Fern shoots up and walks to the door. She stops for a moment, saying “Yes!” under her breathe. She walks fully out and smiles softly. “Okay, let’s go!”
They walk through the streets until they reach a small bar darkly lit with mostly neon and black lights. Snidely showed her to the very back area of the bar roped off and guarded by a bouncer who stepped aside to let them in when meeting his eye. Snidely walks into it, there where a few chickens, mostly male but a couple very scantly clad female ones. Snidely pours himself a glass of whiskey. Most of the chickens in the room turn to attention at the sight of him.
Fern looks at everyone else and then at Snidely. She holds her wings behind her back. “Snidely, what are we doing here? This is a club!” the hen snaps at him. “These chickens are staring at you.” Fern says nervously, she moves a bit so she’s standing close to Snidely.
“Its fine, just pretend to fit in.” He downs the rest of his shot then slams it on the table. Quickly the room goes silent and he leans forward, slowly looking over everyone in the room. He interlocked his feathers and put his wings over his beak, “…I’m sure you’ve all heard that Talon has died, and I’m sure you know that someone from FiveFeather killed him.” A wave of displeased bawks came from the chickens in the room. Snidely held up a wing to silence them, “A war is starting, SliverHawke is allied with Feather, I’ve decided that we’ll ally with Morphine.” A series of murmurs broke out in the room.
Fern stands in silence, nodding at the right times as the other chickens do. Although she only understands a bit of what Snidely has to say. As the other chickens begin to talk, Fern looks over at Snidely. “Who’s Morphine?”
Before Snidely could respond, one of the other chickens, one with feathers died a dark purple color, cut in, “Like hell you’ll be able to do that! Morphine is a legend, like hell they’ll ally with someone like you-” Snidely cut the chicken off by quickly standing up, rolling back his shoulders, he was almost half a head taller than the other guy. Snidely looks down on him, a venomous look in his eyes, “I’m the leader now,” he hisses in a low tone little under a whisper, but the rest of the room was so dead silent, his voice almost seemed to echo, “You do what I say or stop calling yourself a Phoenix.” He returned to his seat, “We ally to Morphine or we loose this war.”
Fern looks at Snidely and chuckles softly as he tells the other chicken off. She looks around the room and takes a seat in a chair.
Snidely sighs, pouring himself another glass of whiskey and taking a seat back on the couch, “Anyway, someone find the leader of Morphine.” he glances at Fern and mutters to her, “well you seem to be enjoying yourself.”
Fern shrugs. “I don’t know. This place seems kinda sketchy. These chickens aren’t the smartest, I’ll tell you that.” Fern scans the area once more. “I’m surprised no one asked who I was.”
Snidely shrugs, “people bring girls in and out of here all the time, they probably just assumed you were one of them.”
“Oh.” Fern frowns. She then perks up. “So, there are like ranks in this little gang thing going on, right?”
Snidely shrugs, “Sort of, its kinda left unsaid, save for some of the higher-ups.” He turns toward Fern, a slightly unamused look on his face, “Anyway, we’re not just ‘little gang,’ we’re one of the four groups that control the underground of New Cock.”
“Oh, really?” she cocks her head in interest. “So, tell me who the four groups are. And are there like territories or something?”
“Fivefeather, SilverHawke, RootPhoenix and Morphine.” Snidely begins to explain, “You know the 6 bureaus of New Cock? Each one of us controls one, save for Morphine which has 2. For a pretty long time we’ve been fighting with Feather for the control of the 6th. Morphine is the most powerful gang, but they’re also the most secretive, thats why its hard to get in contact with them.”
Fern nods, finally getting what’s been happening. “Okay, so, there are four gangs who ‘control’ the underground. And there are 6 bureaus. Morphine controls two. Alright, that part. But,” Fern stops, leaning in closer to Snidely. “Have you contacted Morphine yet? Do they even know what’s happening?”
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