Pantheon of the Angels

  • Posted by Noloty Kagerou PoisonSugarDemon Maruchie Sakata on July 8, 2018 at 6:41 am

    // Present Day – Goddess/Demon Urd //

    *After spending quality time with family and friends, she decides to pay a visit at The Retreat since it has been a while that she set foot there* Funny how I resurfaced the island after returning the staff and I haven’t had the chance to check on this place! Shame on you, Noloty! *She giggles to herself and begins her stroll by one of the gardens. She was deep in her thoughts as she walked not realizing that she had ventured deeper into the woods. She stopped and watches in shock how a set of beautiful stairs appear before her* Oh my! What is the meaning of this? *She stands in front of the stairs for a few minutes and strangely she feels as if she has been there before* Hmmm…I feel lured to enter but why? *Her curiosity got the best of her and she moved forward. The trail was heavenly and she felt an immense sense of serenity around the area yet she was intrigued as to why this place was known to her* Have I been here before? Why I do not remember yet it seems like I know where I’m going! *She kept walking until the trail began to expand, looking more like a road and what she saw towards the end if it made her jaw drop* W-what?!?! *She was fascinated and was in total awe of what she found. The road lead to another island and there was a large structure. As she got closer, she observed the scenery and for an instant she had a flashback. She covered her mouth, surprised to learn what this glimpse of a memory she just had* No way! Could this be where I met Michael?? It can’t be! *She tried hard to remember but all she could get was that one glimpse of when she was young standing before a majestic archangel. She can feel her eyes get watery and tears beginning to fall down her cheeks* The pantheon…..that’s it! This is the Pantheon of the Angels! *She was about to rush inside but something made her stop* My clone! *She took out her mirror and her eyes widens as she sees her clone facing a threat. She looks at the structure one more time then sighs* Maybe next time! *She opens a portal and sees a opening which leads her nearby the labyrinth and disappears as the portal closed behind her*

    Kinzou *AuriferousSugarDemon replied 3 weeks, 3 days ago 7 Members · 32 Replies
  • 32 Replies
  • Thoth Caduceus Sakatakami ☤ OmnisScientiaSucréDeus

    October 26, 2018 at 5:46 am

    // new rp//

    *Thoth sama was walking past the Pantheon of the Angels with a scroll with containing the designs of each Archangel’s seal. He was taking it to the Cathedral of Origins to store away safely. But he knew the seal had gotten into a human’s hands and now these had been replicated Yet, he would not take any chances with the original parchment. He felt a strange and malevolent aura appear and then just as quickly disappeared from the human world.* So, lord Satan retrieved something himself at that old house. Interesting. *Then he said nothing more and kept walking.*

  • Rey (Brandon Reijiro) Sakatashi Heat +UndeadSugarDemon+

    September 7, 2019 at 6:30 pm

    *Returns the scrolls that have the human understanding of the pantheon of angels. These were not necessarily correct but they were crucial to understanding how the humans saw other celestial beings.*

  • Rey (Brandon Reijiro) Sakatashi Heat +UndeadSugarDemon+

    September 7, 2019 at 6:31 pm

    *the angel scrolls.*

  • Archangel Michael ✞ ArchistrategosSucreSpiritus

    November 15, 2020 at 6:25 am

    // new rp…continuation //

    *He follows his sister until they reached an area he was familiar with and also hasn’t seen in a long time* The Pantheon! It looks exactly the same! *a small smile formed on the corner of his lips as he remembers the time when he would attend meeting and gatherings with other angels. Despite the differences in rank, this is where they would meet and discuss important matters of the Heavenly realms  and other concerns. Now, it was a giant empty structure surrounded by infinite silence* Is there something you need to show me? We could have continued our conversation where we were. @promiscuous

  • Noloty Kagerou PoisonSugarDemon Maruchie Sakata

    November 15, 2020 at 6:44 am

    As a matter of fact, I do! It might not have great significance but it may be relevant to what I’m about to tell you. *She leads him to the library and takes out a scroll and carefully opens it until it reveals the ranks of each of the angels in chronological order* Now, this order is based on how humans view angels so is not completely correct but is close. *looks at the scroll then back at Michael* You’re an Archangel! This is where your rank falls! Of course, after that day, Father gifted you with enhanced stamina, strength, speed…the works! Making you the strongest in the Heavenly realm but on that day you needed something extraordinary to take down angels that were of much higher rank than yourself!

  • Archangel Michael ✞ ArchistrategosSucreSpiritus

    November 15, 2020 at 6:55 am

    I’m well aware of that, Urd! Father created a very powerful sword specifically for the banishment of….*he stops feeling a bit uncomfortable yet still not understanding where his sister was getting at* Urd! I need you to be clear! No more riddles! What are you trying to say? Truly!

  • Noloty Kagerou PoisonSugarDemon Maruchie Sakata

    November 15, 2020 at 7:06 am

    *She can sense her brother’s discomfort and despite knowing that she needed to tell him the truth, deep down she was panicking. Michael is the only true family she has and the thought of possibly losing him would devaste her. She stands quiet for a moment, looking at the scroll but not really staring at it. Her gaze was lost and her mind was fill with questions and the nerves were also getting the best of her. She tries to relax then takes another deep breath. She exhales then open her eyes* Michael…how much do you remember of that day…especially the days before it happened? What do you remember?

  • Archangel Michael ✞ ArchistrategosSucreSpiritus

    November 19, 2020 at 4:06 am

    Well that’s not hard to answer! *he replies confidently* The higher authorities needed a powerful weapon enough to…well, you know. Our Father volunteers to create such a weapon and when it was time to act…when the day came…I did what was commanded. *he stands on the other side of the table and takes a glimpse of the scroll then looks to his sister* I admit that I was not proud of doing such action but I had to follow orders. *senses something off with his sister* Why do I have the feeling that there’s more? What are you hiding, Urd?

  • Noloty Kagerou PoisonSugarDemon Maruchie Sakata

    November 19, 2020 at 4:17 am

    Because there is more to it than just that! *she couldn’t look at her brother in the eye however she began to get the strength to be able to tell him the real story* You got it right up to the part where the weapon was created but everything else after that….was….maneuvered…. *she can feel her heart beat faster as she notices that her brother was looking at her with a questionable expression* Michael…you were not there…when it happened.

  • Archangel Michael ✞ ArchistrategosSucreSpiritus

    November 19, 2020 at 4:22 am

    *Upon hearing those words, he felt like he was being slapped in the face and incredibly offended. He didn’t want to believe what she was saying but he can sense that she was telling the truth* What do you mean that I was not there? Then how is it that I remember everything? Explain yourself! *this last statement he raised his voice and made it clear that he was upset*

  • Noloty Kagerou PoisonSugarDemon Maruchie Sakata

    November 19, 2020 at 4:35 am

    *She jumped in shock hearing his raised voice. Noloty has never seen her brother upset and even wanted to stop and end the conversation but she knew that it was too late to take back what she said. She crosses her arms and rubs herself as if giving herself a hug then takes another deep breath before she continued* After the weapon was created, Father came to the realization that…*bites her lower lip* …that you were not strong enough to complete the task. Wait! *raises her hand stopping Michael to interrupt her* Michael, we’re talking about the banishment of the strongest of angels! Seraphims for goodness sake! Your strength alone was not up to par to do it, despite the weapon! The one who had to wield that damn sword was someone of a much higher status. A God….or…Goddess.

  • Archangel Michael ✞ ArchistrategosSucreSpiritus

    November 19, 2020 at 4:43 am

    *He didn’t say a word, he was having a hard time digesting what he was hearing. He walked closer to her and stood before her. He can sense her anguish but he felt no pity. He looked down at her and only said two words in a almost commanding tone* Keep going!

  • Noloty Kagerou PoisonSugarDemon Maruchie Sakata

    November 19, 2020 at 5:01 am

    *She senses his commanding presence upon her and felt small. Her heart was slowly breaking into pieces upon fearing the worst of how their relationship might end. She takes a few steps back from him and looks right back him* Michael…. *she stood quietly looking into her brother’s eyes and all she saw was betrayal. Betrayal on her end and she knew that this is one act that Michael did not tolerate. Upon hearing his demand to continue, just like a soldier following the orders of his commander, she opened her mouth and spoke* Father knew that I had quite the experience with magic and potion lore back then. He believed that you probably wouldn’t survive..and…he ordered me to… *her voice breaks down as she speaks* …first he wanted me to….to do a sleeping potion…then use my….my shapeshifting skills to….

  • Archangel Michael ✞ ArchistrategosSucreSpiritus

    November 19, 2020 at 5:02 am

    Do what, Urd!

  • Noloty Kagerou PoisonSugarDemon Maruchie Sakata

    November 19, 2020 at 5:20 am

    *she looks up to him and surprisingly takes his sword from his sheath and slowly begins to shapeshift right before his very eyes* You see brother… Father knew that I have this ability to change into anyone I want *her voice begins to slowly resembles Michael’s* So you see, they may have seen you banish them but it was in fact me. *with this last sentence, she had totally transformed into her brother and was speaking with his voice* The potion was meant to put you to sleep while I was busy banishing them. When everything was over, I returned back to you and performed a spell. *she was changing back to her normal self* A spell that would create the illusion that you indeed was there, did what you were “ordered” to do and you woke up being tended for minor injuries that really were never there. *still with sword in hand, she walks around the library, circling him. Although she felt a bit relieved to tell him what happened, she was not ready to face what she feared most* I’m so sorry, Michael! I’m really am! But…*she was abruptly interrupted by him*

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