am not exactly popular,” She said before licking her muzzle.
“Well, the male will pick you. Heh, you are quite a nice looking wolf. You stand out from the others. Your red coat is the main of you. You’ll get a mate. He’ll be a good one. I’ll make sure.” Jazzy smiled, “I’m most likey to mate with…Mica.” Jazzy sighed.
“Hehe thanks,” She smiled back,”I bet you will, you two suit each other nicely.”
“Well, what ever.” Jazzy looked at Calypso, “You coloring is odd. I know some wolves with red, but not your red. And you are quite small for a wolf…” Jazzy stood up, “I’ll be..umm…right back.” Jazzy walked off and went into the elders den.
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