Anthro Ad Infinitum
Looking for a group where you can roleplay as your anthropomorphic OC? Why not here?
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Tails 'n' Scales ♡ Cafe
Tails 'n' Scales ♡ Cafe
“Hello. Welcome to
Tails ‘n’ Scales ♡ Cafe! Here is where you can meet our other delightful guests, and make chit-chat while snacking away on our finest breakfasts, lunches, and dinners!</em”“So please, have a seat. Enjoy the music, the gossip, and-or the food! You’d be missing out if you do not~.”
Just a free-floating RP for those who are either looking for RP partners, a good RP plot, or just waiting for that one RP to be buzzing with the roleplayers again. This is one of those RPs that do not follow certain ‘Universes’ (i.e. just sits in its own little timeline), so any and all memories of anything are voided unless you want to include it. However, you must keep the peace in this one RP in particular, since it is for all members of this group to roleplay in!
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