Snidely shrugs, “Who knows? They could know more than we do or nothing at all.They’re always in the shadows, no one even knows their leader, thats why they’re sometimes called a legend, the main reason we know they exist is because we see their tag art and the effects of their raids.” He leans back, taking a sip of his whiskey, “So its gonna be a headache to find him.”
Fern listens carefully. “Well, I think I can help find them for you…I’ll try at least. I guess I’m pretty good at that stuff. My mom was a detective for a while, until she got married to my dad. But, she taught me all her detective skills. I mean, if we work together, I know that we can find them. Just look for clues and the tag art. It’s hard, but, I think if we team up we can find Morphine in at least a couple of days.” Fern looks at Snidely’s whiskey while she talks, tapping her wing against the table.
“You think so?” He asks, leaning back, then notices Ferns gaze, “What? You want some? Don’t think your preacher father would be very happy ’bout that.” Snidely puts his glass back on the table, “Speaking of which, wouldn’t a chicken like that have a heart attach or something he found out you were in a place like this?”
Fern shakes her head in a ‘no’ fashion when he asks if she wants some. She looks up at Snidely. “Yeah, but he’s busy all the time, he does’t know what I get up to. My older brother is the same, but he cares for me more, which is nice. My mom, she’s not around often, I don’t even know what she does. Business or something? I’m not sure.” Fern shrugs. “I believe she’s with another man, but that none of my business.”
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
Snidely shrugs, “Alright…” He downs the rest of his drink in one gulp, then stands up, brushing off his jacket, “Anyway, lets get going, this place is boring. Tell me, how are you gonna find Morphine? May as well get a head start on it.”
Fern jumps off of her chair. “Okay, first things first, we need to find the freshest tag art that they made. That will be our leading start. The fresher the art, the closer we are to finding them.”
“Alright.” Snidely says as he walked out of the club, “Their territory is next to ours so we should be able to find one somewhere close.” He turns down an ally, pretty empty save for some trash bags and random graffiti on the walls, “Their tag is a syringe with wings I think.”
“Okay!” Fern says excitingly. She begins to look around. “And if you don’t know if it’s fresh or not, just put your wing on it and if paint, spray paint, or whatever comes off and smudges or some color goes on your wing, it’s fresh. So, after that we look for a chicken who has some sort of paint or spray paint.”
“Alright…” Snidely says, lazily glancing around the walls, fairly obviously not trying hard, “tell me when you fund something.”
Fern notices Snidely’s laziness. “Hey!” she gets a little angry. “You need to help me. Do you want to find Morphine or not? Do you want to tell them something? Yes? Okay, then help me look, or we’ll never find them!” she snaps.
Snidely looks somewhat surprised for a second, then frowns “well ‘scuse me,” he mutters snarkly to himself, “I hate doing legwork, so annoying…” He lets out an irritated sigh.
“Is that sass?” she remarks, giving Snidely a death-like-stare. “You know I just can’t help at all.” she tilts her head.
Snidely shrugs, his typically cold gaze unwavering, “then I’ll get someone else to do it.”
Fern sighs, running her wing through her head feathers. She grunts, turning away from him and continues searching for the tag art.
Snidely leans against the wall, beginning to light a cigarette.
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