And then we were trapped (Log horizon RP)
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Active 6 years ago
First of all this RP is based off Log horizon (Anime) and its similar to SAO (Sword art online) If... View more
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Group Description
First of all this RP is based off Log horizon (Anime) and its similar to SAO (Sword art online) If you have herd of it, only just more complex. Now you don’t need to watch the anime to RP in the group, you will just have a harder time grasping things then the people that have watched it. It is basically where your in a realistic MMORPG with elves, wolf ear people, cat people, humans, Ect. With classes and sub classes of moves that will regenerate and such. This is a None-Cannon RP which means no Shiroe and Akatsuki and mains ermk? All I ask is to Read the forums and rules, thanks dudes! lets get RPin!
Wake replied 8 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 174 Replies
“So what are you guys called? I’m Haruhito by the way.” He says, finishing the climb up the spiral staircase and setting foot on the next level of the dungeon.
“Im Taga, Nice ta meet you Haruh” She smiled back at him, walking a little slower for the two to catch up a bit. She was used to being in the front.
“Kika. Pleased to meet you.” She says, giving a quick curtsie and bow, “Subclass of maid, main class of Kannagi.”
“I’m an assassin. Subclass of knifegrinder” he put his hands in his pockets, standing confedently, “Though I feel as if the latter might be a fairly useless skill.”
“Ah, thats a specific sub-class but can save a good piece of armor in a pinch. Pretty useful if you ask me,” She smiled her tail swayed, “…Oh, I’m a Guardian with sub-class of hunter.” She pulled out her sword as they got a bit farther into the beginning of the dungeon.
Kika got her abilities ready, the chariot again starting to glow a bit, “Getting close?”
“Close to what?” Haruhito asked, loosening a bolt from the quiver on his waist, “The boss of this dungeon?”
Kika smirks a bit, readying a barrier, “More like just whatever decides to jump out at us… So just any kind of enemy or…” Her eyes widen, “Hm… How long has this hallway gone?” She asks, her eyes darting around for any signs of a trap.
Haruhito falls back and crouches down, placing a bolt on his crossbow, scanning the area with catlike vigilance. “If there’s something here, it better come out soon. I don’t like to fight out in the open like this.” He says with a low voice, little over a whisper.
*Taga stops and observes the front of the party, She had grown suspicious to. she used her hunting skills to sharpen her vision and find clues to an ambush (I think thats what hunter does, like I’ve said I need to pick up the anime again). She saw cracks in the walls under them the floor had been scraped, she caciously moved over to the one on the left. Hefting her sword she in her right she nodded to the other side of the walk way. “I think its a trap wall, It’ll turn and release either a hord or big enemy,” She whispered across to them.
Kika smirks a bit, “Perfect… Wanna ambush it, or just hide while it runs past?” She asks, gesturing to the remaining shank of meat on her, and even the crossbow held by her ally while her mind tried to form the two plans.
“yeah, Maybe trigger it then immediately attack before they can draw their weapons,” Taga nodded.
Kika nods her head, looking to the level 1 person, “Cool… Everyone ready to go?” she asks, her next barrier at the ready for them.
Harhito nods, getting in a position where he has good aim yet is far enough away from the action to run if it comes to that.
Kika smirks, looking at the wolf fang and giving a nod of approval. It was time.
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