The Forbidden Labyrinth

  • Rey (Brandon Reijiro) Sakatashi Heat +UndeadSugarDemon+

    September 29, 2020 at 11:29 pm

    *After obtaining his next mission to explore a labyrinth that was further in the Land of Labyrinths. He wondered if these things were being created or growing here, like plants. There had been a few erected by the emperor of Hell himself, Lord Satan. @kuroyassha But some didn’t seem to have his sinister aura. Although the configurations were usually deadly all the same. This new labyrinth had its name carved on a stone outside the main opening. “Forbidden Labyrinth” Most of the others had no name, they just existed with their entry.* Could this one have been created by some kind of wizard or sorceress? *He sighs* Already, I’m not thrilled about the name of this place. Why doesn’t Thoth-sama come obtain this damn Holy Goblet himself? *Lightning strikes in front of him.* Alright, alright! I know! I know! I’m going!

  • Thoth Caduceus Sakatakami ☤ OmnisScientiaSucréDeus

    September 30, 2020 at 7:41 am

    *Thoth sama scoffs.* That will show him to question my assignments to him. *He then looks over the book he had in his hand showing the places where the golden goblet had been for the most time before it was stolen from the Ancient Egyptian tomb of Thutmose the Conquerer. Thutmose had been the vessel of Thoth a couple of times during that dynasty. Thoth had traced the Golden Goblet after it had been robbed. Afterwards, an orphan named Ranofer learned who the grave robbers were after finding the Golden Goblet. He returned it to Queen Tiy and was in her possession for along time until one day a lover of her plotted to kill her and rob it. Queen Tiy holding the goblet in her hand, not releasing it although her lover was stabbing her, was tainted with her blood and as she stumbled back, she noticed the window which she tossed the goblet down from the castle into the streets. A thief found it and picked it up afterwards it disappeared for a long time, until it was found again. Thoth sama learned it had been taken by an ancient wizard and stored away within the Forbidden Labyrinth and that is where Rei would be sent to retrieve it.*

  • Rey (Brandon Reijiro) Sakatashi Heat +UndeadSugarDemon+

    October 16, 2020 at 3:34 pm

    *Rei was well on his way. He didn’t like this labyrinth, in essence, he hated all of them, but this one in particular gave him goosebumps.  As he entered, so far, he found it too quiet and too easy, that was never a good sign. He was alert and ready to strike anything that might jump out at him. He almost slipped through a trap floor which surprised him, his quick reflexes saved him from falling to his impalement. He sighs and continues on.*

  • Rey (Brandon Reijiro) Sakatashi Heat +UndeadSugarDemon+

    November 3, 2020 at 6:26 pm

    *He can hear something slowly approaching the distance, he quietly prepares to shot his bow and arrow as he waits to see what appears from around the corner of the labyrinth path. There are two paths it can take and both are in front of him. He can hear the sound of footsteps, definitely they aren’t human. He moves back a bit to get a better angle, it has not appeared yet and he quietly waits to see what he is going to shoot at.*

  • *He observed as the monster slowly approached. He noted an axe in it’s possession and it was being equally cautious as it made its way around the corner. Rei remained quiet as he realized he had not been spotted. He thought to himself.* Perhaps this creature isn’t originally from this labyrinth. *He thought perhaps that is had been trapped here like him. Rei wasn’t sure if he should attack or just let it go past him. He waited quietly until it was almost in front of him to see if the creature would continue or if he would have to fight this thing.*

  • *They continued to inch ever closer to each other. He stopped and so did the monster he would soon collide with. He had to keep in mind this monster was being as cautious as he was and their strike might happen simultaneously. There was an eerie silence as both strategically waited for the moment to strike.*

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