after ww3 role-play
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Active 11 years ago
the world is just reovering from all the destruction ww3 caused, electricity is now non existant and... View more
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S: kinda…. i guess.
Mia : hello!!!!!!! welcome
H: I’d better go then. Thanks for the gun, and, you know, saving my ass. *stands up and goes to the door, ice and fire swords ready in case he’s spotted*
Mia: here *throws a bootle of water* cleanest youll get round here
Lorna: *watches H leave and sighs, taking out a small pencil and drawing book, drawing monsters*
Lorna: *rolls eyes, sighing before continuing with the drawing*
S: sighs* so have we found a cure for the mutations yet?
Mia: i think i got a breakthrough…. the arsenic in the paint is deadly to monsters, soooo,
S: if we can find away to make it less potent,
Mia: we can cure the mutations!
H: *comes to a bubbling pond, there’s a dry patch in the middle, there’s a child sitting on the small island, at least that’s what it looks like, I move closer to the edge of the pond and push back the reeds to see better.* excuse me? are you alright?…. Hello? *the figure shifts slightly, moaning* hello…? *I drew my fire and ice swords and slowly wade into the murky water*
Mia: *grunts puts hands on head and falls to knees*
s: oh my… not agin
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