
  • Posted by DreadedleaderofSoD on August 4, 2011 at 2:13 am

    Azure eyes locked onto the male that came to stand before her. With careful moves, she wrapped her fingers around the sleeve of his pants, clinging to the fabric gently. Pulling down gently to gain his attention once more, she narrowed her eyes into slits at his attempt to act healthy. “Your hurt to you know,” she said as if she were agitated, although she was grateful for his kindness. Her sapphire blue hair that hung over her ear was almost completely in her face now, her blue eyes visible through her thick but silky blue hair. A weak smile grew onto her child-like features, her fragile pink lips curling into the barest of smiles. “Thank you. By the way, I’m Sapphire,” She had forgotten her later anger at his attempts to hide his pain. She knew he was hurt too, but not accepting his kindness would be stupid. Still gripping onto the pant-leg, she turned her head to face where the sudden voice was, surprised to see the sudden clutter of wood and other ceiling stuff. If possible, she gripped onto the fabric harder. She was going to accept the kindness and not take advantage of it. She was scared from the voice and despised that it could have at least warned them when it would come down. What if someone were under the tiles and wood that was now on the floor in one big heap. Her bare legs brushed against the cement like ground, but her position was comfortable, at least to her anyways. (Sorry, I had to reply fast, I feel so lazy. xC)

    Fygar replied 13 years, 6 months ago 4 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • DreadedleaderofSoD

    August 4, 2011 at 2:13 am

    A basic roleplay forum, please at least put a little effort in and do around as much as the first roleplay post.

  • DreadedleaderofSoD

    August 4, 2011 at 2:13 am

    The room was filled with the stench of rot this putrid smell was overpowering and seemed to come up through the floorboards, leaving one nauseated after a short time in the area. The room was rather small maybe ten by eleven feet and was poorly kept, the floor had large cracks between the old rotting and splintering wood that in some spots one could look down between the boards but it was useless for how dark it was. The walls were made of the same poor quality wood but were covered in a cheap molding wallpaper that was peeling down the walls and even touching the ground in some spots. The room was dark but it was not impossible to see, shapes were almost out of the question but one could tell if they were close to a wall or not, the colors of the faded wallpaper and cheap wood was unknown due to the lack of light. In the corner of the room near the ground a blue sphere of light letting off just a dim glow could be seen, it was not illuminating anything but it was definitely there after a few seconds it faded away and came back almost like it had blinked. Was it someones eye? A white arc formed under the orb like a large smiled as it opened showing a mouthful of white blade like objects that seemed to shine in the lack of light, the things mouth started to move as it spoke in arrogant and cocky voice that seemed not to care for being captured ”All this for food, huh… Now look what happens when no one feeds me and I get an offer by some sketchy looking people… Maybe I should eat the other people they capture or the guards who protect this place…” (I felt lazy so this is all your getting from me today.)

  • Sapphire (サファイア)

    August 4, 2011 at 5:10 am

    Sapphire smiled at the other person like a madman. Being kept in this dreary, rodent infested place had that affect on most people. Being locked in this room was like being locked in a cell, although anybody who came here committed no crimes, or so she thought. Trailing her oceanic sapphire blue eyes across the figure, she shrugged with a nonchalant look on her child-like features. Tracing her fingers on the dusty floor she was seated on, she let her blue hair fall into her face. She was far from caring how she looked at the moment. A second passed and she was tapping her foot onto the floor, creating a rhythm she found comfort in humming along to. The other person peaked her interest, and she was sure her voice was hoarse with her little communication, she continued to sing a song she remembered only faintly, “And when the castle is feeling gloomy, I remember your voice, it was beautiful and perfect by choice, and when you suddenly stopped singing, my heart had stopped beating,” She sang along while tapping her feet, starting to rock her head into rhythm with her own movements. (Hope that’s good enough. xD)

  • DreadedleaderofSoD

    August 4, 2011 at 5:28 am

    “One eye is all I need to escape, one eye to see whats coming and one eye to help direct my movements.” He pressed his feet against the ground pushing himself up in the corner as a soft scarping sound could be heard from him sliding up into a standing position. The smile seemed to get wider as it was obvious his attention was on the girl. “You better stop singing or you will lose the ability to talk for a while, and in that state it’s hard to ask for a drink… I have no intention of staying in this room without food.” His tongue was hanging out the side of his mouth much like a dogs as he looked around the area launching towards a wall and bashing his head into it like he expected it to break only to hear a loud metallic ringing explode from the wall for a second as he fell backwards the hole in the wall was small, he was holding onto his head cursing under his breath. “No food, no water… No door and encased in a metallic cube.” He began to pace back and forth along the wall, faint growling sounds escaping his lips as he moved. A slight red light in thin lines started to shine in a large area around where his left eye should have been but it seemed to be missing or something was covering it, the light flashed out then dimmed back down, it was obvious he was highly agitated and could snap at any point. “I played along with their games to long… I don’t care for escape, I came here for food and that’s what I am going to get!”

  • Syndromonium "Ail" Sorrel

    August 4, 2011 at 7:30 am

    Despite the singing and complaining emitting from the two strangers, Albion merely rolled his pale eyes and leaned his spine against the rotting wall, creating a subtle ‘creak’ as he collided gently with the wood. His mind became a merciless tempest of thoughts as he attempted to find a reason for his imprisonment. Perhaps he was being punished for every crime he’d ever committed? There seemed to be an endless list.. A weak sigh slips between his thin, chapped lips as he sits emotionless and not seeming to care. After a few more moments of nothing but silence from him, he speaks, his voice cold and quiet-“Out of the whole world’s population, I’m placed with these strangers..?”-His voice trails off suddenly as he inhales sharply, investigating the room’s stench of decay and rotting features once more. Disgusted, he stands to stretch his wiry body and reluctantly speaks once more as his gaze latches onto the man-“And perhaps you should halt your own voice, unless you have a plan.”-It was somewhat unintended and rolled off of his tongue in an unwanted, harsh tone, but he kept his mouth shut afterward and merely continued staring at the man-(Is that good? I wasn’t sure when or how to enter :[ )

  • Sapphire (サファイア)

    August 4, 2011 at 12:11 pm

    (That’s fine, Albion. C:) Although her singing ceased, she continued to hum along with the rhythm. A sigh escaped her slightly parted lips when she heard the two’s talking once more. She spelled her name on the concrete floor, encrusted with old dirt and mold. “Sapp…Hire.” She said to herself, trying to remember the letters she was taught in school, when she went, of course. She had stopped tapping and humming at that point, finding interest in writing her name down instead. “There’s no use for a plan. We can’t escape,” She finally looked up at the other people, a frown tracing onto her pink lips. As if on cue, she craned her head to the side in pure boredom. She was hungry and thirsty, and maybe a tad lonely; but she somehow always kept the same level of sanity she had before she got here. Dust stubbornly held onto her left cheek, which showed how unsanitary this place really was. To be honest, she was scared and sad, not only because she hadn’t seen the sun for over two months, but that these strangers she was with seemed inhuman. A strangled cry was heard distinctly down just from there room. And Sapphire knew they were torturing bad people that tried to escape.

  • Syndromonium "Ail" Sorrel

    August 4, 2011 at 4:25 pm

    As her words echoed in his mind, Albion frowned weakly and sighed. Perhaps she was right about no escape. It seemed hopeless sure enough, but a small spark of hope still burned inside of him somewhere. He let his thin body fall back down and slumped heavily against the rotting wall once more, unable to tame his mind. Normally, he was quiet and calm, but being trapped with a slim chance of survival put him in a small state of panic. In an attempt to keep himself appear collected, he casually lifted a hand and ran his slender fingers through his dark, silky hair. His pale eyes soon locked onto girl in interest. Despite being contained for so long, she managed to hold herself together. He envied her sanity for a moment and opened his mouth again to speak. “If there is no escape, then are you saying we should just, give up?” His own words caused a small shiver to creep up his spine as they slid between his lips. Having always been a fighter, the mere thought of giving up made him sick to his stomach. He continued staring at her, occasionally blinking. It was obvious her calm stature puzzled him greatly. He sat motionless, still leaning against the rotting wood, studying her intently.

  • DreadedleaderofSoD

    August 4, 2011 at 7:28 pm

    He finally decided to speak again this time with a colder voice that seemed to vibrate the air. “The room we are currently locked in has one entrance, yet no doors. If you remember but thats saying you were awake at the time they had thrown us down a small trap door. This room is also not completely encased in metal there are some spots were if the wall were to break or the floor to be torn up we could slip out but then who knows where we would be.” He seemed to be giving a large degree of thought into what he said, not before he said it but after as if he were thinking of a way out or trying to remember a spot everyone could slip through but who knows what this creature is thinking. His breathing was getting sharp and irritated as the lights from his face disappeared obviously he had closed his eyes. Not a sound could be heard, not even a trace of him could be seen till the glowing eye could be seen up near the ceiling and small tapping noises were heard from him as he moved. “The hatch… Where is it…” The more he spoke the colder his voice got, almost to the point where if his words were directed towards someone it would kill them. He was darting around at random seeming like a animal the way he could effortlessly move even on a ceiling.

  • Sapphire (サファイア)

    August 4, 2011 at 10:38 pm

    She smiled at the two, although it could be told that it was false. “Well, there are some soft spots of wood and broken stones. The concrete is weak, but I’m way to frail to attempt to break it,” She thought aloud, her voice breaking every now and then because of her lack of food and water. She let out a weak cough at the effort of speaking and made a little cry once her throat began to hurt. It was no use, in her opinion. She knew they were playing with them, only giving them water when they were on the verge of death. The water was usually filthy, but somehow no one ever got sick on the disgusting liquid. “I guess if we were hungry enough, we could eat rats.” She hummed as if the idea didn’t sound disgusting to her, like she was actually willing to eat a rodent. A silver clasp of metal held onto the top edge of her ear. It looked painful and infected, blood dripping down the side of her air. It was covered by her sapphire blue hair, not wanting to disgust anyone with the infection that was never taken care of. She began to think of where the hatch was, the other male’s question ringing into her head. She shrugged nonchalantly once more and positioned her hands on her lap. Blinking once, she closed her cobalt blue eyes shut when she felt a familiar ache returning to her head. She frequently had these migraines from stress and from pure fear.

  • Syndromonium "Ail" Sorrel

    August 5, 2011 at 1:04 am

    Several ideas coursed throughout his mind as the two of them ranted on about the rooms flaws and weak spots. His ideas were frayed and far from a perfect plan, but his mind continued to race. “Perhaps we could escape..” He managed to mumble lowly to himself as he rose from the filthy floor. Without hesitation, he glided his hands across the wall behind him, seeking any weak spot possible. An occasional low ‘knock’ bounced off the wall as his knuckles pounded gently against it. He wasn’t exactly sure what forced him to do this, but he continued anyway. Perhaps it was fear, or even the common instinct to survive. After a few moments, he pulled away the wall and slumped down once more. He clutched his side briefly as a short burst of pain flooded his abdomen. His pale eyes dropped to a thin gash upon his filthy shirt. The pale flesh beneath was crusted with blood. Trying to disguise his discomfort, he glanced quickly at the two before finally staring at the girl. From what he could tell, she appeared troubled, and even though his sanity seemed to be slipping away slowly, his compassion failed to die with it. “Are you alright? Look, I realize we all need to survive, obviously, but going on like this forever will get us no where..We need a to put all of our minds together and come up with some sort of plan.” Maybe it was the panic, or maybe he was simply delirious, but whatever the cause was, he felt a strong will survive, with them or alone.

  • DreadedleaderofSoD

    August 5, 2011 at 9:57 am

    “Plan? You two are starving and dehydrated, I don’t think allowing you two to strain yourselves would be a good idea…” A chewing sound came from the ceiling after he stopped moving, it was horrible like crunching wood. Turning his head and spat out a mouthful of wood, large splintering chunks of wood and went back to chewing at the spot he was at. “I am hungry and thirsty too but it is not required for me to live as long as I have some source of energy… I can live with discomfort.” His body twitched as he fell from the ceiling landing on his back directly under were he had been chewing. “It’s almost that time again, split my portion among yourselves.” He sounded rather annoyed yet exited as he closed his eye, the light from it disappearing. He groaned as if he were in pain as he crawled over to the wall, dragging his body along with him. Under where he had landed on the ground was a rather large dent in the ground with some cracks, the solid ground underneath stopped him from falling through the floor. He began to laugh as though he had finally cracked and lost it, the hysteria was overwhelming and suddenly stopped as his eye opened, it was narrow as if glaring. He ate little as it was and was dreadfully hungry, but as a being such as he was food is not needed. He had actually given it to the others who were locked up saying there was extra and he had been here for so long he could only handle a tiny portion. He started to think why he did not just unlock the seal and blow the place up, why did he have a feeling in his gut it was what they wanted from him to unleash his power… But for what? He started to mumble on and on about seemingly pointless things. “Bloody prince… Bloody prince…. Bloody prince… Bloody prince… Why must we allow this to happen to us… We never did anything to deserve this… Except maybe blow up a village, decimate a town and obliterate a city… Eat a king in front of a audience at a gathering… And countless other things but nothing serious…” His head slumped forward as if in defeat. “It’s almost feeding time…”

  • Sapphire (サファイア)

    August 6, 2011 at 6:24 am

    Turning her attention to the other male who previously spoke, she nodded her head silently. Her eyes narrowed at the wood that was crunched and damaged. “I don’t eat very much. You make me sound fat,” She giggled and put a hand over her mouth to contain her fit of giggles. She hadn’t laughed, let alone giggled for what seemed like ages. It was a very awkward sound, and it cracked every now and then. Her tattered up sapphire blue dress matched with her sapphire blue hair and cobalt blue eyes. Everything on her seemed to be the same shade of blue. It was her favorite color, although she was far from knowing why. Poking the ground under her, she made a ‘ewww’ noise when she felt something crawl under it; presumingly a insect or such. Connecting her other hand to rest on her lap along with the other once more, she heard footsteps beneath herself, probably feeding the children on the lower level. Tapping her hand on her thigh, she let out a very bored sigh that echoed into the dirty room. She began to look at the feet of the man who was holding his abdomen, confused by his sudden actions. Of course her own headache sent waves of pain through her body, but he looked miserable. And Sapphire found it suspicious that he was trying to hide it. (Sorry for such a short post, I’m multi-tasking. >.<)

  • Syndromonium "Ail" Sorrel

    August 6, 2011 at 6:51 am

    Watching the odd man rant about wildly made Albion uneasy as he continued to slouch against the wall. He simply gave a small nod before leaning his head back onto the rotten wood in exhaustion. A muffled grunt escaped his thin lips as he focused his pale gaze upon the young girl. It amazed him that she was drenched in such a vibrant blue from head to toe. Perhaps she enjoyed the color. He chuckled quietly to himself as he studied his own dull, dark attire. He was covered in pure black, except a faded shirt beneath his torn jacket. Tearing his attention away from his clothing, he gave a weak, reassuring smile to the girl. He wanted to clutch his side desperately for comfort, but reluctantly pulled his arms away from his abdomen in an attempt to look casual. His weak smile soon faded as a solemn expression grasped his face. He never once lifted his head from the wall, but merely rolled it to the side to stare blankly at a corner located beside him in the foul room. Albion was never fond of attention and wanted to just disappear from everyone’s sight and mind. He closed his eyes and listened to the strange noises coming from another room, hoping to take his mind off of the discomfort crowding him.

  • Fygar

    August 6, 2011 at 7:28 am

    A silent, but barely audible scratching sound comes from the ceiling of the room. After a while, the sound ended and a loud, hacking cough was heard then instantaneously muffled. Something or someone must be ontop of this room, but the questions that beg to be asked are: What is up there and what is it trying to do? A short time later, the sound of scratching continues. As the scratching grows louder, it strangely stops, but then the sound of quick a punch takes its place. A clawed fist covered in silver scales busts trough the ceiling and quickly draws back. The sound of a male clearing his throat and then a calm voice is heard from the hole. “Um… Greetings, if there’s anyone still alive down here, I’ve brung bread, meat and water.” (I tried… Delete this if it’s too short for you guys or if you can’t follow it.)

  • Syndromonium "Ail" Sorrel

    August 7, 2011 at 6:25 am

    (Hope this is good. Had to do some thinking. ^^)

    In a panic, Albion sat up in shock, splintered wood from the forced hole slightly littering his body in the process. Due to his sudden reaction, an agonizing burst of pain shot across his core, forcing him to yelp pitifully. Now embarrassed, he glanced at the two quickly, his dark hair occasionally blocking his view. He somehow managed to collect himself with a brief shrug, as if it never happened. “Heh, it startled me…”. Still sitting upon the filthy floor, he lifted his pale eyes to the gaping hole and listened to the unknown voice leaking from it, attempting to interpret its intentions. Obviously by the voice, his tone and offer sounded as if he was willing to help. But what if it was a trap? As he continued staring at the hole, mixed feelings and thoughts clouded his judgment and sent him a cautious state. His eyes dropped from the hole and fell upon the cobalt-drenched girl. He was certain the odd fellow muttering ‘bloody prince’ could take care of himself, but he wasn’t certain of her abilities. Despite the pain and his usual cool composure, he lifted his wiry body from the filthy floor and bolted frantically toward her, only to stop perhaps a foot away. If this happened to be a trick, he was certain to let himself fall before her. Uneasily, he stood near the young girl and latched his eyes back onto the hole. “I find your actions unusual, for I’ve gone without such generosity for quite some there a catch? This had better not be some trickery, or you will regret it dearly.” His voice was harsh and frigid, a somewhat violent tone. He had lived in risk nearly his whole life, but taking risks, as of recent, was no longer appealing to him knowing that death was clearly possible. Albion merely stood in silence near the young girl, waiting for a response.

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