Snidely leans forward, resting his beak on one of his wings and looking at fern with a slightly concerned look, “You should do it, I told you before.” He reaches into his pocket pulling out a cell phone, “You can borrow my phone if you want.”
“Thank you.” Fern takes Snidely’s phone. “I hope they won’t be too mad.” she dials her home phone number and holds it up to her ear. She taps her foot as she waits for someone to pick up.
Snidely watches her, waiting for any signs of something happening. Behind his stoic, somewhat cold gaze, his thoughts were conflicted, even though he wouldn’t admit it, he liked Fern, he didn’t want her to leave but perhaps more than that he didn’t want her to be caught in the crossfire and deep inside was almost hoping for her family to force her back home. He takes the rest of his scotch in one gulp, “…Yeah.” He mumbles.
There’s some chatting behind the phone, Fern closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath. “Hey mom! I’m glad you answered!” she nods. “…Yeah…Uh-huh…I’m glad you’re home…Oh yeah, about that. I should have called the house. But I’m out in the city with Stacy…..Haha, yeah, I imainge….Of course he’s mad….Can you just tell him that I’m with Stacy. He likes her and her family, I’m sure he’ll be fine with that…..Tell him I said sorry!….Okay, bye-bye….Love you, too.” he smiles, taking the phone away from her ear. She looks at Snidely. “It was my mom, thank goodness.”
Snidely nods, “Alright, sounds good.” He said, although he still felt slightly guilty, “…So I’m Stacy then?” He crosses his wings again, leaning backwards and raising an eyebrow. Leo lets out a loud scoff, causing Snidely tto send him another poisonous glare.
Fern shakes her head. “Only if you want to be.” she giggles, handing back his phone. “Thanks for letting me use your phone.”
Snidely tucks his phone back in his pocket, “anytime.” he leans back again. Leo suddenly interrupts the peace by again violently crumpling a sheet of paper, then pushing his chair back so quickly he almost fell, “I’m bored lets go do something!”
“It’s better if we sit and wait for our food to come. It might come any minute now.” Fern gives Leo a smile. She crosses her legs. “Besides, there isn’t much to do in his restaurant anyway.”
Leo pushes his chair back in, tapping his fingers against his glass and bouncing his leg under the table, seemingly unable to keep still, “But I’m BORED I want to do stuff! We don’t need to eat! We’re just doing nothing! I need to do stuff! This is so unproductive…”
Fern leans to Snidely. “Do you think something is wrong with him?” she whispers to him. She puts her feather up to Leo, she awaits Snidely’s answer.
Snidely shrugs, “probrably, but I’m no doctor, he could just be a spas or maybe on speed or coke or something?” he glanced up at Leo who at that moment just finished chugging down about a half of his beer.
Fern taps her foot. “I don’t really wanna be around a druggie. If he even does drugs.” she crosses her wings, examining Leo. “Maybe we should ask him…” her eyes narrow slightly.
“…Alright.” Snidely sighs, leaning forward, putting his wing on the table with a quiet slam, “Hey, buddy, you on drugs?” Leo looks startled for a moment then becomes mildly ticked off, “No? What the hell did you make thimk that? You’re probably the one on drugs, you suck, you’re an assfuck.” He leans back grumpily, crossing his wings over his chest, “…although, if I do drugs then I can get more stuff done…”
Fern sits back. “Well, Leo, why are you so…hyper?” she asks, tilting her head.
Leo shrugs, “Dunno, thats how I am.” He chugs down another mouthful of beer, “It’s good, though! It’s like I can do anything! I don’t even need to sleep or nothin’ its great!” He begins to drum his feathers along the table and lets out a laugh, “Could probably fly if I wanted to!”
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