Snidely watches her walk into the house then sits on the curb hunched over.
After a couple of minuets Fern walks out, wearing a black shirt and a golden chain around her neck. “Hey Snidely!” she yell from her house. She walks down the steps and across the street. She stands in front of him.”Is this okay?” she asks.
“Eh, better than before.” Snidely stands up, rolling his shoulders back, “Come on, lets go. When we get there, make sure not to wander around.”
Snidely walked across town until he reached the subway station on the edge of town, “You’ve been on the train before, right?” He says, sliding his pass too unlock the turnstile.
“Then come on.” Snidely walked downstairs into the underground of the station. “We’re taking the L train then changing to T train the stop before Chicklyn Bridge station, alright?” He says, leaning against one of the support pillars.
(Btw the pun is brooklyn)
Fern nods. “Okay, sweet.” she tilts her head a bit, looking around. “I’ve only been about this far into town before. I’m excited to go in deeper.”
The train pulls up and the doors open with a soft ding. Snidely walks in and sits on a bench of the subway, leaning back and crossing his wings behind his head, “So what were you doing in the city when we met anyway?”
“Oh, just shopping, looking for a new book store.” Fern shrugs, holding onto one of the poles. “What about you?” she asks.
“I was with the leader, Talon. Our informant came in and warned us about a raid FiveFeather planned on us. We were returning base, Feather did a drive-by. Talon ordered me to leave, I think he had a soft spot for me…” Snidely’s face took on a painful grimace, “Now he’s been killed….” He sits up, trying to shake off his melancholy, “Anyway, I was trying to leave the city but caught the attention of the police.”
“Oh, my God.” Fern gasps. “I’m so sorry, Snidely…” she lets go of the pole and sits next to him. “Who killed him?” the hen asks quietly, being aware of the chickens around them.
Snidely glances at her then hunches forward, “…I don’t know.” He said, looking down, a heavy frown etched across his face, “Someone from FiveFeather… but whoever did it…. I swear, I’ll fucking kill them….” He hisses under his breath.
Fern sighs, not completely agreeing with the killing part, but she desperately wanted to make Snidely feel better. “Yeah, definitely. They deserve it. Talon seemed like a great friend. Kill them because they killed one of your friends. Revenge works like that. Take something away from them.” Fern messes with one of her feathers, she plucks it out.
Snidely turns his eyes to Fern, giving her a faint smile, “You don’t have to lie to me, I’m not that weak.”
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