A Room.
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Public Group
Active 8 years ago
You are in a room.
The floor is made of concrete.
The walls are made of concrete.
The ceiling is made... View more
Public Group
Group Description
You are in a room.
The floor is made of concrete.
The walls are made of concrete.
The ceiling is made of concrete.
There are no doors, windows, or other openings. Somehow, the air in the room is being refreshed constantly.
You have no idea how you, or anyone else, got in this room. You don’t see much of a way out. There’s nothing here except the clothes on your back – even the light is just a dim ambient illumination, with no visible source.
Actual RP
Elijah looks at the frozen water, stepping up on it, seeming to not freak out anymore, yet still seeming angry. He steps up onto the ice, as does Alex. He looks at Velia a bit surprised.
“Hurt…myself…?” Alex repeats slowly in a questioning tone. He then looks down at his hands. He then remembers something.
He reaches up and pulls a hair pin with a little flower on it and takes it out, taking the sharp end of the now revealed pin, sliding up his sleeve. He trusts Velia, it will bring something out of it.
“Wait what are you-” Elijah starts, then cutting himself off when Alex jabs the pin into his forearm.
Alex winces a bit, pulling it out, his arm now bleeding, “Like that?”
Elijah Reallises he didn’t step up at all…the ice just…froze below his feet quickly when he tried to step up. So that’s why his feet were so cold…wow he really isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes is he?
She nods….
((Jade don’t hate me for this I am Triggering something))
many miles away in another dimension, a boy sits in his room, on the floor hiding under his hoodie, it’s been a day full of hallucinations and not a single letter from Avery, he may have been crying a bit ago but he wouldn’t tell anyone that suddenly he winces in pain and reveals a thin scar forming on his arm.
“What…the fuck…?” Suddenly his door burst open and his heart skips a beat fearfully as Minnie walks in, her attention finding purple eyes land on the scar, “ANDY DID YOU…WHERE DID YOU…I AM GOING TO—” she panicks and begins digging through the few things left in his room, finding nothing sharp enough to self harm then examining his arm forcefully. Andy looks away hoping she wasn’t going to make a scene, he didn’t do it…he knew he didn’t…She sighs looking at the rather thin already scarred cut “it’s just like a paper cut or something isn’t it you dweeb?” He nods lying without speaking and she rushes out…a part of him felt oddly worried. The last time something like this happened, it was….
oh god, Alex is in trouble.
((— Okay but if you want to bring them in, I’m being them you stick to Kayla and Avery—))
“So…what…oh! Is this a way to communicate discretely with someone? I’ll…do you want me maybe to scratch a quick message into my arm?” Alex asks, willing to do whatever.
Elijah stand there frozen like everyone else. But he’s confused and concerned, his previous anger already gone. “Is…it necessary for any of us to hurt ourselves…”
Velia blinks “The cat had a ribbon on its tail so you can’t untangle it, but maybe we can yank it until the cat realizes it’s there.” Samuel explains, “Alex and Andy are connected she’s attempting to use their connection, a painful one, to attract the attention of Andy, and then…what exactly Andy’s locked up in his room. ” Velia sighs like it’s obvious. “He is in the sand.” Samuel looks like if he wasn’t holding Velia he would facepalm. “Once Andy gets the point pointed” he pauses a moment to smile slightly without actually breaking the mood. “Jynz will see what’s going on, and be able to inform people.”
((I just needed s thing quick they’ll come back in a moment don’t worry— Velia thinking is oddly affective—))
“Guys?!” Emmaline wiggles in the ice, trying to move her legs. She takes a deep breath. “Okay… We need to get out of this ice. Does anyone have any ideas?” Looking at the blood dripping from his arm, she acknowledges Alex. “We can’t resort to bloodshed. That’s what our ‘captor’ playing puppet master wants.”
Alex looks to the girl, “Oh um…don’t worry that’s not…it. Velia over there is a genius…it’s best to listen to her, i figured it involved a plan…”
Elijah looks to the girl as well, just now acknowledging the other people in the room. He waves at her slightly, keeping a blank but relaxed face, “Hi.”
Velia looks to this Emmaline. “Sh, we need to tug the cat.” Samuel looks like he’s about to reiterate himself when a flash of cold ice hits his boot and he shudders nearly dropping Velia and she screams a bit before he last secondly grabs back on to her.
“Jesu-” she stops suddenly, looking at Velia. “I think she has a plan. Translate. Oh, hello, guy.” She waves at Elijah, turning her attention back quickly.
Samuel nods. “Alex knows a guy with the same face as him but when Alex gets hurt the guy with the same face will also get hurt so, when he gets hurt a person with the same face as me will see him getirng hurt because he can see the past and the present and into other dimensions where as I see the future. So the guy with my face will then probably let others know and they can find a way to figure out how we were trapped and eventually rescue us.” He finishes and Velia nods from his arms.
“My feet are cold,” Elijah comments absently, seeming as though he really just was speaking his more basic thoughts.
“All of our feet are cold,” Alex giggles at him a bit, not in a rude way. But his smile fades into a determined look, rolling the sleeve of his dress up more as he slowly and lightly, not very deep at all, carves letters into his skin, biting his lip as he does so
“Ugh…” She shudders at the sight of the blood, turning away as much as she can. “You hear that, you sick fuck? We’re leaving.” She talks to the ceiling, furrowing her brow. “I know, it won’t change anything.” She switches to talking again to her fictional voices, trying to keep herself calm,
Velia looks sadly at it, self consciously pulling her sleeves down even further but attempts to keep a level head. This is to save them…to save them…. Samuel one handedly hugs her
“it’s alright you know what you’re doing.” He encourages.
The smell of sulfur becomes weak.
The water is now three feet deep. Seven feet of open air remain, but to make use of it, individuals will need to break out of the ice somehow.
I use the water dripping from the ceiling to create a hard ice cover around my hand, I walk around to each person punching the ice, Causing my hands to bleed but the ice takes most of the impact. I hit the ice so the ice around their feet will be weaker so they can pull out.
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