Fern looks over to Snidely the same way. She leans in and whispers. “He wasn’t like this yesterday, not at all. I’m kinda scared right now.” she turns her head back to Leo, nodding. “Alright, Leo.” she fake smiles. “I agree, crayons are not the best coloring tool.”
Snidely nods, “but at least he seems less threatening…” He mutters back to Fern. Leo almost aggressively puts a few finishing touches on the drawing and pushes it over to Fern, “Didn’t known what else to draw, heh…” In the paper was a somewhat cartoony drawing of her with stylized beauty, really impressive for the amount of time it took him to draw.
Fern looks over to Snidely, quickly answering him with a, “True.” she turns back to Leo, smiling at the drawing. “Aw, thank you so much. It’s really good.” she picks up the drawing, turning to Snidely again. “I’ve dealt with kids like this before.” again, she looks back to Leo. “Try drawing Snidely while we order!” she picks up a menu and begins looking through it.
Leo scowls, turning to the paper, “I may be a dumbass, but I’m no retard.” He scoffs, beginning to scribble something, “And he’s just an ass, no way in hell in drawing him…” Despite not particularly enjoying being called an ass, Snidely snickers at Fern being told off, finding that just a little amusing. He quickly skims the drink list then puts the menu back in the corner of the table, then crosses his wings, a smug smile still on his lips.
Fern narrows her eyes at Snidely at his snickering. “Humph.” she puts down her menu and looks at Leo, smiling. “Yeah, you’re right. He’s not worth drawing.” she smirks at Snidely.
Snidely frowns and crosses his wings, deciding not to give Fern the satisfaction of a response. He puts up his wing, hailing the waitress, “I’ll take a scotch on the rocks.” Leo lifts his head up from the paper, “Ah, and I’ll take a Guinness and a cheeseburger.”
Fern takes a hold of her menu again, looking it over quickly. “Uh…” she closes it, setting it down on the table. “I’ll take the fish and chips, please.” the chicken smiles at the waitress.
Snidely leans forward against the table, looking at Leo, “So… what’s your deal anyway? I mean, you seem like a really easy for Morphine to have as a member.” Leo glanced up from the paper and raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”
Fern agrees with Snidely, she looks at Leo. “I think he means like you’re not all serious and threatening like the others. And you just seem very chill to be part of Morphine…right?” she turns to Snidely, tilting her head to the side.
Leo shrugs, angrily crumpling up the paper he was working on and shoving it in his pocket then looks back up at them. “They wanted me to do tags for them.” He pulls out another sheet of paper and begins drawing again, “But they don’t really like me, so its kinda like I’m the boss’s kid at the office or something.” He smiles slightly, “…Though, its fun so I wont be leaving anytime soon!”
Fern leans back in her chair, nodding. “Nice.” she crosses her wings. “You are a fantastic drawer by the way, your tag art is almost perfect.” she sits forwards again, grabbing a crayon and examining it.
Leo looks up to Fern smiles in a way that made him look rather cute. If chickens could blush, he probably was very faintly. “Thanks!” He quickly looks back down to the paper, perhaps slightly flustered, “-Don’t really like to use crayons though, but its all they got here, I take what I get, right?” Snidely crosses his wings, taking a sip of his drink, glaring at Leo, perhaps just a tad jealous.
Fern looks at the two, smiling. She begins to mindlessly draw on her napkin, just circles and hearts. “You’re welcome.” she says softly. “So, when will we know when the boss has his decision?”
Leo opens his beak to respond but Snidely cuts him off before he could say anything, “Who knows, he’ll get us when he wants us. Could be anywhere from a few hours to a day or something.” He answers briskly, a hint of salt directed towards Leo in his tone.
Fern nods. Almost instantly, her face drops and drains of color. “I need to call my parents…I bet they’re worried sick about me…including my brother. I was going to call them earlier, but I guess I forgot…”
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