Fern frowns, crossing her legs. “Honestly, killing isn’t always the answer…” she stops, sighing. “But like, the more I think about it…someone killed your friend! It’s horrible, and I understand why you would want to kill the person who killed your friend…”
“That’s how it is…” Snidely hunches forward and interlocks his wings, “They started this war and I’m not gonna be the one to back down.” The train comes to a stop and he stands up, leaving the train. They were in the middle of he city and the station was packed.
Fern looks around the station in amazement. “Woah.” she says under her breath. “This place is HUGE!” Fern smiles, doing a small hop and spin. She then stops, looking at Snidely. “So, uh, where do we go?”
Snidely pulls out his phone, sending out a quick text, then sharply turns right, “I’ve been told not to go home yet, we’ll be meeting with my informant at pier 9.” he says consicely in a somewhat low voice.
Fern walks with him, not understanding what he just said. “What’s happening again?” she asks quietly, leaning into Snidely a bit.
“FiveFeather is beginning a war with my people, RootPhoenix, I’m meeting with a guy who will tell me what our exact situation is, then Ill choose what we do, get it?” Snidely pulls a cigarette from his jacket pocket and gives it a light.
They make it to the area under the chicklyn bridge, waiting there was a pheasant wearing a denim jacket and furry boots. Snidely moves in to sit next to her, dashing his cigarette into the river
. “What’s up, Erika? What’s happened exactly?” The pheasant’s voice was low and smooth, the type you’d expect to hear from a seductress, it was twinged with an Eastern European accent and matched her appearance perfectly, she said “SilverHawke has joined the war, they’re siding with FiveFeather, your only chance is to join with Abyss, that’s all I have.” She puts a small folded up piece of paper in his wing and walks away. -
Fern watches the exchange of words from a distance. She appears when the the pheasant leaves. “Hey,” she walks up to Snidely. “Who’s she?”
As she walks up, Snidely finishes reading what was written on the sheet of paper and quickly pockets it then shrugs, “Just some chick, she’s close to the leader of Five but she works for me.”
“Ah,” Fern looks at the paper as it’s thrown away. “What’s the paper for?” she sits down next to him, crossing her legs.
He scowls briefly “None of your business.” Snidely glances at her, then sighs, “Anyway, we have some time to kill, you wanna do something or go back to my place?”
Fern looks around, “Go back to your place I guess.” she mumbles, it’s almost unclear of what she says, but her face seems flushed.
“Alright, it’s not too far from here.” Snidely walks with Fern for a few blocks before they arrive at a relatively small high-rise apartment building. He unlocks the door and enters the elevator, pressing the button to the top floor. when they arrived he used the key to unlock the door to the penthouse apartment. The interior was decorated with a sleek modern design, incorporating lots of reds and blacks, the style seemed to fit Snidely’s aesthetic, however it was rather neat and organized, somewhat clashing with his personality. “Welcome to my humble abode.” He sighs, shrugging off his jacket and hanging it on a hook by the door then lying on the couch.
Fern steps into the apartment. “Wow, nice place you got here.” she says under her breath. She stares at Snidely, “Quite odd for a person like you. It’s really neat. I can see why it would fit your style. But it’s a little classy for a chicken like you.” she walks over to the couch and sits on the edge of it.
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