Activity › Forums › Group Forums › Live for the sake of Life (Wolf RP) › The role play!
*Calypso followed her in dripping a little blood on the stone*
“You’ll be fine in the morning.” Jazzy smiled and looked up into the stars, “Just pray.”
-Next day-
*Calypso woke up and yawned, she looked around sleepily. dry blood matted her fur around the area where the southern wolf bit her or scratched her*
Jazzy walked in the den, “Are you doing okay?” Jazzy smiled and licked her paw.
“Yes, I feel better.. I am going to get a drink, thank you for letting me sleep in your den,” Calypso said quietly and smiled, she stood and brushed past Jazzy. and jumped into the snow and bound for the little stream.
*Calypso reached the stream and drank from it, her ear flicked as she did so. when she was done she sat down and licked at her neck*
Jazzy walked up to the stream and sat next to Calypso, “I sent out another wolf to prowl the land.”
“Sorry if it’s a bit cold to wash your self off with the water.” Jazzy laughed.
“It is ok,” Calypso smiled back, she stopped grooming though.
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