❀ Character Submissions

  • ❀ Character Submissions

    Posted by godhead on February 14, 2014 at 3:31 am

    Please fill out as listed.


    Age: *Must be 16 or older.

    Gender: *If they have preferred pronouns, list them here.

    Species: *You don’t have to be specific about what kind of breed you are. If you want to, though, go for it man. Also, you can be whatever you want, as long as it can be recognized as an animal.

    Sexual Orientation: *Self explanatory.





    Other important information: *Allergies? Where they work?? Important NTK stuff???

    replied 11 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • godhead

    February 14, 2014 at 4:38 am

    Name: Claude T. Percival
    Age: 19
    Species: The fabled Jackalope
    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
    Appearance: 168 cm, 64 kg. Claude’s fur is almost snowy-white, with an unnoticeable pink-and-blue tinge to it, and her eyes are a pale pink colour. Her ears are the kind that tend to stay up, and the insides of them are a bright green. Her horns are black, and sprout from her head at least a foot or so. The pawpads on her feet are bright green, as well as her tongue and the claws on her feet. Her hair is styled in a stylized bob hair-cut.

    The clothes she usually wears consist of a slip on hoodie and baby blue gym shorts with white trim. At other times, she wears any sweater-like shirt with a repetitive pattern (most often with stars) with a blue button-up underneath, and no pants (the shirt covers her well to not require any). She does not wear shoes, but when she does, they are a custom pair of baby blue DCs with white stars on the tongue of the shoes. She often wears a baby blue bow in her hair, which also has a white star on it.
    Personality: She is almost a true lolita at heart. Claude is a caring, sweet, childish jackalope, who enjoys skme excercise when she feels like it… Which is almost never, but she will go out for a short jog around the park or something.
    She is almost always curious about anything, and can be easily misguided without her catching onto it. That is to say, she is not a complete idiot, either. She is of average intelligence, and people find themselves surprised when she can tell them the entire formula for photosynthesis without having to think about it. She is easily offended over some things, like how she dresses or how odd her appearance is. How would you like it if people yanked on your horns just to make sure they were real?
    Like(s): Candy, stuffed animals, cute animals, sleeping, eating unhealthy food, sweets, carrots, meat, playing with hair.
    Dislike(s): Scary people, being made fun of, her ears being touched, her horns being touched, her tail being touched.
    Other important information:
    -She pretty much latches onto the stronger member in the group.
    -She tends to end people’s names with ‘-chan’. This is something she had picked up when she was little, and it stuck.
    -She freaks out when you touch her in certain places (see ‘Dislike(s)’), and caused her to become anxious.

  • Member
    February 14, 2014 at 6:26 am

    Name: Shai Uzikami

    Age: 29 Years

    Gender: Female

    Species: Tundra Wolf

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Appearance: At first glance, the broad shoulders and relatively bulky build on this thick-furred ebony beast would lead most to believe that she were a male; Towering at just over 205CM/6.6FT and weighing in at around 140KG/230LBS, most wouldn’t question it with a second glance either. The only things to disprove such a notion would be her breasts and voice. Otherwise, her grizzled face scarred over the right eye, and the nick missing out of her ear, would put her right at home in a rough-and-rowdy joint. Her gaze tends to be a hard one, with silvery greens normally able to pin one to their spot with the fear of having drawn her ire. She doesn’t wear shoes, her paw-pads visibly worn and leathery from the daily use they go through, but she’s typically found in t-shirts and jeans of the male style– colors and designs she isn’t too picky about so long as they match.

    Personality: Shai is… an acquired taste of sorts. Her cold and typically uncaring nature tends to turn everyone away from her, and her temper fluctuates between that of a saint and that of a tasmanian devil. Usually one to use her brawn to intimidate others into backing down, this doesn’t mean she is uneducated. Though she is sharp as a tac, the fae prefers to act dense in order to avoid drawing any attention from those who might find her an interesting character to chat up. Despite being this way, though, she has a bit of a weakspot for children, or those with rather innocent personalities, and will open up and befriend them much faster than she would any other type of personality.

    Like(s): Winter weather, Rain, Raw meat, Reading, People-watching

    Dislike(s): Salt-water beaches, A$$-holes, Hot weather (anything above 70F)

    Other important information: Tends to work bouncer positions; has no medical ailments aside from slightly decreased vision in her right eye.

    (forgive me for the quality of this; it’s early, and I’ve not slept in 40 hours– so I was in and out of it. If anything needs fixing, I’ll do it over the weekend.)

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