And then we were trapped (Log horizon RP)
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Active 6 years ago
First of all this RP is based off Log horizon (Anime) and its similar to SAO (Sword art online) If... View more
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Group Description
First of all this RP is based off Log horizon (Anime) and its similar to SAO (Sword art online) If you have herd of it, only just more complex. Now you don’t need to watch the anime to RP in the group, you will just have a harder time grasping things then the people that have watched it. It is basically where your in a realistic MMORPG with elves, wolf ear people, cat people, humans, Ect. With classes and sub classes of moves that will regenerate and such. This is a None-Cannon RP which means no Shiroe and Akatsuki and mains ermk? All I ask is to Read the forums and rules, thanks dudes! lets get RPin!
Wake replied 8 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 174 Replies
“On my way” *he sent back. Standing, he headed downstairs and outside, his katana strapped to his waist . Heading to the food shop, he spotted Filin and went and sat down in front of her*
“Ay,” She waved and smiled.”Lets go,” She stood and started toward the exit.
*Geo followed beside the girl, keeping pace with her* “if you don’t have anywhere particular in mind, I know a dungeon that’dbe good for you, as long as you aren’t a fraidy cat” he said, grinning.
“Pft, I’m not a fraidy cat! I’m a tough guardian, you can count on that!” She pointed her thumb at her self.
“Then you have no problems with a bit of tomb raiding? ” he asked, turning in the direction of the chapel. “Then follow me”.
*Fillin followed Geo with her hand on her sword hilt as they got closer to the Chapel, She was pretty hyped up*
*Geo opened the chapel doors slowly, just in case anything was hiding behind them. Finding the coast clear, we walked over to the altar* “get over here and lend me a hand” *he said putting his shoulder against the altar and pushing*
*Fillin moved over to the alter and pushed on it in the same fashion Geo did*
*eventually the altar moved far enough to reveal a staircase* “alright , I’ve been down here a couple of times before. It should be fine with both of us working together. But still, be careful. ” with these words , he drew his sword and descended*
“Gotcha,” She nodded and unsheathed her sword as well and followed.
*Upon reaching the bottom geo turned left and looked around. * “coast is clear for now. Feel free to check the sarcophaguses. I found a few good pieces in them in the past.”
“Alright,” Fillin smiled and went over to the sarcophaguses and started to open them.
“Tell me if you find anything shiny, ill watch your back”
“Alright, but when do we get ta fight stuff? I’m not finding any hiding monsters in these coffin things,” She opened another one, dust loomed out.
*geo laughed* “soon. Dont worry about that. There are more than enough monsters out here. You’ll see”
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