And then we were trapped (Log horizon RP)
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Active 6 years ago
First of all this RP is based off Log horizon (Anime) and its similar to SAO (Sword art online) If... View more
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First of all this RP is based off Log horizon (Anime) and its similar to SAO (Sword art online) If you have herd of it, only just more complex. Now you don’t need to watch the anime to RP in the group, you will just have a harder time grasping things then the people that have watched it. It is basically where your in a realistic MMORPG with elves, wolf ear people, cat people, humans, Ect. With classes and sub classes of moves that will regenerate and such. This is a None-Cannon RP which means no Shiroe and Akatsuki and mains ermk? All I ask is to Read the forums and rules, thanks dudes! lets get RPin!
Wake replied 8 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 174 Replies
“I… didn’t really know this was a dungeon. I was wandering around the overworld and wound up in here. I guess I should’ve taken the skeletons as a sign to leave, but it was kinda fun to avoid them.” He said, beginning to relax.
*Taga nodded*”I’f you wanna try and finish the dungeon with us your welcome to join.” She smiled. “The more the, less likely we’ll get killed and respond!”
“Alright, but I’ll probably bring you guys down, this is my first day in this game after all.” He rolls his shoulders back and sighs, “Though, I’m not bad at fighting.”
“Nah, You can’t bring us down. Unless you photo bomb are attacks, which Im sure you won’t hahaha!”
“Whatever that means…” He says, putting his arms behind his head, “I don’t use bombs so you don’t have to worry about that. I’ll just stick in the back row and use my crossbow, wont get in your way.
“Oh, its a metaphor. You know, photo bombing?..Basically jumping in front of someone, ah and that sounds great. Lets move on!” She started at the now visible set of spiral stairs leading to the next level.
“So how long do you think this dungeon is gonna take anyway?” He says, following her up the stairs.
Kika steps forward, using a few healing prayer abilities to mend her allies to full, “Oh, cool! Another person.” She waves slightly, patching him as well, “I’m ready to go… I honestly didn’t take any damage this time… Which is good.” She says, her health actually lower than the level 1 guy…
“Yeah thats great, I did my job in that case! and thanks for the support! hmh….Maybe an hour, last time I escaped half way through and that was about thirty minutes.”
“Alright, I have some things I need to be doing in this game anyway, I just got sidetracked.” He sighs, then mutters barely audibly to himself, “Hope I dont get sacked first-day for this.”
Kika follows the other two, “Don’t worry, I’d figure we’re making good progress through this dungeon… And now that there’s two damaging folk, well be going twice as fast… Right?”
He sighs, “Hopefully, by the way, I have nothing but the weapons and armor my, Uh, friend I guess, gave me.” He pats the sword sheathed by his leg, “So no restores or anything. Just thought you should know.”
Kika smirks, “That’s fine. I’m kind of the restoring person at the moment, and that’s all I’m built for really.”
He smiles slightly, at attractive smile but with no happiness behind it, “Thanks, I’ll be counting on you then.”
Kika looks away slightly, the sudden smile actually catching her by surprise, “Ah. Y-yeah, don’t worry about a thing. And d-don’t panic when a shield appears out of nowhere.”
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