Fern nods, walking up to Leo. “Can you please tell us where Morphine is. We need them badly.” she asks, fluttering her eyes at him. “We’ll give you money!”
Leo blinks once, then takes off his mask. He had a somewhat round beak for a male chicken and facial features that were vaguely cute if not for the mischievous, slightly malignant smile he wore”I’ll tell you for free… but only if you let me have her for the night.” He addressed to Snidely, who scowled then glanced at Fern with an expression that said ‘your call.’
Fern looks down at the ground. “Er…” she looks at Snidely. “Um.” she then looks at Leo. “Sure!” she puts on a the biggest smile possible.
Snidely grimaces, but holds his tongue. Leo smirked and put his wing around Ferns waist, “…Then lets go back to my place and I’ll tell you everything you need to know.” he says in a low, seductive tone.
Fern flinches a bit when Leo puts his wing around her. “Uh-” she looks at Snidely. “Maybe Snidely can come too? He’s the man who needs all the information, I’m just tagging along. I also have a bad memory, so I wouldn’t be able to remember what you tell me.” she says quickly and nervously.
Leo frowns slightly, “Ah, I see…” He glances back at Snidely, “Whatever you say, I guess.” Snidely shoots him a venomous glare, but doesn’t say anything, maintaining a silence perhaps more menacing than anything he could of said. He follows behind them, wings balled tightly into fists in his pockets.
Fern looks back at Snidely with a disgusted and worried face. She mouths “stay with me.” and then turns her head back Leo’s way. “So, where are we going again?” she asks him again.
“We’re gonna go back to my apartment and we’ll-” Leo starts, but is cut off by the impact of Snidelys wing to the underside of his wing hard enough to send the small chicken to the ground. Snidely delivers a swift kick to his ribs and murmurs with a malicious tone, “…bastard.” He pulls Leo up by the wing, “You’ll tell us what we need to know or Ill kill you.”
Fern yelps loudly, jumping away. She looks at Leo take Snidely’s hit. Fern covers her beak. “Oh, my God.”
Snidely drops Leo back to the ground, wiping the blood off his wing. Noticing the expression on Ferns face, he lets out an angry sigh, trying to expel the rest of his anger. “Tell me where Morphine’s base is.” Leo began to pick himself up, “Whats your obsession…? Whatever, no one’s gonna be there at this time of night anyway.”
“Tells us!” Fern snaps loudly, stepping in front of Leo. She gets up close to his face. “We don’t care if there are people there are not, we just need to get to the base! There is a serious issue that needs Morphine’s help!” her eyes narrow, he takes a hold of her pocket knife.
Leo leans back, propping himself up with one wing, “Sweetheart, it’s locked up, even during the day you need to show your mark.” he brings his wing to his beak, wiping a trace of blood off. Snidely yanks Leo up, “Fine, then you’ll be my prisoner for now.” he turns his back and begins to walk away, muttering, “Even though it disgusts me to look at you.”
Fern watches at Snidely walks off, she turns her head to Leo. “Okay kid, follow me.” she begins to walk backwards. “And try anything, you’ll be dead.” she takes out her pocket knife, wiggling in front of her face.
Snidely led them back to his apartment, still seeming in a grumpy mood. Soon they reached his home again. He put his jacket on the rack by the door, grabs a beer from the fridge, then sits in his same spot on the couch, “Kid, make sure he doesn’t touch you, alright? Keep an eye on him.” He cracks open the top to the can.
Fern looks at Leo and then sits down next to Snidely, a little too close to him. “Yeah…I’ll try.”
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