Character Creation

  • Character Creation

    Posted by Monaa Vi on September 16, 2015 at 12:36 am

    Please use the following format. I also will include information to help you accurately fill out your character sheet.

    Name: (I don’t really have a set format for names just yet, but fei names that I have include Basha, Monaa, Navni, Kevi, Lud, Wadi, Takka, Jeodda, Kalwp, Dormuvu, Liroi….I can review names and help modify any that need to be more Fei-like)

    Age: (Fei only live to be about 50. They are considered “fully mature” by 11-13 (meaning they are adults). Adulthood spans from early teens to late twenties. Middle age is early thirties to early forties. Then old age to fifty or so.)

    Profession: (I’ll likely have a better list of professions later on the lore post. These need to be basic jobs, trades that can be passed on from master to apprentice. Ones that are necessary are scribes for record keeping purposes, pathfinders to seek a safe route for the Pid to take, hunters to catch and kill insects for food and resources, growers to tend to the lichen and larva pools for more food, things in this vein of thought.)

    Appearance: (Fei have skin tones that range from very dark to very pale, most appear mixed. Hair colors are (as of now) the same as humans. The scales on their arms and legs are often darker than their skin and are in earthen shades. Their wings can resemble most found naturally on moths or butterflies. Fei in this shi wear clothing made from bug parts, the only thing they have to use.)

    Personality: (Fei tend to be more aggressive than humans. This is considered normal. A shy, meek, or passive Fei would be pretty odd, but it does happen. They also tend to be more physically intimate with one another. Hugging, kissing, hand holding and things of that nature are all common among clanmates. They tend to be seen more as “Savage” by our standards, arguing more with volume and force than logic, but they don’t often get outright violent with clanmates. There is no stigma attached to alcohol, smoking, or recreational drug use, however, dependence on these substances is highly frowned upon.)

    Note* There is no section for “gender.” That is because all Fei are born females. Only the leader of a normal clan, a Rohn, is considered “male.” A Rohn undergoes a physical transformation before taking over a clan. They still look female, but now possess internal reproductive organs more similar to that of a male. As I’ll be taking the role of Rohn in the clan, all other clan members will be female. But that doesn’t mean they have to act like “girls” because Fei don’t have the same gender roles that humans do.

    Monaa Vi replied 9 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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