Fern’s eyes lower a little. “Yeah, I guess.” her eyes lift and go over to look at Leo. “Just be safe if you do find a girl you like, make sure she might like you back. And don’t pressure her to make her like you. Okay?”
Leo sighs, “I dont really need any relationship advice thanks.” He scowls slightly, sighing a little.
“I mean, I was just kinda saying. Because you’re a man, and I happen to be a women, who has been in those situations and I feel that I should help men in doing the right things.” her tone was falt, although there was some sass lacing it.
Leo scoffs slightly, “I still don’t need that shit.” He looks down, beginning to drum his feathers against the table, seemingly becoming restless again, but this time instead of being overly exited, he seemed rather pissed off. His face took on a considerably darker expression than before, “I don’t need advice, don’t tell me what to do.” Leo’s voice was cold and quiet but not quite calm, “I hate hearing that useless fucking garbage, ‘Leo, do this’ ‘Leo, calm down’ ‘Leo, cheer up’ ‘Leo, fuck off’ ‘Leo, you can’t do that’… I’ve had enough of that fucking shit in my life!” His voice raises with his last sentence then lowers again to an even colder tone than before. “I don’t need any more of that, especially not from you.” He glances up to Fern with an expression that matched his tone.
Fern stands up, slamming her wings on the table. “Ohhhh, I’m sorry!” her eyes narrow. “Listen here, I just said one thing and because I said that you tell me that I’m controling you? I am not. I do not, and will not, control people. Hell, it wasn’t a command, sir. It was a suggestion. I just said one…one…one…fucking thing!” she yells, chickens turn their heads to look at her and Leo. Fern ignores them. “And you just HAD to tell me your whole life story! Why? For why?”
Leo scowls, for the first time the entire day completely still. After a moment, he too puts his wings on the table, but unlike Fern he does it softly and slowly, pushing himself up from the table, wings trembling ever so slightly with anger. His expression was extremely dark and voice came out flat and freezing cold, when he spoke, “…I’m leaving…” He then proceeded to jump the fence and walk down the block. Snidely glanced up at fern, not much of any particular expression on his face, perhaps a trace of surprise, maybe even disappointment.
Fern breathes out, she slides her wings off of the table and sits back down. She looks at Leo leave the restaurant. “I’m so sorry…” her voice is shaky, it barely comes out as a whisper. Fern looks at the ground, hugging herself. “I didn’t mean to do that. I swear. I took all my anger out on him.” she moves her whole body Snidely’s way, her head lifts to look at him. “I shouldn’t have…”
Snidely puts a wing on her shoulder reassuringly, “Hey, it’s alright, kid. I’m sure he’ll be fine.” He pauses for a second and glances at Fern, “You wanna apologize? He doesn’t seem like a bad guy, doesn’t seem like the type to hold a grudge.”
Fern leans herself a bit into Snidely’s touch. “I really wanna at sorry. It’s my fault, we needed him and he ran away. I’m so stupid.” her head lifts, chuckling a bit. “I can’t believe I did that.”
Snidely gently pats Fern on the shoulder, “Do you want to go after him?” He says reassuringly.
Fern stands up, nodding. She keeps her eyes on the ground. “Yeah.” she says softly. “But we have to pay for our food..”
Snidely nods, then reaches into his jacket and pulling out a fifty and a few odd bills and throws them on the table, “Alright, lets go.” He too stands up then quickly vaults the railing, holding out his wing to help Fern over it too, giving her a smile, “Quickly, before we loose him.”
Fern grabs a hold of his wing, jumping over the fence. “Thanks for paying.” she lands a little off, using Snidely’s wing to help her stay stable.
Snidely smiles, “No prob, being in a gang pays well, you know?” He glanced around, “Anyway, I think he went that way, we should go quickly to catch up with him.” He says, beginning to briskly walk in the direction Leo left for.
Fern walks behind him, she nods and laughs. “Yeah, it looks like it. I’m sure the waitress will be very happy with your donation.”
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