A Room.
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Public Group
Active 8 years ago
You are in a room.
The floor is made of concrete.
The walls are made of concrete.
The ceiling is made... View more
Public Group
Group Description
You are in a room.
The floor is made of concrete.
The walls are made of concrete.
The ceiling is made of concrete.
There are no doors, windows, or other openings. Somehow, the air in the room is being refreshed constantly.
You have no idea how you, or anyone else, got in this room. You don’t see much of a way out. There’s nothing here except the clothes on your back – even the light is just a dim ambient illumination, with no visible source.
Create a Character
Create a Character
Posted by Ducky on March 14, 2015 at 1:23 amJust enter whatever. As long as you’re not Magical God of Awesomeness #1000, anything goes.
Literally anything.
JadeynTheAwesome replied 9 years, 11 months ago 10 Members · 20 Replies -
20 Replies
so yeah due to some bullshit with a joke username, the chatroom that no longer exists on skyrie.net, and abbreviations, My character is called I. Yep. He’s basically a regular guy. But a silhouette. Yep. He is good at certain things, but none that would be useful in this rp situation.
A schizophrenic and depressed girl with grey skin and long black hair, she has faded self harm scars on her arms legs and stomach but they’re mostlycovered by a long white dress. Her eyes are pure whites no pupil or iris, the only thing she has is a rather old looking but still touch screen phone, however there is no service so she only continues to use it (until the battery dies) as a translator app as she cannot speak English. At least not the English we’re used to. She forgets the meanings of words when she talks and gets them all mixed up. It’s like she talks in code. If someone picks up on the code we could say her translator app died and someone in a mother room could translate (through a wall or something perhaps) In the room she sees some of her hallucinations including her best friend Melly. Melly looks a lot like her, and is the nicest. However Melly is tanner, with greenish (with bits of brown) eyes and wavy broen hair and freckle faced. Melly wears brightly colored clothing and despite their appearance differences Melly and this girl appear to have the same face. Melly also has a brother named Parker who is a tall oak tree and a very lazy tree at that. This girl also hallucinates a rude brunette girl named Violet she is a complete bully to this girl, and often insults her. Her favorite thing to call this girl is to call her a whore. There are also twin girls who barely talk and work for the insight. The insight is a genderless being out to get her. Out to get everyone. Then, there is a woman completely made of shadows simply called The Shadow Lady who also works for the insight. This girl’s last hallucination is that of her floating cat named Pumpkin. More on her personality is that she’s very insightful with amazing deduction skills, but if you can’t understand her she’s a babbling idiot for all you know. I really would describe her as a genius…of course there’s a fine line between ingenius and insane. Her name is Velia Monika Raven the Second and she is that line.
Name: Stella Dalice
Age: 16
Height: 5’5
Hair: Long, gold, pulled into ponytails for cheerleading.
Eye color: Gold-green, red glasses,
Species: Human
Outfit: A white, black, and red varasity jacket that splays her last name on the back ‘Dalice’ with a smiley face patch sowed on the front next to her cheerleading pin. A red t-shirt with a England flag on it with black writing underneath from her field trip to Great Britain last year with her school. A white cheer-leading skirt trimmed with dark blue matches a blue ribbon in her hair that holds her right ponytail, and under her skirt is light blue and white striped stockings. Her shoes are white beat up converse.
rule update: you can have as many characters as you want.
one ‘character’ may consist of as many individuals as you want.
Name: Emmaline Jaydeen
Looks: Long, Brown hair that reaches to her elbows, in pigtails. She has a smattering on freckles and stands at 5’3, being somewhat skinny. She usually wears a normal white t shirt, a beat up brown jacket, faded blue jeans and trainers. Her eyes are blue, but are known to almost darken when she’s angry.
Personality: She normal bright and bubbly, but she’s known to talk to the air sometimes. What she’s really talking to is her voices, the different people she hears in her head. These are really just the people she talks to when bored, almost like a child’s imaginary friends. She is generally sweet, but when she’s mad, watch out. She’s a little pistol.
Dakota Eriksten
Age: 16
Outfit/Looks: Blue over shirt, black t-shirt, gray cargo pants, keeps a pocket watch on him, a necklace with a crystal on it, glasses with blue frames. Black short hair, brown eye’s,and pale skin, Black nike shoes.
Has a power he doesn’t show anyone unless he must: Ice (Sorry I now added this because I didn’t know if the owner would allow me but if he has a problem with I can change this back)
((Ah, finally accepted the invite, sorry that took a while))
Name: Alexander Thomas – he simply goes by Alex
Gender: Male
Age: 15 – physically at least.
Species: Human
Nationality: British – English accent and all, on the posh sounding side.
Looks: Looks just like a girl with short hair and is almost always mistaken for a girl. 5’2, golden eyes, short bubblegum pink hair with a soft look to it, making you want to touch it but that’s awkward, long bangs that are a bit layered and they cover one of his eyes almost completely. He is extremely babyfaced which helps the fact that he looks like a girl. He’s short and also skinny. Despite being scrawny (looking to maybe be only 100 lb to 105 lb at the most) he actually has a good amount of strength. He’s a bit on the paler side.
Outfit: He crossdresses, and pulls it off very well (like I said, he looks like a girl). The top of his dress is black long sleeved and the neckline is wide, showing his defined collar bone. Just below the chest, the skirt of his dress poofs out and goes to just above his knees, it’s a velvety red color. He then also has white tights and mary janes.
I walk around the room looking at the roof. “What is going on?”
((Second character~))
a tall boy with messy black hair managing to fall into his face constantly with a long leather trench coat, blue button up shirt and dark pants for an outfit. Such a masterpiece is paired with a long red scarf around his neck that is hard to see him without. He has a bit tanner skin and is on the Lankier side, with a white scar across the bridge of his nose. He also has bright yellow eyes that for points of time in his life were as white as Velia’s ((other character)). He wears combat boots and despite appearing intimidating he only is it Velia is harmed. He is the big brother type, despite being friendly and hilarious and sympathetic he also can break the arm of those who break Velia’s heart, which sadly is not a difficult thing to do. He also has a love of cold treats such as ice cream or Popsicles, and can be a total Tsundere. He is easily entertained by reading usually about his family because he is quite the mama’s boy, with reason to be, considering he met his mother several months ago for the first time. He has a rather obvious fear and distrust of hospitals, but is not completely broken upon seeing them/discussing them so more of a minor fear unless he directly is brought to the reason why he fears hospitals, his childhood. He also can translate Velia’s jumbled language of ‘Velianese’ and considers her his best friend. They’re an unstoppable duo. He is most known for his psychic abillities, and short yet relatively harmless temper(except if Velia is victimized). He is able to predict the future once the event is decided and sealed with a choice, before the choice he knows the probability of different results and future scenarios and has the compulsive desire to steer the future towards the best one possible. He is, Samuel ThirdEye.
I move into a corner of the room and sit down. “I guess he is going to drown us.” I say calmly
I sigh “When I say jump I want all of you to jump over the water.” I say standing up.
I create a fist when the water increases. “Don’t freak out.” I freeze the water except around peoples feet and bodies in the water so they don’t get stuck.
((I’m gonna make one for the newly added Elijah, just incase))
Name: Elijah Cross
Gender: Male
Age: About physically 16
Species: Human
Looks: Elijah is a bit on the taller side at 5’10 and also quite skinny, almost unhealthily so, despite this he really has a love of food – an odd taste at times. His facial shape is a bit more on the oval side but is a bit rounded, also having scarily smooth skin. Skin tone wise, he’s a bit on the tanned side, but not all too drastically. One other defining feature of his would be is hair, considered to be magnificent and is practically worshiped by a few of his friends. It’s a dark shade of brown, being wild and messy, but also soft and fluffy. It’s quite wavy and seems hard to maintain, perhaps looking as if it could use a small trim, some of the waves falling into his face but he doesn’t seem to care about the constantly messy state of his hair. Elijah also has two differently colored eyes, but it’s not easy to tell at first glance as one is a light brown and the other is a hazel that’s a bit more on the brown side than the green.
Outfit: He wears a black button up short sleeved shirt along with faded grayish black skinny jeans that are a bit baggy on the slender boy. On the skinny jeans there is also a short chain. To finish it off eh simply has bright red converse.
<span style=”font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 23.7999992370605px;”>Ian</span><br style=”font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 23.7999992370605px;” /><span style=”font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 23.7999992370605px;”>guy of roughly 6 feet wheres a pare of tan pants and black half boots, along with a black hoodie with a skull on the back surrounded by a banner saying ” we are poison not pirates” shortish brown hair and very blue eyes and a beard that is slightly reddish.</span>
<span style=”font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 23.7999992370605px;”>Ian</span><br style=”font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 23.7999992370605px;” /><span style=”font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 23.7999992370605px;”>guy of roughly 6 feet wheres a pare of tan pants and black half boots, along with a black hoodie with a skull on the back surrounded by a banner saying ” we are poison not pirates” shortish brown hair and very blue eyes and a beard that is slightly reddish</span>
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