“I wouldn’t suggest you try that out. Chickens can’t fly very well..” Fern nervously laughs. “But yesterday you were fine, very calm and a little…mean? You changed in a matter of a few minutes. I don’t understand.”
Leo shrugs, “Donno…” He scratches the back of his head, “…Well now that I think about it I was kinda sad for a few days before that.” He smiles again, “So that’s probably why!”
Fern leans closer to the table. “And why were you sad?” she frowns slightly.
Leo thinks for a moment, then shrugs, “No reason!” He says with a grin then drinks the rest of his beer.
Fern spots the waittress coming with their food. She smiles. “Food’s here!”
Snidely picks up his second scotch, taking a small sip of it. Leo takes a massive bite of his cheeseburger, “Hey, so what are we gonna do next?” He says, not bothering to swallow what was in his mouth.
Leo lets out a growly sigh, “I dont want tto chill! Thats boring! Lets go to the aquarium or something! lets DO something!” Snidely scowls, still tired from staying up all last night.
Fern looks over at Snidely, she sighs. “After we finish eating, okay?” she says to Leo.
“Fine, fine, fine!” Leo takes a massive bite of his burger, “…Anyway what do you guys want to talk about.” He says, words barely understandable as his mouth was still full of food. Snidely gives an irritable sigh then crosses his wings over his eyes.
Fern eats her food, chewing and then swallowing before answering. “I’m not sure.” she takes a glance from Snidely. “Anything you want to talk about?” she asks him, smiling.
Snidely shrugs, he still seemed irritated, “I don’t fucking know…” He says quietly and downs the rest of his shot then putting his head down on the table.
Fern frowns. She pushes her basket of fish and chips over to Snidely. “Eat some food. I don’t think you’ve had anything to eat yet today. Please eat something.” Fern rests her wing on the table.
Snidely picks his head up and gives Fern a lady-killer smile, although it still carried traces of tiredness. “Thanks…” He picked up one of the pieces of fish and takes a bite, “You really are a sweet chick…”
Fern looks flattered, she blushes and looks away. “Well, I do try my best.” she picks up a piece of fish, breaking it in half and eating it slowly. “And you’re welcome, feel free to eat more if you want.”
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