Snidely nods and picks up one of her fries, “Thanks!” Leo leans forward, he had already finished eating his burger, “Lets go! Come on, we gotta get going!” He jumped out of his chair and pulled his bag over his wing and jumped over the fence, “Lets DO stuff!!!”
Fern nearly jumps out of her seat when Leo leaves the table. “Leo!” she yells after him, getting up. “We’re not done!” she points to her self and Snidely. “You can’t just leave!”
Leo, who had already run halfway down the block, glances back to the two of them and runs back, “Why not? Come on, let’s go!” Snidely too stands up, he grabs Leo by the front of his shirt and pulls him halfway over the railing, “listen here you little bastard, why can’t you just chill the fuck out for like 10 damn minutes?” He hisses, completely fed up with Leo’s hyperactivity.
Fern slouches in her chair, looking over at Leo and Snidely. “I mean yeah, Snidely is right. Just enjoy the day and chill out for a couple more minutes? Please?”
Snidely pulls Leo roughly over the fence and practically throws him back into his chair, then goes back to his own seat, crossing his wings over his chest. Leo slumps over on the table, “…oww…” He whimpers painfully, “…Ow… thats violence… don’t be violent…. ow… it really hurts man…”
“Hey, that violence was unnecessary.” Fern scowls at Snidely. She stands up and walks over to Leo, patting his back. “Are you okay?”
Leo nods and lets out a small groan, “…Yeah…” He picks his head up and looks at Fern, giving a flirtatious smile, “Better with you here.”
Fern nearly snorts. “Of course it is.” she sits back down, finishing her food.
Snidely lets out a grumpy sigh, “Kid,” he mutters under his breath, “don’t flirt with chicks you have no chance with.” He leans back in his chair, not seeming to be angry anymore after expelling all his rage on Leo and now just being tired.
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
Fern finishes most of her food, she chews the last piece of fish, chewing slowly. Her eyes shift from Leo to Snidely. “He’s okay, I can’t blame him.” Fern smirks a bit.
Snidely sighs somewhat defeated, “…Yeah…” He mutters, looking through his glass, mostly full of ice melt with a few remaining drops of scotch left. Leo picks his head up and rests it on his wings, a small, almost cute smile on his wings, “Well… How can I help it? She’s like a solid 9 and really nice too!” Snidely clicks his tongue, “…tch” He murmurs under his breath, downing the ice melt, “What the hell man? You don’t just say shit like that…”
Fern folds her wings, she slouches in her chair. “You can’t and aren’t going to get anything out of me.” she sighs, looking around. “I’m not looking for a relationship right now.” she sits up, picking up her glass of water and taking a sip. “I’m too young to date anyway.”
Snidely gives her a silent nod, approving of her decision. Leo closes his eyes with a cutesy self-satisfied smile, “Well, if I’m old enough, you should be too! You seem older than me anyway!” He says, rhythmically rocking his head from side to side.
Fern gives Leo a dead-stare. “No. The answer is no. Period. I’m not looking for a relationship. I need to focus on things like school, and family, and friends. You know what I mean?”
Leo pouts, “Aw, really? Well that sucks!” His smile returns quickly, “Well, whatever! I’ll probably get a girlfriend sometime!” Snidely scowls a little, leaning back, closing his eyes and crossing his wings behind his head with a sigh, “…No you wont…” He murmurs, “But Fern, you may as well forget about those things while you stay here.” He opens his just a slit and glances to Fern, “…Things like that will simply hold you back.” He says in a low, serious voice.
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