1×1 RPs, anyone?
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Active 7 years ago
Just looking for a little private rping! MxM friendship or romance in a number of different... View more
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Just looking for a little private rping! MxM friendship or romance in a number of different settings, with action and world building and maybe hurt/comfort, too! We could do all sorts of things, if you’re interested in in-depth character stuff. Sticking with OCs, unless you happen to know Gundam Wing, Princess Tutu or Free! Iwatobi Swim Club.
The Underground
Jet couldn’t help feeling shaky and staying low against the concrete for a few moments as his muscles finally unlocked. If he had to do that ever again… Well, as he fully expected 48 to just leave when he was done, the boy was already thinking of the quickest and safest route back to the city. He only had one bullet left in his gun, so he’d have to be careful.
Thinking about 48 leaving made him feel a bit empty, so he decided to distract himself. The wind up here was cold, so he pulled his hood over his black hair again, tying it tightly, and searched through his pockets and on his belt to make sure he hadn’t lost anything. Swiss Army knife? Check. Gun and holster? Check. Hunting knife? Still strapped to his leg under his pants. Check.
Jet went through his meager belongings, a bit bummed about losing what little he’d found in the bombed lab, but he hadn’t had the chance to tie any of it down anyway. Only a piece of sharp metal remained in the front pouch pocket of his jacket. He’d picked it up partly because it would make a good weapon for spearing fish, when it was the season, or just for whatever he needed. Plus, it had this cool bluish sheen which he kind of liked. Oh well, he wasn’t going down there again.
48 leaned down to the murky pool and it puts its face into it. The water actually going into holes at the roof and floor of the jaw in 48’s mouth. It did not have an actual tongue since that it didnt really need one. The water’s contents not bothering 48 at all, as it drank and sipped for about 30 seconds and then rose to look off into the city.
“I am finished.” It said as it stood up and looked at the boy. It crouching down on all 4s. As it soon just. Stands there. Looking at the boy. Not really able to make a facial expression. Though it does seem like it’s expecting something.
Jet watched 48 drink, though it looked strange to him. The boy was covering both mouth and nose with his sleeve to block out the bad smell, so his own expression was hard to read. 48 may not have been able to read faces anyway, but if he had been, he would have seen many different emotions play out on the boy’s face. Confusion, hope, fear, longing, all seemed to make Jet’s brows pucker.
He said nothing for a long while, then slowly got to his feet, biting his lip behind his sleeve. “Listen…48…you don’t have to stay with me. I mean, I appreciate it, and…I…I like having you around, but… You shouldn’t feel obligated. If you don’t wanna keep dragging me all over, or if I’m slowing you down, I’ll understand if you just leave me here and go your own way. I can get back to the city on foot.” Secretly, Jet couldn’t help wondering why it was so hard to say this, and why his throat suddenly felt tight. It wasn’t just the stench of the murky water. The image of those wings spreading, and that strangely-shaped body disappearing into the night sky made his chest hurt.
48 tilts it’s head curiously at the spike in Jet’s vitals and at how he is acting strangely. He seems to dislike the thought of 48 leaving. 48 never actually planned to do it or thought about it actually. It then actually occurred to 48 that he may actually make the boy feel as if he is inferior to him. If it chose to leave, then what of Jet. Will he simply be laying face first in the street. 48 would he rather content to simply see more of this city. It was all fascinating enough to it.
48 then said after about 1 seconds of the boy saying that. “I do not wish to go.”
In spite of 48’s previous behavior, Jet was honestly surprised by this statement. The hand covering his face fell to his side, and he stared for a moment, having the strangest urge to grin like a maniac. Why, though? Why did he suddenly feel so light-hearted at the prospect of a creature so dangerous staying near him? Why did that not even matter so much? Jet must have been very lonely indeed to wish for such a companion.
“You want to stay with me for now, huh?” Jet tried to play it cool. No need to get too worked up; this probably wasn’t a permanent arrangement. No one ever stayed long in Jet’s experience. Still, he had to smile at 48. “I’m glad.” Very glad.
Then, because he didn’t want to belabor the moment, in case 48 changed his mind, Jet stretched a bit and looked out toward the city, and the small areas of forest and suburbs around it. Right now there was a lull in the fighting, so things were pretty quiet. From here, the city almost seemed beautiful, with its lights twinkling in the night sky.
“So, what do you want to see now? Oh…and we should come up with a name for you. Something crazy scientists didn’t come up with.” Not that he had anything specific in mind, apart from the kind of stupid stuff you’d get in a comic book. Hercules, Goliath, that kind of dreck. 48 had to go, though, it was too….mechanical, too impersonal.
“What do you suggest I be called then?” 48 looked at the boy. It didn’t really mind being given another name. 48 was not something it minded being called, nor was it something it particularly liked. It was more, neutral. The boy seemed to be taking in the sights. 48 decided to do so as well, as the city, dark or not, caught it’s gaze. It didn’t really know anything else and even so, it saw the city, as simply nature.
“I don’t know yet.” Jet replied, looking back at the creature. Its strange profile was set against the full moon, reminding the boy of a panel from a comic book, or something similar. “It’s gotta be right, though. 48…that’s your old life. That’s the old you. You’re out now, and free. You need a new name.”
Another pause followed this, in which the boy frowned in thought, trying to think of anything ‘cool’ enough. “I can throw some ideas out, I guess, and you choose which one you like. Hmm…. Goliath, Samson, Batman…heh….uh…Hercules, Zeus, Achilles, Ace… Boomer…I dunno, that one’s kinda stupid. Just because you tend to make things explode…”
(If there’s anything you want to name him, let me know, and Jet will suggest it.)
“It is your choice.” 48 looked off towards the city and then at the area and then back at Jet. “This not the area in which you reside. Is it? Perhaps it would be best we return. I do not wish to be here when the “sun” rises and the area is no longer shrouded in darkness.”
Jet frowned, then nodded at this. “Yeah, probably a good idea. I live halfway across town- probably wouldn’t have gotten there before the sun came back up by the looks of it. Besides…” his mouth opened in a wide yawn, “I’m beat. You may not need to sleep, but I do.”
Even the prospect of flying again he could face, so long as he got back to his crappy mattress. Passing out sounded good right about now. “I’ll think about a good name for you when my head’s not mush.”
“Where is your place of residence?” 48 asked the boy as it spread it’s wings to ready them.
Jet knew what was coming, and could at least steel himself for it. With a small, nervous swallow, he pointed Southward. “That way. I’ll show you as we go…it’s kinda hard to explain if you don’t know the street names or anything.” Making sue his hood was tied tightly, and everything else was secured, he prepared for the unnerving means of travel like a man prepares to march into battle. Maybe if 48 stuck around he’d get used to it…
48 opened it’s wings and flapped them as it then hovered for moment flapping it’s wings. Then it grabbed him by the shoulders and then they were off as 48 flapped powerfully. And then the boy could hear a noise from 48’s back and they began picking up speed as 48 stopped flapping.
On 48’s back Jet heard what actually sounded like well. A jet coming from 48’s back and they got much faster much more quickly as they flew. It was coming from jets that stuck out of 48’s back. Now more elongated. The flames from it were not visible because 48 was burning pure hydrogen. Soon it felt a lot like being on a highway as they zipped through the air at give or take 80 mph, 48 flapping it’s wings less frequently. Then it zipped around high in the air.
Eventually the jet got less powerful as 48 flapped it’s wings more and came down to more of a cruising speed looking down on the area. Whenever Jet would point down, it would look down at wherever he specified.
(Yeah. I’ll let you come up with a name. Kinda better that way imo.)
(Ok! Hopefully I’ll find one that doesn’t suck ^^’)
Jet tried not to let panic overtake him, even as he felt that horrible swirling motion of his gut upon takeoff. On the one hand, maybe it was worse because he hadn’t eaten in more than a day, but on the other hand food in his stomach probably wouldn’t have helped. Going faster wasn’t doing much for his stomach, either. Honestly, Jet would have been very impressed if he wasn’t so terrified. It was all he could do to keep his eyes open so he knew where they were going, but part of that was because the wind was making them water so much.
With the help of the jets on 48’s back, they reached the city in a matter of minutes. The boy was glad to slow down, even if they weren’t landing yet; so far, flying was not enjoyable at all. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he looked down over the buildings, scanning the streets and pathways with the knowledge of one who had been on plenty of rooftops. After a moment, he pointed down and to the left, toward a particularly dark and broken patch of city.
“There….the building between the Pawn It Now and the Laundry-Land.” In spite of the battle that had so recently crashed through their city, the denizens of Valley Center seemed to be able to carry on with their lives. Some of the businesses were still open, even though others had been bombed out or broken into. The shopkeepers tended to pack major heat, but then who could blame them? At least they didn’t have the larger armies to worry about, as those had moved Southward after dropping their bombs. Most had missed the city, going for a base ten miles out.
“Go ahead and land on the roof- that’s where I live anyway- the ‘penthouse’.” Jet used the word ironically- yes, it was the only apartment on the roof, but it had also been built illegally, and was falling apart. The only reason he lived there was because no one else wanted it.
Suddenly, a thought occurred to him, and he laughed. “You know? Up ’til now I hated where I was living, because it’s 12 flights up on the top of a building. Now I guess a rooftop apartment is the best thing I could have with you around.”
48 began to slow as the jet turned off. Gliding down to the rooftop penthouse jet pointed to and pulling up to slow down and evade a rough landing. 48 came to a stop in the air and dropped jet on the roof and landed on the top of the roof. It then stopped flapping and landed on the ground.
The shabby building not really being any more or any less pleasing to it then a rich building would be. A shelter and place to hide should it need was all it needed. A cave of under a rock would be simple enough for the creature. It looked around the place, starting to walk around and sniff to become familiar with the scents. This is so that if something attempts to enter later, that they 48 would be able to notice the new scent. Should one attempt to enter this building.
The second landing that night was less awkward, as Jet knew what to expect. His legs didn’t get shocked as they had done, but he still knew work was needed on his form or he’d have constant shin splints. He had to admit, though, that for such a powerful creature, 48 was rather careful of him. For that, the boy was grateful.
He was also deeply grateful for the fact that the building was 12 floors, and taller than most in the area. Hopefully that way they’d avoid anyone noticing his new friend.
Jet paused for a moment in dusting off his shabby clothes. The term may have been tenuous, but it had sprung up automatically. Ally was a closer term, but whatever. He’d go with it. Giving a motion of his hand, he directed 48’s attention to the old metal door which led into his ‘apartment’. Pulling out a key from a chain around his neck, he unlocked the padlock, the put in the number code on the other lock, both of which held the door shut. Taking the chains off, he pushed the door open, and beckoned 48 in silently, still cautious in case someone should be watching from one of the taller buildings a few blocks away.
The door was shut, bolted, and chained from the inside. It was clear that Jet did this often, because he didn’t even bother turning on any lights, and only a dim orange glow came in through a crack in the old blinds. Once he was finished securing the location, Jet turned and moved to the middle of the room. Reaching up, he a cord hanging down from a lightbulb, revealing in its full, shabby glory, the only place he could call ‘home’.
To anyone else, it might have seemed depressingly bleak. The front room was small, but there was space enough for 48 to move around if he folded his wings and didn’t stand up on his hind legs. The room itself was dark and somewhat grimy, with cracked walls and ‘furniture’ that could hardly deserve the term. Against one wall was a lumpy old mattress with threadbare blankets and a dirty pillow, next to an old, half-broken shelf with some books and supplies, a radio and a small TV. Against another wall was another shelf with a small amount of packaged and canned food. In front of that stood a low table made from cinderblocks and a warped plank of pressboard. On that was a basket with some greasy utensils and a few odd plates and bowls. A tiny old refrigerator stood in one corner near the ‘table’, humming away rather loudly.
“Welcome to my place.” Jet said, finally removing his jacket and tossing it on the mattress. “I know it’s not much, but you’re welcome to it. Just don’t try any of the other rooms if you don’t want the roof collapsing on you. Only this one and the bathroom are still standing.”
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