Ancient Cosmic SugarSanctum of The Heavenly Beings ☨
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Active 4 days ago
An Ancient Retreat of Heavenly Beings where Gods, Angels of all ranks and other celestial beings... View more
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Group Description
An Ancient Retreat of Heavenly Beings where Gods, Angels of all ranks and other celestial beings would gather for meetings and accumulate knowledge of the human world. It’s now a place of sanctuary, peace and reflection.
The Ancient Sanctum Sanctorum of Heavenly Beings houses the Cathedral of Origins and Mystery Vault with artifacts retrieved from different worlds that should not be in the possession of humans, as well as a history of their origins. There was an old Forbidden Academy and volumes of information regarding relationships as old as time itself were formed and celestial islands for the traveling souls of departed members of the GrandSugarClan.
**Note: This group is mainly for members of the GrandSugarClan, although all may enter and use this group,
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Cast, Characters & Short Bio (if necessary)
Cast, Characters & Short Bio (if necessary)
Posted by Thoth Caduceus Sakatakami ☤ OmnisScientiaSucréDeus on April 8, 2017 at 11:23 pmHere we can add who is playing each role. And if someone wants to post a short character sheet / bio feel free.
Natsuru Kaito AzureSugarDemon Senou-Saotome replied 6 years, 1 month ago 8 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
As far as I know…..
Zeus Zeus Keraunos, the Greek God and father of Apollon is played by our multitalented, Kintoki
Apollon Apollon Agana Belea, Greek God of the Sun, you guess it, Kintoki
Hadesu: Hades Aidoneus, Greek God of the Underworld, Older brother of Zeus, uncle of Apollon and hinted to be the adopted father of LuzHela, is played by Ukyo
Tsukito Tsukito Totsuka, Tsuki Tsukii a/k/a Tsukiyomi. (as himself) Japanese God of the Moon. He has a brother who might join us, not sure yet.
Loki Loki Laevatein, Norse God of Fire, played by Shuhei, his childhood friend Balder will also join us soon.
Thoth: Thoth Caduceus, prefers to be called Thoth-sama respectfully. Egyptian God of Knowledge and in this case, your teacher. ## side note, for those who don’t know, it’s me Isao 😉 ##
Goddes Urd, younger version, is played by Noloty herself.
Amanto Apocalyptic Seraphim Helena, younger version, plays herself.Please if I forgot anyone feel free to elaborate a bit. I only did those I could remember.
I’ll allow Gintoki to elaborate on the fallen ones.
Tsukito Avatea Totsuka (戸塚 月人)
Nickname: Tsuki-Tsuki (given to him by Apollon)
Guardian Of Divinity at Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose and Hereditary Knight at Royal Order of SweetsugarSeraphim
Birthday: February 12
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Blood Type: A
Height: 175cm
Weight: 58kg
Occupation: Public Morals Officer at True Crossover Academy of the Blue Flames
Favorite Food: Anything delicious
Least Favorite Food: Anything unpalatable
Race: God of the Moon
Tsukito is the Japanese God of the Moon. He seems nonchalant, which makes others think he’s cold and non-expressive. Nevertheless he is responsible and dutiful.
Has pledged to be a Hereditary Knight for Helena SweetSeraphimSugarDemon Sakata.
Although he is an unsociable, somehow Apollon always manages to get him dragged into the problem. He sees the idea of the school as just another task or a mission and tries to perform it without getting emotionally involved. He enjoys moon gazing. He has a rabbit familiar called Usamaro, named by Takeru. It is also mentioned he has other unnamed rabbit familiars. His limiter is an amethyst bracelet on his right hand.
Thoth-sama refers to me as the imbecile! -
Full Name: Apollon Agana Belea
(played by yours truly in both worlds, new and old)Race: Greek God of the Sun and Light
Zeus (father)
Hadesu (uncle)
Dionysus (half-brother)
Zodiac sign: Leo
Blood type: B
Height 180CM
Weight: 60KG
Special skills: Prophecy.
Hobbies: enjoying and making music
Occupation: Student Council President at both the Forbidden Academy and True Crossover Academy of the Blue Flame
Favorite food: Orange
Least favorite: avocado
Thoth-sama calls me the Idiot
Loki calls me Ahollon
Apollon has short slightly messy blonde hair and green eyes but in deity form these change to long blonde hair and golden eyes and the ability to manipulate fire.
He behaves and looks like a noble. He likes to be motivated by different things and is a charismatic leader. He’s very cheerful and overly enthusiastic.Apollon and Helena were the two first friendly faces that the young goddess Urd would encounter on the island.
Later becomes a loyal Knight of the Royal Order of PoisonousSugarDemon Goddess Urd.
Zeus Keraunos
(yes, I play him too since we won’t use him a lot.)The Greek God of the Sky and Thunder and The Ruler of Mount Olympus and the Pantheon of Greek Gods. He is the creator and the principal of the Forbidden Academy. Zeus intends to teach the meaning of love to the various young divine beings who also attend the school, in an attempt to reverse the weakening bond between humans and the gods. But his experiment hits a twist when other unexpected students such as seraphim Helena and half demon/half goddess Noloty Urd come into the picture.
Race: Greek God
Gender: Male
Height: 188cm
Weight: 90kg
Blood Type: AB
Eye Color: Golden
Hair Color: Blonde
Side Note: Zeus’ father was Cronus who ruled after he killed his father, Uranus, with a sickle so he could become the leader of the world and the most powerful of the Titans. Zeus ruled the heavens and earth after he went into a war with Cronus that lasted ten years called the Titanomachy then was the victor and took over.
Personality: Zeus is a very demanding man who gets what he wants with his power and words. Although seeming forceful and tyrannical, he keeps the future of humanity and gods in mind.His older brother is Hadesu but they have a tense relationship because Zeus feels superior to him.
Zeus is known for his polyamorous nature. He’s a shape shifter and at the academy can take on the shape of both his older self and a young child. He has fathered many children. Two at the school are Apollon and Dionysus. -
Belial: Before Kintoki was manifested on earth, he was the hated demon Belial.
Originally created as an Earth Seraphim, ranking in the First Sphere.
These Seraphim were called Sons of God.
The fall of Belial came in the form of his hatred of humans. When asked to acknowledge man by bowing down to them, Belial pretended to do so, but he later began to lie and deceive the humans for fun creating some of the first fights and wars. This eventually angered his creator who disowned him and began to call him worthless.
Belial’s new title: Demon of Lies
He was acknowledged in the human Holy Bible as the source of great evil. Some apocrypha declare Belial was created next to Lucifer (Gintoki). Belial was a king in Gehenna governing over 80 infernal legions. His personality is deceitful and evil-hearted. A lawless demon who stood proudly next to his brother Satan (Nero Kurotoki) when they were waging the war against the Sons of Light. It’s rumored that he started the war with his lies.
He appeared to King Solomon who later listed him in Solomon’s Goetia.
When summoned, Belial appears as either one or two angels sitting in a chariot of fire.He always understood himself to be worthless and useless so his agenda was destroy anything pure and honest. His lies were the causes of wars in the inferno he called home and in any dimension he took interest in.
Although unable to fully enter the heavenly retreat, he had been known to use his lies as a way to slip through barriers by having people living in the village trust and bring him in.
Real name: Mephistopheles
aliases: Mephisto Pheles Sakata, Johann Faust V, Samael, and sometimes Trickster
favorite nickname: Mephy
Race: Demon
Age: some say it’s over 1,000 but his age is unknown
Birthday: August 28
Hair: Purple
Eyes: Green
Height: 195 cm (6′ 5″)
Weight: 74 kg (163 lbs)
Blood type: Unknown
infernal brothers: Satan Kurotoki, Gintoki Lucifer, Kintoki Belial, Belphegorr, and a legion of others.Has several abilities but barely displays them preferring not to dirty his own hands. He’ll try to get others to do his dirty work. He is known as the King of Time. A title bestowed on him by Satan (Kurotoki) when he first met a young and innocent Helena and tricked her into giving him one of the keys to manipulate time. He is a cultivated, witty, and cynical. True to his name, ‘plasterer of lies’, he’s also a trickter. Unlike his brothers, he was never an angel but rather he was first a familiar created by Satan himself from the remains of an angel who was once his heavenly brother. Satan named him Mephistopholes to mean negation of light in order to tease his brother Lucifer. To Satan’s dismay, Mephy became more drawn to Lucifer and would often work for him. Mephy does not search for men to corrupt, but comes to serve and ultimately collect the souls of those who are already damned since he prefers to observe how things will unfold and what choices living beings make that shape their destinies.
He was able to sneak into the forbidden academy because of his misfit friend Lilith who had been taken there when she was almost killed by her mother Medusa and also because his charm would usualy disarm those who guarded the school. But in modern times he doesn’t remember that he and Lilith were childhood friends.
Original name: Leukozethiel
Earthly Seraphim Leukocyte King
Gender: Male
Height: 177 cm (5′ 9½”)
Weight: 65 kg (143 lb)
Hair Color: Silver
Eyes: Blue/turquoise/ light gray
Race: EarthSeraphim/Anti-Virus/Half-Human
Personality: Noble, strong, has learned to become playful. Easily tempted by treasures.A Seraphim soul of the Phoenixes class, a fiery six-winged celestial being from the heavens,but not of the same type of Apocalyptic Seraphim Helena. Brother of the Earth Seraphims before the war. Leuko had not sided with his brothers and remained in his angelic form. Brother Gintoki Lucifer asked him to be the bodyguard of the amanto apocalyptic seraphim Helena because of her rare breed she is sought after by unruly mercenaries who understand the extent of her powers. But Lucifer Gin was also worried that his infernal brothers would chose Helena as their target because of his love for her.
Leuko later came to Earth to watch over his fallen brethren so that they would not stray from the better path they have chosen. -
Name: Lilith
Alias: Lilith Ravendawn
Gender: Female
Height: 172 cm (5′ 8”)
Weight: 58 kg (128 lbs)
Hair Color: Light Green; changes to light purple (human form)
Eyes: Green and light pink, almost fluorescent
Race: Succubus, Demoness, Semi-Gorgon
Status: S Class Noble / Darkstalker
Personality: Sexy, confident, conceited and playful. Enjoys being in the material world to satisty her hedonistic delights.Legend has it that she is the direct descendant of the Gorgon Medusa due to a unique power that only she possessed – The Mystic Eyes of Petrification. With one look directly to her eyes, she can turn any man and other entities into stone. She can only use this power in her human form and it is unknown the reason behind it.
It is said that Medusa has offered Lilith as a sacrifice in order to save her life from the Apocalypse. Helena saved Lilith from this fate by picking her up and taking her away; Medusa did not survived.
The Gods agreed that Lilith live with Urd since other humans were on the hunt to find her ever since it was found that Medusa’s head had more potency after being decapitated.
Lilith’s father was rumored to be the God Poseidon (it is also said that Poseidon asked The Almighty to save his child from Athena’s wrath) therefore the Gods hid Lilith as Urd’s sister.
Lilith lived with Urd until she was five years of age, Urd’s mother, Hild, sent Lilith away after finding one of her elite soldiers turned to stone. Urd was led to believe that Lilith was sent to a orphanage in Egypt when in reality she was sent to The Retreat. It is there that Urd and Lilith reunite again but with no memory of ever meeting in the past and together they create a bit of chaos at the island.
// For more info, check into Lilith’s stories. Bio is still on the works //
Name: Balder Hringhorni
Nickname: Bal Bal
Race: Norse God of Light/Destruction
Birthday: April 29
Sign: Taurus
Blood Type: O
Height: 177cm
Weight: 62kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Blonde to White
Special Skills: Immortal
Hobbies: Dance, Learning about Japanese Culture
Favorite Food: Steak
Least Favorite Food: Salad
Thoth-sama refers to him as AirHeadBio: Cheerful, he’s a people magnet because he’s the god of light, slightly clumsy (he trips a lot), he’s carnivorous and he’s very forward. He cannot be harmed by any object because his mother Frigg made a pact with all objects on earth not to harm him. Even when there is rain, there comes a magical barrier that protects him from it. The only thing that could harm him is a mistletoe. He, Loki and Thor all three share a close relationship.
He has close ties to Helena’s seraphic tribe. Being both a god of light and destruction. He was part of the source of their abilities. He felt both love and guilt at being the divinity who had both blessed and cursed this beautiful and tragic tribe with the abilities he had. Although young when Helena was born, he was asked by the king of Helena’s seraphic tribe to be Helena’s godfather. He accepted with honor and watched Helena for many decades. When they were at the academy they were close to each other, he had to keep his love for her a secret as she grew more beautiful than the goddesses of the pantheon but he was aware that her love belonged to another and he could not pursue one that was meant to be his goddaughter. But he loves her and keeping a distance in order to control his own emotions, he would eventually return as he sensed Helena’s powers increasing vastly.*
Guardian Of Divinity at Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose and Hereditary Knight at Royal Order of SweetsugarSeraphim
Name: Takeru Alignak Totsuka
Nickname: Take-Take, Rampaging God and Thoth sama calls him Failure.
Birthdate: March 20 (Pisces)
Race: Japanese God of Sea and Storms
Height: 165cm / Weight 50kg
Bloodtype: B
Eyes: Cinnamon / Hair: Blue
Brother: Tsuki-TuskiGuardian Of Divinity at Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose and Hereditary Knight at Royal Order of SweetSugarSeraphim
Japanese God of the Sea and Storms. Responsible for awaking of the world.
Has pledged to be a Hereditary Knight for Helena SweetSeraphimSugarDemon Sakata.Hobbies: Enjoys collecting seashells, poetry
Special Skills: Swordsmanship
Favorite Food: Soba Noodles and anything Lady Helena makes at the SugarSweetBakeryPersonality: Smart but short-tempered. Very brash and often gets into fights. He’s older than his brother Tsukito. He’s very protective of those he cares about and he thinks animals are cute.
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