1×1 RPs, anyone?
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Active 7 years ago
Just looking for a little private rping! MxM friendship or romance in a number of different... View more
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Just looking for a little private rping! MxM friendship or romance in a number of different settings, with action and world building and maybe hurt/comfort, too! We could do all sorts of things, if you’re interested in in-depth character stuff. Sticking with OCs, unless you happen to know Gundam Wing, Princess Tutu or Free! Iwatobi Swim Club.
The Underground
(The video wouldn’t load T_T )
Honestly, the young man hadn’t expected it to talk, and even when it did, he half-wondered if he’d imagined the sound. The creature’s voice didn’t echo off the walls like his did, but sounded like it had been whispered close to his ear. Maybe he had finally just lost his mind. He wouldn’t have been surprised about that. This whole thing was one long, protracted nightmare. Maybe he was just hearing voices.
Even so, the thing was looking right at him, and if he somehow hadn’t snapped yet, he had heard a voice… The boy gulped a bit, then inexplicably found himself asking the foremost question on his mind, almost before he could stop himself.
“Why did you save me?”
“Because, you are the only thing I have met that has not attacked.” The creature says as it treads. Approaching an elevator door.
The young man couldn’t help but shudder at this. He had meant to attack, though only in self-defense. It was clear that the creature would not have taken kindly to such a thing.
This was only one answer to a million questions, but he hesitated on whether or not to ask more. The young man was glad the thing hadn’t bitten his head off yet, but it might if he was too nosy.
After a short silence, however, he found himself asking questions again. “Look, maybe it’s none of my business, but….what are you, exactly? Did someone make you down here? I mean… what is this place?”
The creature walks up to the elevator door and proceeds to slip it’s claw in between the doors and pry it open. “There is no name for what I am. Only a number. 48. I am called model 48. Yes. I was made. This place is not a place I know well. I do not know all of that is done here.” The creature looks down the deep. Dark elevator shaft. “Nor do I know of all that is here.”
The creature jumps across the the gap in the shaft to the opposing wall and sticks to the wall with its palms. It’s tail then seems to stretch and extend as it grabs the boy and pulls him with it into the shaft. And it lifts him with it’s tail.
The creature looks on the boy and then says in an odd way. “What are you, benevolent being?” Then it returns its gaze up as it climbs and listens to his answer.
The boy let out a yelp, not liking the feel of that tail slithering around his midsection. Even if he was starting to think the creature might not kill him, it didn’t take away his fear. He clung to the tail with both hands, surprised to feel that it wasn’t completely metal, but somewhat fleshy. No name for it indeed.
After the first moments of panic, in which he somehow managed to hold onto his gun, the boy was able to look back at the creature for a moment before shutting his eyes tightly. If he looked down, he’d lose it; having his legs dangle over hundreds of feet of dark nothing was bad enough.
“I….I’m…..human….” he stammered, gulping. At least the creature thought of him as benevolent; that was a good sign. He took a few deep breaths to steady himself, and added, “They never gave you a name? Whoever ‘they’ are… I mean, who made you, exactly? Why did they make you?” Maybe now all the questions were to keep him from freaking out. It wasn’t heights so much as not being in control plus heights.
“There was never an apparent need for me to have a name, I suspect. I know their names. I do know from what they discussed me to be used for. As weapon, and for reconnaissance. My body contains and acoustic based weapons system based on the military’s L.R.A.D and D.S.R acoustic devices.” It had a surprising amount of knowledge about itself. However, there were many holes in what it knew. It did not know everything. It hopped to the opposing door in seconds. Starting to pry it open. Then it walks in. This floor was the floor they were previously on, on the other side of the debris that obstructed their path.
The creature climbs in and puts the boy down. They closes the door behind itself. Sinking it’s claws into the door. Forcing it closed. It looks around cautiously. As something else seemed to be on this floor before. It stands on two legs looking around a corner in this hallway. Some people from before had been clearly killed, having no limbs and missing heads. The creature from below came from the hospital area below but, up here. It seemed like something completely different. Perhaps it is gone, or if they see it, they can evade it…
‘Quite well-spoken for a monster’….the boy thought to himself. Monster wasn’t really the right word, anyway, even if by its own admission it was to be used as a weapon. It had been created to be one, which wasn’t its fault, any more than it was the boy’s fault for being a street urchin. He couldn’t help feeling a little sorry that it only had a number, rather than a name. Numbers were dehumanizing…or demoralizing, in a non-human’s case.
Still, as he tried not to look at the bodies littering the hallway, the boy couldn’t help but think that the thing was still dangerous. It might choose to kill him any moment once it decided he was no longer ‘benevolent’. People had a tendency to turn on him, too. Though he held his gun at the ready against other attackers, he was prepared to shoot this thing if he had to. Kill or be killed, even if he actually hoped it wouldn’t come to that.
“I don’t know what…what L.R.A.D. or D.S.R. means, but I get the feeling there’s more than one of your kind running around. Or maybe like that blue thing…whatever it was.” He shuddered involuntarily, stepping over a body to stand beside the creature again, peering around its shoulder. Then, looking up, he frowned more deeply. “What are you planning to do, anyway? To escape this place? I mean, I’ll follow you out, and I’m grateful for the help, but I don’t know what you’d do out there. It’s not…” he paused, shaking his head. “It’s not much better up there.” Not much- he’d still rather be there than here.
The creature stopped. And looked at the boy. “Anywhere is better then here. I am tired to being condemned by these halls…I do not know what I will do when I reach the outside.” It continues walking. “What is the reason for you benevolence? Clearly, you were not from the here, like I originally deducted….”
“Definitely not from here.” the boy muttered, shaking his head. “As far as my ‘benevolence’….honestly, I don’t think I’m that benevolent. I just have a rule about not fighting if I don’t have to. Mostly because I don’t win a lot of fights against bigger guys, but also it’s kinda counterproductive. We all gotta fight to survive, why waste energy killing each other? Anyway, Mom taught me better than that.”
The boy was surprised at himself for saying so much about what he thought, and openly. These things had been in his head for awhile, but he was so used to being on his own that they usually went unsaid. Nervously, he paused and frowned, blue eyes flickering over at the creature, but it seemed to be watching ahead.
“After you saved me, it didn’t seem right to shoot you.” he admitted this to the creature, and himself. At the time, he had cursed himself for being weak, but that wasn’t the real reason.
“I was referring to when I was being attacked. You saved me from that being who attacked me. I was asking why, when I was so indifferent to you. You had saved me, before I saved you.” The creature looked to the boy only when it spoke. And it looked around every corner it came across. Sticking its head out. And looking around before it would proceed.
The boy frowned- he was stumped there. Honestly, there was no immediate reason that came to mind. He had simply acted in the moment, not even sure it would work out in the end.
“I don’t know, to be honest.” he said slowly, turning the incident over in his mind, “I guess…. I guess…. something felt right about killing that thing, but not you. You were just trying to get out, like me.” A deep frown pulled at his brows and lips. This all seemed like a dream, still, and his head ached. Maybe he’d just gone crazy?
“What was that thing, anyway? And why did it try to kill you?”
The creature looks at the boy and then says “I do not know. A weapon? An experiment? An invention? Something they found and brought here? I only know what I have overheard from them. I know little more of this place and this world then that.”
“I guess we’re both pretty lost, then.” the boy said, meaning they didn’t know what else was down here.
Then, he thought of the other meaning of that phrase, and gripped his gun handle more tightly. What if they were stuck down here forever? What if the creature had to eat, and its toleration of his presence ceased?
“Uh…do you know how to get out of here? because this is a different way than I came in.” On the other hand, there were plenty of dead bodies for the creature to eat, maybe that would tide it over?
(Do you want me to come up with any of the underground creatures, or do you just want to take care of that yourself? I’m fine either way, I just don’t want you to have to do all the work ^^)
The creature stops. It makes an open squacking noise for a few seconds. Then it turns around. “Allow me to correct this path.” It says as it has mapped most of the building out and is proceeding the correct way out the lab.
The young man followed, having to trot a bit to keep up. His strange companion had a longer stride than he did.
“I’m not sure how to get out of here from this direction, though…” he said hastily. “You shouldn’t follow me. I was following you. What is that noise you keep making, anyway?” Somehow, the fear he had felt toward the creature was starting to melt away, bit by bit.
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