1×1 RPs, anyone?
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Active 7 years ago
Just looking for a little private rping! MxM friendship or romance in a number of different... View more
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Just looking for a little private rping! MxM friendship or romance in a number of different settings, with action and world building and maybe hurt/comfort, too! We could do all sorts of things, if you’re interested in in-depth character stuff. Sticking with OCs, unless you happen to know Gundam Wing, Princess Tutu or Free! Iwatobi Swim Club.
The Underground
<p class=”p1″>Jet actually looked alarmed at this suggestion and shook his head, wincing as it throbbed. His body had taken more than enough abuse the past few days, which meant a migraine.</p>
<p class=”p2″>”No…no, don’t destroy it. Sure it can be shitty but it’s all a lot of people have around here. Plus, we’re not always sure who’s in on the corruption. It could be all of them, but why kill a bunch of innocent nurses, and the patients still in there, unless we know they’re all scum?”</p>
<p class=”p2″>Jet rubbed his temples for a moment, eyes shut against the glare of the sun. “Good and bad are complicated around here. Anyway, who are we to decide who lives and who dies? I mean, unless they’re coming right at us with a gun or something.” He gave a weak chuckle at this. “Self-defense is different.”</p>
<p class=”p2”>Speaking of which. “Oh, you know that girl you brought here? She seems to be doing better now- you saved her life, buddy. I think she might’ve seen you, though, so we’ll have to maybe keep an eye on her. Lucky for us she got a knock on the head, and she’s a kid, so no one’s gonna listen to her if she says anything.”</p> -
(Yeah, I have no idea why it’s posting like this. >_< I’ll have to ask the mods or something. Sprry about that!)
Kal notes Jet’s ideals towards situations that entail killings. When he mentions the girl, Kal then inquires. “Why did you wish for me to save her? Did she not have possible means to kill you? And did you not attempt to kill her?”
<p class=”p1″>(Things are more settled on my end, but I want to warn you that I won’t be able to post every day. But I’ll be able to at least a few times a week. Work and such have gotten more demanding recently, among other things @_@)</p>
<p class=”p1″>Jet sighed, leaning more heavily on his crutches, and feeling rather dizzy. “It’s….complicated. I wasn’t gonna kill her if I could help it, just scare her so she wouldn’t want to come back and spy. If I had to I would’ve knocked her out or something, but it’s not my style to kill kids. Anyway, there are actual dangerous people around who want me dead. She was just being stupidly curious.”</p>
<p class=”p2″>Feeling like he couldn’t stand up much longer, Jet hobbled to the lip of the roof and eased down onto it, still leaning rather awkwardly against his crutches. His deep blue eyes studied Kal for awhile in silence as his expression turned thoughtful.</p>
<p class=”p2″>”I don’t know if those scientists down there meant to do it, or if you did it yourself, but you’ve got a lot of restraint for a weapon. I mean, the way they designed you it seems like you were just meant to destroy whatever got in your way, but you didn’t kill me when you could have. And then, later on, you decided I was worth keeping alive. You said I was…benevolent.” Jet’s shoulders raised briefly. “I dunno where you learned how to judge when someone is benevolent or not, but you made the decision not to kill me for reasons that made sense to you. It’s the same on my end; to me, kids….young humans…are ‘benevolent’. Better word is ‘innocent’. It’s hard to explain kids to someone who’s never been a kid.”</p> -
Kal listened to what Jet spoke of the girl, and then replied to Jet’s comment of it’s restraint. “I was not trained to destroy all targets. Civilian casualties were unacceptable. As such, I wad taught to be able to control my lethality when necessary. I was also not always used as a weapon directly, sometimes, a tool. I did not kill you, because you were viewed as no threat to me.” Kal blinked at the part that he said children were benevolent.
“All children are benevolent?” Kal asked for confirmation.
<p class=”p1″>Jet frowned at the floor for a bit. “Kids are… Well, it’s hard to explain. I’ve met more than one that’s seriously messed up in the head and ready to kill, but someone made them that way. Usually ’cause their dad’s a drunk bastard or something like that. Kids’ll steal and do all kinds of shit, but they’re just trying to survive. They have to be tough because they’re vulnerable out here. They have to grow up real fast.”</p>
<p class=”p2″></p>
<p class=”p1″>He’d met more than his share of very young children doing terrible things in order to stay alive, but in Jet’s mind it was different. Many of them still retained a portion of innocence that was lost to others, usually those who were being shielded by older siblings, friends or parents.</p>
<p class=”p2″></p>
<p class=”p1″>”Kids are more likely to be benevolent.” he clarified at length. “They don’t have enough experience to be as jacked up as the rest of us, but it depends. The girl down there…she was still young, and there might be a chance for her to get out of here before her life is destroyed. I didn’t want to ruin that for her.”</p> -
Kal mulled over what Jet had said…so it would seem most children are benevolent…still, perhaps they were not to be underestimated for such seemingly physically incapable entities. That one was nimble and managed to cause more than superficial damage to it…an air of caution should be used around them. “…We should consider where we are to go now. I no longer trust the forest. Something is there. Something perhaps worse, than what is encountered here….I recall one scientist had a phrase for this….”Stick with the devil you know.” Kal even mimicked the man’s voice when it said that.
“I am unsure of our options….”
<p class=”p1″>Jet looked at Kal, a grim smile quirking his lips at that familiar phrase, and the way the creature changed his voice.</p>
<p class=”p1″>”You’re good at that imitating stuff…we’ll have to use that sometime. Anyway, I agree on staying in the city. The forest is nice, but not at night. Not sure where else we’d go, though. It’s hard to find anything that’s squatter-free or structurally sound. Plus, we gotta keep you from being seen.”</p>
<p class=”p1″>With a heavy breath, he readjusted the crutches under his arms and limped a few feet closer to the edge of the roof. Gazing out at the rest of the city, he frowned and fell into a thoughtful silence. Where they were now Kal wasn’t likely to be seen until he took off from the roof, but that was the problem everywhere. How could they find a place that wasn’t taken, was reasonably livable, and out of the way of as much of the population as possible, without being completely cut off? they still needed supplies and power, and to avoid whatever was lurking in the forest.</p>
<p class=”p2″>Jet mulled these problems over in silence, feeling his leg throb more and more, and his body demand for rest. Eventually, he had to sit down on the edge of the roof, but it was a long time before he said anything. He was going over a map of the city in his mind for their options. The list was alarmingly short.</p>
<p class=”p2″>”I think our best bet is to head out to Thorn Hill….it’s near the outskirts where the water plant is. You remember that…you drank there. There’s some old houses nearby, built around the Rocks. People around here say there’s a compound or something built around the top of the Rocks. I don’t know if that’s true but we could at least look.”</p> -
Kal nods. “It is within your judgement I trust….” Kal says as it spreads it’s wings and looks over to the direction specified. As it stretches it’s wings. But then suddenly it crouches back down quickly. Quick enough that it actually struck the floor when it moved. It then looks slowly over to the hospital as it goes further to the center of the roof.
“That…that female you told me of. She is looking at us. She seen me…” Even Kal’s tail is lowered. At the window of the hospital on about the second floor. She looking at Jet. And then she narrows her eyes and knocks on the window with her first. Mouthing something apparently. Trying to say. “Hey!” She doesn’t actually make much noise but seems to really want Jet’s attention. Kal can’t destroy her. No…not everything could be solved with violence. Though it considered a non-lethal incapacitation, it didn’t say anything…
<p class=”p1″>(Sorry for the late reply; this week was hectic O_O)</p>
<p class=”p2″>Jet wasn’t sure Kal should trust his judgment too much, but he said nothing about it. At least the creature hadn’t ended up in the hands of a psychopath, who might have tried to use him as a weapon. But then Kal may not have gone along with it, anyway. He seemed to lean heavily toward not blindly attacking.</p>
<p class=”p1″>Jet’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Kal’s body hitting the roof, which caused him to automatically throw himself down as well. He hadn’t even thought about it, just reacting to the movement out of the corner of his eye, and the noise. As pain shot up his leg, Jet gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to clutch the area. Instead, he lifted his head and glanced up at Kal, who had moved several feet away from the roof’s edge. He didn’t see the girl until he had half-lifted his body up, and their eyes locked.</p>
<p class=”p2″>”Shit!” he hissed, eyes darting from Kal to the girl and back again. What should they do? He didn’t want her killed, nuisance as she was, and felt glad that Kal didn’t automatically shoot her or something, but he was beginning to wonder. With growing urgency, he glanced around at teh other roofs, trying to think of a strategy. If she wanted him to just mosey on over there and answer her obvious questions it was not going to happen. If she kept shouting, however, the noise might bring someone else to that window.</p>
<p class=”p1″>”Kal, can you knock her out from here? Like, not to hurt her, but just….use your sound stuff to knock her unconscious? Otherwise we just gotta bail before a nurse comes to see what she’s yelling about and hope no one believes her.” That was his trump-card in this case; the girl was young, she’d had a head injury, and her description of Kal would be written off as a hallucination. Unless…</p>
<p class=”p2″>”If any of the docs in the clinic were also working in the Underground we’re totally screwed.” he realized, grimacing. “Dammit…we might have to grab her and take her with us.” He wasn’t sure, though, he couldn’t be sure which course of action was the best.</p> -
The girl wasn’t actually. Indeed. She didn’t want to draw attention to herself from the Doctor. That wasn’t her objective. She stopped as soon as Jet looked over. She then looked around and pointed at where Kal was crouching. Having remembered said position it was in.
Kal was unsure of the correct course of action. Jet suggested incapacitation and he also suggested taking her with him.
Ultimately. It was up to him. Kal couldn’t forsee things on human matters. “Which course action would be best?”
<p class=”p1″>Jet frowned, but did nothing for a few moments but stare hard at the girl. She was still injured, but seemed able to move around, which was a good sign. Bringing her with them would be dangerous to her, but it might be even more dangerous if they left her there. Not only would Kal’s existence be discovered, but the girl could be tortured if she didn’t give them all the information they wanted. After what Jet had seen in the Underground he had every reason to believe that would happen.</p>
<p class=”p2″></p>
<p class=”p1″>”We’ll have to take her with us.” He growled after a long pause. Little as he liked it, Jet couldn’t think of any better options. Every instinct told him that this was the best way to go.</p>
<p class=”p2″></p>
<p class=”p1″>Ignoring the pain in his leg, Jet held the girl’s gaze and mimed the action of opening the window at which she now stood. It was large enough to pull someone small through the top-half, which was the only movable part. The bottom-half was secured for safety reasons. Jet mimed this a few times, mouthing, “Open window”, and then placing a finger to his lips to indicate that she should be quiet. He hoped she would understand even this much; it wasn’t like he’d be able to give her a longer explanation. What he wanted to avoid was making too much noise or drawing attention to what they were about to do.</p>
<p class=”p2″></p>
<p class=”p1″>When he was fairly sure she understood, Jet looked over his shoulder at Kal and said, “The only way I can think of is to go over to that roof, get your tail in the window and pull her out from there. We can bring her over here, or take her somewhere safe and talk…I hope. I just want to try and get her out without anyone noticing.”</p>
<p class=”p2″></p>
<p class=”p1”>If she screamed, if glass broke, if a nurse or doctor came running…things could be very bad. They would almost certainly be worse if she decided to talk to the doctors about Kal, and even if the doctors weren’t corrupt he could bet on other interested parties hearing about her story and getting involved.</p> -
She could read lips and then opened the window immediately. Kal then stood to reveal itself. And jumped on the roof. It stood idly. Keeping track of where everyone was looking at the same time and everyone’s position.
The girl ran back to her bed and assumed a position as if she had been in it the entire time. ‘There is someone entering the room.’ The Doctor asked if she was alright, because he thought he heard something. She said it was just a draft. The doctor nodded and then he just left.
Right after. Kal then entered the room walking over to the girl. Her face being less fear and more, anger as Kal got closer. “Here to…to finish the job?” She hissed quietly at it. “No.” Was Kal’s answer.
With that it picked the girl up with it’s tail. It’s 3 fingers going along her slender preteen figure easily. More easily than Jet’s even. It them turned to the window and waiting about 30 seconds, climbed to the window and jumped back over to Jet.
“….Thanks. I was getting sick of that place.” She muttered.
She looks at Kal with a…straight sort of hostile, upset look. Its like looking at a Chihuahua stare down a pitbull. If Kal was a pitbull however, it was a very calm one.
<p class=”p1″>The wait was nerve-wracking. Jet could do nothing but watch and try to keep out of sight, a position he hated. What made his teeth grind was the fact that the very person Kal was rescuing was the same one who had shot him, and lost Jet his home. If he hadn’t thought this was the best course of action he would have left the scene with Kal at once and let the kid fend for herself. Not that Jet could have done such a thing; she was, after all, still just a child.</p>
<p class=”p2″></p>
<p class=”p1″>Even so, the moment the girl was set down on the roof, Jet looked her up and down with a kind of cold gravity that was as far from friendliness as possible. Her glaring at Kal wasn’t helping matters.</p>
<p class=”p2″></p>
<p class=”p1″>”He just pulled you out of ‘that place’.” Jet reminded her, “And he’s also my friend. I’d turn off the nasty looks if I were you.” In the back of his mind he was impressed at the girl for not freaking out, and even more for standing up to Kal with surprisingly little fear.</p>
<p class=”p2″></p>
<p class=”p1″>Glancing at the creature himself, Jet’s expression softened somewhat. “Thanks, buddy. We should get going before the doctors come looking for her. However you can get us all out of here is fine.” Even if it meant being carried by Kal’s strange, long fingers. Jet shuddered a bit at that thought.</p>
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