Fern picks up trash bags and looks around. “Okay, nothing here, let’s move somewhere else.” she folds her wings back, sighing.
Snidely leaves the alley, glancing around for a moment then wish long for a cab. Quickly, one pulled up in front of them. “There’s probably something a few miles grime here, there was some construction in their territory, they still need to mark it.”
“Sweet!” Fern smiles, running over to the cab and opening the door, she jumps inside. “Come on, hurry up Snidely!”
Snidely ducked into the cab after her, giving the driver the address. Shortly the arrive at the place.
Fern quickly thanks the driver. She reaches over and opens the door. “Okay, Snidely I don’t have money so we’re going to run on three.” she whispers into his ear.
Snidely gives her a vaguely amused look, “Really? That’s your best solution? I’m not broke, you know.” He pulls a 20 bill from an internal pocket of his jacket and hands it to the driver then leaves, holding out his wing to help Fern out of the car, a slight smirk on his beak, “You’re pretty cruel, aren’t you?”
Fern lowers her head in shame. She grabs Snidely’s wing and gets out of the car. “I was just feeling a little adventurous, that’s all.” she gives Snidely sort of a smile, he then chuckles a bit. “I’m pretty stupid.”
“Ah, don’t sweat it, kid, you’ve just gotta learn the ways of the city, feel its heartbeat, y’know?” Snidely says as they reach the construction area, even though the building was done it was still not open to the public and there was a wooden fence around the lot. “Here, I’ll give you a boost up.” he offers.
“Alright.” Fern nods, grabbing the top of the fence. “I’m ready. Boost me up!”
“Alright.” Snidely crouches down and pushes her up by the leg then jumps over himself, landing gracefully on the other side, “Did you hurt yourself yet?” He asked slightly teasingly, glancing at fern.
Fern lands safely, but stumbles a bit when she hits the ground. “I fine.” she hits Snidely’s arm playfully. “Okay, but seriously, we need to find this tag art.”
“Alright, You go that way, if you hear sirens… well, you probably won’t get arrested.” Snidely walked around the corner in the opposite direction he pointed Fern to.
Fern takes note of where to go. “Alright.” she walks with him. “Where should we look first?” she thinks to her self for a moment. “Maybe on the side of the building, that’d be a good place to start.”
Snidely shrugs, “I donno, probably on the back or something, its a pretty bright red color so you should be able to find it easily.”
Fern scans the area. “Right, okay.” she begins to look around the side of the building. “How big do they get?”
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