Fast Food Chain Lane

  • Ukyo Hadesu JadeSugarDemon Moroboshi

    October 7, 2024 at 11:08 pm

    *Enjoying a warm apple cider as he takes a break from work, passes the fast food area and head’s towards Akiba’s park to let nature inspire him.*

  • Star Satanachia ~AstreaDevilukean SugarDemon~

    February 7, 2025 at 8:05 pm

    Here’s your order! Have a nice day! @leviachan @sugar

  • *Sometimes Leo would work in his office til midday in order to be ahead in his responsibilities come Monday. Plus it was quieter. He decided to catch his brother Night managing the McDonald’s at Fast Food Lane and sit with him for while as he took a break while enjoying some breakfast there.* @crimsonflamesoul

  • NightSyn CrimsonFlameSugarDemon OkumuraSakata

    February 8, 2025 at 3:53 pm

    *He had been managing the shop and training some new staff when big brother Leo walked in. He leaves the new staff with his niece Star who already knew how to work her way around and he took a break to sit with Leo.* Hey big bro! Great to see you! I take it your here for a bite. Let me know what you like, I’ll have the staff bring it over.

  • *He was a creature of habit and enjoyed having a caramel frappe with muffin, eggs and sausage. He looks over to Night. * I’m good brother, I’ll have the usual. * They sit at a booth together while he waits for his order and he listens to Night’s concerns.* So it’s been downright disrespectful in the area. Yeah, I saw some unwanted ruffians nearby. It’s a shame, this is a good area. Maybe we should inform uncle Gori about it. But it seems some of them are just some pesky social media types taking advantage of our kind graces. I might have to crack my knuckles and set them straight!

  • NightSyn CrimsonFlameSugarDemon OkumuraSakata

    February 8, 2025 at 4:09 pm

    *Night makes sure his brother gets his order as they speak. He had mentioned his concerns to his big brother and agreed it was best handled by the cops.* I agree with you. I’ll talk to uncle. But, don’t dirty your hands with such petty lowlives. It’s just a small annoyance anyway. I can set them straight if they happen to show up here at my location. It seems to be some ridiculous trend to annoy others and get into business that doesn’t concern them. By the way, on a better note. Dad said he wants to show us a new concert spot. I figured I would call Daniel to come along on this one. Are you down later today?

  • *Leo was almost done with his meal and short break. He agreed with Night and they continued to speak for a while until it was time for him to head back to the office.* If they get out of hand though, let me know. We can take care of it the quiet, old school way. *He chuckles. He then hears the invitation.* I am free later. I will definitely join in. *He then hugs his brother, waves at the staff and his nieces Star and Luna and grandniece Sugar whom he noticed working there too.* Alright brother, I will be on my way! See you later.

  • Seiryu Masamune Date *BlueDraconizianSugarDemon*

    February 9, 2025 at 12:18 am

    *Stops by to pick up his beautiful wife Star Satanachia as she finishes her shift at work. *

  • Star Satanachia ~AstreaDevilukean SugarDemon~

    February 9, 2025 at 12:21 am

    *She runs over and hops into her husband’s car. Plants a kiss on his lips and yells out* Woo hoo! Party time! Drive me home I want to go home and change so we can party!!

  • Luna Leviachan ~BeliaDevilukean SugarDemon~

    February 9, 2025 at 12:35 am

    *Leviachan and Sugar waved at Satanachia and Seiryu as they left. These ladies had other, after work plans and would meet up with them and her husband Alvaro much later.* ok daughter, let’s go shopping!

  • *Hugs her mother and says goodbye to the staff scheduled after them. She was happy to have some time to shop with her mother and she also wanted to buy stuff for her cousins. It was her first real paycheck and it was time to splurge.*

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