“Thanks? Or was hat supposed to be an insult?” Snidely sits up from the couch and begins to walk towards the back of the apartment, “Anyway, I’m gonna take a shower, help yourself to whatever’s in the fridge if you feel like it.”
“I will.” Snidely says as he enter a the bathroom. Some minuets later, he emerged again, seeming to have forgotten there was a guest in his home as he wore nothing but a towel around his waist. His black feathers were shining, slicked back with water and made his muscular build seem almost stylizedly attractive. He grabs a can of coke from the fridge and leans against the kitchen counter, cracking it open.
Fern was playing with her pocket knife. “That was quick.” she says, still looking down at her knife. She then looks up and sees what Snidely was wearing, her face instantly turns bright red. “Uh–errr…” she stutters.
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
Snidely blinks once, then leans back against the counter, “oh, I forgot you were here.” he says, barely holding back a smirk at how flustered she was.
“Right.” she turns, so her back is to Snidely. “So,” she plays with her knife again. “What do you wanna do?” she asks quietly.
Snidely grimmaces to himself, gulping down the last bit of his soda, “Donno yet…” he glances at Fern, then takes a step closer. He puts his wing in hers, the one holding the knife, “if you hold it like that, you’ll cut yourself, you know?” he says in a low whisper, close enough that she might have been able to feel his breath in her cheek. He adjusts moves her wing to a safer position and gives her one of his rare lady-killer smiles, mostly to tease her, then walks into his bedroom to change.”
Fern sits completely frozen. She tries to say something snarky as Snidely walks to his bedroom, but nothing much comes out. Only a soft, “Thanks.” she holds the knife in the way Snidely showed her. Fern suddenly breaks out into full blown laughter, slapping her knee and everything. “Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy!”
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
Momentarily, Snidely returns wearing a black t-shirt with a white print of a phoenix on it, “you ok? Have you gone insane?” he asks, running his wing through his still damp crest feathers.
Fern stops giggling and turns to Snidely. “Er…no. It’s just, no guy has ever done that to me! It’s surprising, and kinda funny if you think about it.” she pauses for a moment looking down. “I’m literally a sewer rat, so that explains a lot…”
Snidely, for a second, feels a bit of pity for her. He sits next to Fern, crossing his legs on the table and crossing his wings behind his head, “you’re not that bad, kid.”
Fern shrugs, folding her wings together. “I don’t know…I’m bad. I’m not like the other chickens. Like the girls at our school. They’re all have white, beautiful feathers and perfect eyes and perfect everything. And I’m just that one brown-golden chicken. I’m so ugly, and…everyone looks so pretty.”
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This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
Snidely sighs, then plucks a feather off of Fern then holds it up to the light, “You don’t know how many people like that see on a daily basis, there are chickens I know that would kill for feathers that shine like this.” He hands it back to her and leans back again, “Anyway, if the white chickens are the hot ones then, what the hell am I?”
Fern messes with her feather. “I don’t know? I don’t seen black chickens too often. Most black chickens are stunning. They have beautiful feathers.” Fern reaches over and touches one of Snidely’s feathers.
Snidely glances to a clock on the wall, “It’s getting late, we should go to base.” He stands up and begins to walk out the door, holding it open for Fern.
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