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Things and people to Know
Posted by Cain on February 18, 2015 at 3:59 amEveryone from the original and altered time lines are still in this rp even if they are said to be dead. If they were evil then there in Netherealm if they were good then they are in Heaven with the elder gods.
Some bios will appear here of npc who should be known
Cain replied 9 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies -
5 Replies
Realm:Earth Realm/ Now fights for Netherealm
Lineage: Shirai Kuei youngest triplet with Terror and Dread
Attitude:Jealous of his siblings, He wants total control of all the realms and to be the one true god with the elder gods kissing his feet. He has teamed himself with Shinnok after being trained in Chaos with his siblings. He will not stop at anything till Nether Realm is the only realm left and the screams of those tortured are all that can be heard forever while he laughs.
1.Burning blindness- he covers the arena is a black dome so dark neither can see.He has trained in darkness so his other senses take over to allow him to fight.-Noob Saibot
2.Back Stab-He has an ability to move silently in the darkness and will only strike for the spine as he has no real close quarter abilities.-scorpion
3.Deaths touch-He places his bare hand on your back and it will leave a frost bite scar on you skin but that is the least of your worries. After ten minutes the mark will begin to expand across your skin slowly tightening your flesh. You will be crushed by your own skin and only way to stop this is to remove the infected area which means removing your own skin in that location.-sorcery
4.Frost detonation-He fires an icey blast at the ground in black ice, if this ice is stepped on it will erupt in the fires of Netherealm.-Scorpion
5.Fatality-he uses a massive soul steal ability to rip a portion of everyone observing’s life force and he uses all this power to become a mutant like beast of everyone at once.
6.Devils senate-This takes time and weakens him greatly, he cuts his arms deeply and begins to use the blood about two pints worth to draw an arcane blood seal. If he is able to finish it he will heal himself and all of his wounds will appear on his enemy.
History:Blood brother of Dread and Terror, was trained in the same ways but now seeks vengeance and god hood.He was born without the natural talents of his kin only having there physical stature and unable to form the elements to his control he went mad in Chaos realm where he trained with his brothers under the gods. He ran off in his insanity not watching his decent and was found by Shinnok. He was trained by this fallen god and given an item that once belonged to a false hero to give him the ability to copy abilities.
Realm: Order Gold town
Lineage:He is a half god
Attitude:He is proud of his position and shows to strongly causing many to dislike his company. He has no love for Chaos realm or its allies, he is known to of traveled backwards to prevent a great danger many centuries still ahead of the current realms.
1.Judgement- a blast of super sonic sound waves clapping together to make thunder and after the thunder follows a wave of lightening.2.Last rights-He will use his power to form markings on the ground to make each area of the arena have a different effect.
1. paralysis
2. blindness
3. deafness
4. silence
5. Loss of all Senses3.Deaths door- He reaches his hand out and knocks and a huge door will open with two floating creatures exiting the door and they would begin to swing huge scythes at the enemy.
4.Burning freedom-He causes the arena to begin to burn hot which will begin to melt and become magma
5.Fatality-He uses magic to make you dig into your own chest and pull out your still beating heart to present to him as an offering.
Lineage:He is the son of a Shokan and a Edenia
Attitude:He has love for his home and will die to protect it, He only wishes for peace and freedom for his home.
1.elemental fist-He has a diffrent element in each of his hands ice,fire,wind,earth
2.He is able to make a sword out of each of the elements
3.Elemental swimming- He is able to move through any element
4.Twin fighter-He is able to split himself into two copies of himself that has a gold chain between them, they share damage so if one is stabbed so will the other. But if one stabs you it will feel like both stabbed you from front and back.
5.Fatality-He becomes a huge shark swimming through the earth before launching up and devouring you.
Guest Staring:
Personality:War enjoys fighting anyone and anything even his brothers but they never kill each other as Death never lets it get that far. He competes with Conquest often when they are walking through hell to see how many lost souls and demons they can make fight each other before and after they do there annual pass through the underworld. His greatest joy in life is being a mechanic which he uses a copy machine to bring down almost every car ever existed so that he can understand every form of human vehicle and improve on them some of the things he gave to the humans. He has an entire arsenal of swords and guns each of marks of sigil or glyphs so that he can kill magical creatures.
Transformable armored vechicle has three forms
Abyssal Armor:
The Abyssal Armor is a set of armor which is much stronger than War’s regular armor.
Fire Armor:He can cover himself in fire including any weapon or ammo he uses.
Magma Armor:He covers himself in magma rock to guard himself and melt metal used by humans and demons. Angels can break this armor but he can easily cover himself in it again.
Lightening armor:His body is covered in a lair of lighting that would strike at anything five feet from him.
The Abyssal Chain is a supernatural gauntlet that can fire a spear-tipped chain that will enable War to pull foes to himself or vice-verse, if the foe is small it will be pulled toward him, yet if it is a large foe War will speed over and finish the job himself. It can also be used to swing across giant chasms too large for War to jump across alone.
Cross blade-War’s first available ranged weapon he can throw this weapon and it will always come back to his hand and if it gets stuck a new one will appear.
The Mask of Shadows serves War with the ability to glimpse into a parallel dimension called the shadow realm, allowing him to see things that would otherwise be unnoticed or inaccessible.
The Void walker is an artifact unlike any other. Its ancient arcane energies pierce the veil of reality. Creating two points with it forms a path that War can traverse to assist in his journey.
Frozen Death:He can freeze humans and lower creatures but they do not die, they are flash frozen so quickly that once war leaves the area they unfreeze and are perfectly fine to the point they are younger then when they were frozen extending there life. When higher demons are frozen he will shatter.
Deaths Watch:Death can follow us through our eyes so he knows if we need resurrected. This can not be abused because if you die to much, Death will choose a being to replace you.
Wars Wrath: To cause anger and hatred and weaker minds, the only ones immune to this are Arch Angels, Deities.
Wars watch:He can spawn near all of his brothers while hes in the council to give council or a verbal beating if there doing something wrong.
(The more War’s power is used the weaker he becomes before he has to return to the council chamber to reconstitute his energies.)
Where you are located:In the Council waiting the call of his younger brother.
Your weapon(s):
Name: The Jester
Race: Demon ( Shadow Shade [unknown to all but the council] )
Rank: Advisory of the King, Warden to the Shadow Specters, High Lord of the Gate Keepers.
Clan: Umbra Lux
Clan Tattoo: Set of Two Crossed Skeleton Keys Located On Left ShoulderPowers:
- Shadow Step (Able to pass between shadows)
- Shadow Wisp (Able to become a gaseous form of shadows that is un-damageable but also cannot deal damage in this state)
- Shadow Cloak (Is cloaked in shadows so long as there is darkness the jester cannot be seen by any means)
- Haunting Vestige (Can appear to be the embodiment what you fear most)
- Hideous Laughter (Can instill panic in beings higher than The Jester Instills Paralysis in beings lower than The Jester)
- Pyrotechnics (Fireworks:
1) The fireworks are a flashing, fiery, momentary burst of glowing, colored aerial lights. This causes creatures to become blinded
2) Smoke Cloud: A writhing stream of smoke billows out forming a choking cloud. The cloud spreads 60 feet in all directions and lasts for 15 minutes. All sight, even magical vision or dark vision , is ineffective in or through the cloud.) - Illusion Magic (Is profecient in Illusion Magic List of spells to come{unusable tell list is input})
- Umbra Lux Keys of Travel (Can travel between planes and can unlock any lock)
- Order
- Life
- Harmony
- Chaos Theory
- Honor
- True Light
- Dishonor
- Sadness
- Anger
- Imbalance
Are you Insane: No.
Drive: Order
- Shadow Spector Gauntlet
- Planar dagger
- Bag of Tricks
- Jesters Scepter (Can only be wilded by The Jester otherwise its weight is to imense for anyone to pick up, unless you become The Jester)
Born to the Shadow Shades this demon grew in technique and power as it grew up it dawned the guise of a jester and hide its face and body behind the garb of a jester its face hidden behind a harlequin mask Gaining it the name and title of The Jester. The Jester lost its name and identity to this title and embraced it and became one with it the jester and the shadow shade became on in the same. It went out and started to prank and murder it seemed no one could find it or catch it circumventing the laws by hiding and staying out of the way. The Jester traveled the lands taking what it wanted killing what it needed and was soon caught but not how one would think. The Jester killed The Adviser to the King and as with the law kept what it killed and became apart of society but still cloaked in a past and mystery that none could crack. The Jester seemed to know nothing about its past but when it went to steal from the treasury it got caught but they gave it the worst fate one that even it thought it could escape Conversion. Being put into a darkness and pit here the Jester stayed tell its fears where gone and all that was left was sanity and a renewed sense of life. When The Jester arouse from its torment it was given a Shadow specters gauntlet and given a new purpose in life as a warden among the Specters. Now the name of The Jester is a name to be feared to have it hunt you is a fate worse than death but not quite conversion.
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