1×1 RPs, anyone?
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Active 7 years ago
Just looking for a little private rping! MxM friendship or romance in a number of different... View more
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Just looking for a little private rping! MxM friendship or romance in a number of different settings, with action and world building and maybe hurt/comfort, too! We could do all sorts of things, if you’re interested in in-depth character stuff. Sticking with OCs, unless you happen to know Gundam Wing, Princess Tutu or Free! Iwatobi Swim Club.
The Underground
48 crouched on all 4s as it walked around the small room. 47 maneuvered about carefully and accidentally knocks a basketball of the table. It snaps around watching this thing it had never seen. It’s tail split into 3s digits as it picked the object up and examined it. Making a clicking noise as it looked otherwise mundane object to the average person up. It then dropped it. And watched it bounce, it’s eyes not leaving the spherical object. Then it simply stared at it as it began to roll. “Intriguing…” 48 picks the ball up with it’s tail and bounces it again. Then it watches it, crouched down. It’s eyes following it a bit as it looked under it, while it went up and down.
Jet watched with a bemused smile as 48 studied a basketball he’d found a few weeks ago and decided to keep. It was old but still usable, and there was a court not too far away Jet sometimes visited.
“Never seen a ball before, I guess.” He couldn’t help being reminded of a dog or a cat, given the way 48’s golden eyes followed the ball with interest. Gradually, the bounces decreased without assistance, but 48 seemed to still be fascinated.
Jet left him to it for a moment, grabbing a can of beans and popping the top, then spooning the contents almost greedily into his mouth. His stomach had long ago ceased its growling, which meant he was past the point of hunger and starting to go into starvation mode. That wasn’t good- he’d been there before, and would rather not again.
“Can you tell what the ball’s made of, just by looking at it?” he asked out of curiosity, mouth still half full of beans.
It’s attention was swayed for a moment. Then it spoke. “Yes. If I know the material. I can identify the materials. This ball is made out of primarily of inflatable rubber on the interior, with the outer layer consisting of leather.”
It took the ball and held it up. “What is the the purpose of this device? Is it a tool? A weapon? Or perhaps it is for recreational purposes?”
Jet had to laugh about the way 48 was talking about a basketball, of all things. However, he tried to not laugh too loudly out of politeness. It was kind of…sweet?…in a way.
“recreational purposes…though I guess you could use it as a weapon if you were hard up for anything else. Here…”
Placing his half-eaten can of beans on the ‘table’, Jet went over and took the ball from 48’s fingered tail, bouncing it a bit between his hands. He didn’t have to look at what he was doing, but kept his eyes on the creature. “You can play with it in different ways. There’s the simple way, where I toss it and you catch, then do the same for me.”
Saying this, he made a quick movement of his hand and lightly pushed it into the air between them. Nothing fast- there wasn’t room- just a demonstration.
“There’s also keep-away and shooting hoops and stuff, but it’s too small in here for that. Maybe tomorrow night we can find an empty space and just toss it around for awhile.”
48 stopped the ball catching it with it’s tail under the ball. Assessing the situation well. Though the first thing that came to its mind was to smack it out of the air like it would an RPG or stray bullet. Then it bounced it on the floor up and down. 48 stared at it for a few seconds and then it wasn’t really too long before it was listening to jet.
Some of the thing jet mentioned right over 48’s head. Keep away and shooting hoops. It was confusing. Then 48 thinks that he is probably talking about firearms. But more information was needed. Why would he be firing on a hoop? “You open fire on a hoop as a target? And this keep away…are you training for maneuvres?” It tilted its head a bit curious as to what this boy was talking about.
Jet blinked at him for a moment, then laughed outright, not even trying to hide it. “I guess I gotta be careful about how I say things. No, ‘shooting hoops’ is a basketball term. It means you throw the basketball through a hoop; no guns involved. And keep away is something else you do when playing basketball…the game is called basketball, and so is the ball. Maybe that’s confusing, too… But anyway, keep away just means that you try to keep the ball away from anyone who’s not on your team. So, basketball is keep away and shooting hoops, all in one game. Aaaaaand I’ve probably confused you even more.”
Jet grabbed the can of beans and shoveled more into his mouth, still chuckling. “Sometime I’ll teach you how to play. There’s more to life than ‘maneuvers’ and ‘training’ and ‘being a weapon’. You can have fun now.”
As he said that, a thought occurred to him, and the boy swallowed thickly, nearly choking on his dinner. Looking at the creature before him, he wondered aloud, “Can you have fun? I mean…I don’t know if you can understand that, or emotions… Do you feel emotions?”
The thought wiped any trace of a smile from his lips, which were sticky with bean juice anyway. He licked it off, frowning. What if 48 couldn’t feel? Or have fun? Jet didn’t know why that should be so damned important, but it kind of was, for reasons he couldn’t put into words.
48 looks at Jet and pauses for about three seconds. “I do “feel” though….I am not sure that what I feel is the same as what you “feel.” I experience sensations and emotion. I do not however know if any of these sensations are the one that you call “fun…”
It says nothing for a few moments. Then it says straightly to jet. “This word. Fun. Define it.”
“I think ‘fun’ is something you have to learn, anyway. Plenty of regular humans know jack about it.” He rolled his eyes a bit, gulping down the last of the beans and tossing the can into a trash bin by the fridge.
When asked to define ‘fun’, however, he found himself as much at a loss as those ‘regular humans’ who wouldn’t know fun if it danced on their heads. Jet was feeling exhaustion catching up with him as it was, and his brain started to fill with cotton, making it difficult to think clearly.
“Define fun….define fun…” he muttered to himself, wandering over to the old mattress in the corner and lying down on it, arms behind his head. “Fun is…uh…hell, I don’t know how to describe it. Uh…it’s doing something that makes you happy or excited just for the hell of doing it. That kinda leads to some dickheads doing bad stuff because they think it’s ‘fun’, but we’ll stick to stuff that doesn’t hurt anyone. Basketball is fun, because it gets your blood pumping, and your whole body is working together, but it’s not dangerous or harmful. You just do it because you get enjoyment out of making a basket.”
48 didn’t say anything, but it looked away seemingly pondering over jets words. It’s tail sways back and forth a bit, it not knocking anything over, looking off at nothing in particular.
Jet had been up for more than 24 hours by now, and was starting to fade fast. He ought to have been terrified of falling asleep with such a thing as 48 in the same room, but honestly the boy didn’t feel like his companion was any kind of threat. That, and he was far too tired to care much. He just closed his eyes, still talking but not very coherently.
“Sometime you oughta learn about fun…bet the people who made you never let you have any. They must have been creating you to fight in the war….” He yawned, rolling over onto his side. “I’m glad you’re out of there… you can live your own life now….”
Before jet was aware, sleep had overtaken him, and the many more questions he had about 48 faded into the back of his mind for later.
48 watched Jet and listened to him as he went on. His eyes closing. Seems he would be going to sleep soon. Still. It kept his words in mind, and then looked off at the wall as the boy began to sleep. Though 48 could sleep, it had no desire to. Not tonight. It would stay in that same spot, the entire night. As the boy who found him fell to sleep. 48 stared at the wall. As still as a statue, thoughts bouncing around it’s head as it was still for several hours until it would decide to move.
Jet hadn’t meant to fall asleep, as was clear by the fact that he hadn’t bothered to remove his shoes, or cover himself with his one ragged blanket. This only became a problem later in the night when his room became very cold, and the boy started to shiver in his sleep. However, he was too exhausted to wake fully and cover himself.
Once in awhile, as he slept, the boy’s face would twitch, and he would mumble something, but he didn’t wake. Mostly, he slept through the night without interruption, until early in the morning, close to sunrise. His dreams had started to turn bad, and his relaxed expression puckered into a frown. After awhile, he started to mutter in his sleep, like he was talking to someone. The words were jumbled, unclear; it sounded as though he was giving out a verbal warning that went unheeded. Jet rolled over, accidentally lying on his gun, which wasn’t going to discharge but would probably leave a bruise in the morning. He’d forgotten to remove his gun belt…
(Giving 48 a chance to observe a human sleeping. He doesn’t have to do anything.)
48’s eyes went towards jet as he shuffled in bed. Was he not asleep? Why was he moving. He was mumbling some things. Sounded as if he was warning something. Perhaps it was one of those illusions people had at night. “Dreams” are the common term for them. 48 wondered what purpose they had. It could not dream. Perhaps humans sometimes see the future. Curious creatures humans were to it…
48 watched jet sleep for a while. Not getting bored like one would think.
(So how do you feel about NPCs?)
(Oh, I’m fine with them! I like to focus on only a few characters, but NPCs are definitely necessary to flesh out a story! Did you have an NPC you wanted to post about? Or should I write my reply now?)
Jet’s sleep-patterns became more broken, his muttering more urgent. Reaching out with his hand, he seemed to be grabbing for something which wasn’t there, and not finding, it, began to curse. Still, he continued to sleep and to wade further into an apparent nightmare. Sweat beaded on his brow, even in the cold room, making dark hair stick to his forehead.
“No….nononono…NO!” Suddenly, his cries became louder and clearer, and he rolled over onto his stomach, then back to his side, trying to escape something or someone. “Don’t hurt him! Don’t! Leave him alone!!”
Almost as soon as he said this, Jet’s startling blue eyes snapped open, and he jerked into a sitting position, one hand covering his mouth. He was sucking air into his lungs at an alarming rate, as though afraid there wouldn’t be any left if he didn’t hurry. Both eyes closed tightly; his body shook with the effort of trying to calm down.
“It’s not real….just the same damn nightmare again…” he rasped to himself, not very convincingly. For the moment, Jet forgot there was someone else in the room with him.
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