Leo ignores her knocking a specific pattern on the door of one of the warehouses. A large, scruffy, muscular chicken that vaguely resembled a vulture walked out. He wore opaque sunglasses and a cheap-looking black suit, fairly obviously a security guard. “Hey, let us in, these guys are with me.” Leo says, showing the guard a red-dyed feather on his wing, the mark of Morphine and pretending to be cool. The guard somewhat begrudgingly lets them in.
Fern smiles slightly at the security guard, “Thanks.” she says softly. Fern looks back at Snidely and says. “That was fairly easy.” she scans the area bit.
Snidely nods, then points to the back of the warehouse, “That’s where the guy is, right?” Leo nods and steps back a little bit, “Yeah. I’m not allowed to go there though…” he awkwardly scratches his wing. Snidely shrugs, “Whatever, lets go.” He walks into the room, hands in his jacket pockets. Inside had a different atheistic than the rest of the place, it had a sort of feel like the office of a super villain as apposed to the somewhat industrial style of the rest of the area. In the back room, there was a large chicken in a leather chair turned away from the doorway. He seemed really big and had dark brown feathers that seemed to have flecks of an almost golden color as the light hits them and the tips of them were dyed a light red.
Fern had quickly followed behind Snidely, almost to the point where she hid behind him. As they walked into the backroom, she got close to Snidely whispering, “This place is kinda sketchy.” once she sees part of the chicken, she stands up straight looking at them. “Wow…” Fern says under her breath to no one in particular.
The chicken glances back at them, then slowly turns around in his chair, he seemed to be around his early-mid 20’s, older than everyone else in the room. He leans forward, putting his wings under his beak, scanning Snidely then making eye contact with him, “Phoenix, huh?” he leans back a little bit, “Please, take a seat.” He had a southern-European accent which was hard to place, especially due to the fact it was deluded by a New Cock accent. The large chicken pulled out a cigar as Snidely takes a seat.
Fern watches from the opening. She looks down, too scared to look directly at the chicken. She looks at Snidely carefully as he goes up to sit down in front of the chicken. “Be safe.” she mumbles, barely audible.
Snidely doesn’t break eye-contact with the chicken, but at the sound of Ferns words, he gives a faint smile, trying to give her subtle reassurance. The large chicken interlocks his feathers, glancing at snidely over his wings, “What does Phoenix want from us?” He asks, getting right to the point. Snidely felt nervous, but there was no way in hell he would show it. After half a second of hesitation he responds, “To keep it brief, Feather is starting a war, they’re allied with Hawke. I want to propose an alliance with Morphine for the duration of the war.” He explains, voice both showing respect for the other chickens power, yet still carrying a certain authority of his own. He maintained such a cool composure it was almost impossible to read his true nervousness on his face. “You’re aware Morphine has never allied with anyone before, correct?” He asked, however it sounded more like a command. Snidely nods, the chicken continues, “Morphine is shadow, we don’t interact with others, what makes you think that we’re going to help you?” Snidely leans foreward in his chair, “I’m willing to offer you half of the unclaimed territory if we win, and with Morphine, there’s no way Phoenix can loose.” The other chicken leans back, adjusting the angle of a pigeon skull on his desk, pausing co contemplate. “…you got guts, more than Hawke or Feather, I’ve always liked that about Phoenix… And land talks…” He glances back to Snidely, “leave for now, I need time. I’ll find you when I’ve decided.” Snidely nods and walks out of the room.
Fern looks at Snidely, and follows him as he walks out. “That was scary to watch.” she smiles at him slightly. “I’m proud of you for keeping your cool. You didn’t look scared or nervous or anything.” she looks around, avoiding eye-contact with Snidely. “So, what do you think he’ll say?”
Snidely expels his leftover stress with a sigh and rolls back his shoulders, finally feeling able to relax, “I donno… I couldn’t read a thing off that guy…” Leo comes bounding up to them, he seemed to have been waiting, “Yo, hey! You’re still alive? That’s great! What happened? Never mind, we should go, these guys said I have to stick with you. That’s fine, right? You wanna have lunch? Lets go!” He seemed even more twitchy than before and continued to talk in his usual headache-inducing fast pace.
Fern rubs her temple, “This guy.” she tries to catch up with Leo. “Jesus Christ! Slow down!” the chicken ends up running after him.
Leo doesn’t listen to her, so Snidely jogs up a few seconds and grabs him by the wing. “You heard what she said, right, spas?” Leo nods, walking with them but only because Snidely held him back. They walk a few blocks until they reach a cafe with an outdoor sitting area, where Leo suddenly stops, “Hey! Can we eat here? This place is good!” Snidely sighs and releases him, putting his wings in his pockets and turning towards Fern, “You wanna go?”
Fern shrugs, looking a the café. “Sure,” she says. “I’m not really hungry though.”
Leo grins widely, “Yes! Lets go!” He leaps over the fence and takes a seat at a table, “You’re supposed to seat yourself here.” He takes out a childrens menu from the center of the table and starts doodling on it with crayon, his leg twitching under the table as he does. Snidely jumps the fence as well and takes a seat across from Leo.
Fern jumps the fence gracefully, she sits at the table with Snidely and Leo. She looks at Leo and then his leg. “Hey…” she says softly, almost whispering to Leo. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah! Im great!” Leo looks up to Fern with a grin, then turns back down to the paper, his wing moving up and down the sheet, quickly coloring in large sections of the paper with different colors of crayon, “Though, crayons are shit, so that kinda sucks…” Snidely leans back, raising an eyebrow. He glances to Fern with a mildly concerned, but more than that confused expression.
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