character creation

  • character creation

    Posted by HeartonLockdown on February 24, 2016 at 2:46 am

    this is were you make your character you can design your character any way but remember your survival chance increases and decreases with certain choices but up to you

    oc fights will be decided by two factors attack and defend which is decided by the roll of a six sided die (to aviod any bullshitting send a pic of your die with your update and if there is a fight please do not interrupt to aviod further confusion) whoever gets the better number wins and the difference decides just how far the victory and fail goes

    there are also special items of special powers called uniques every unique has its own ability no two are the same (duh) and no unique can be stolen for risk of being killed by the unique itself one unique per person

    also everyone gets only underwear a ark implant that works as a 60 slot inventory and skill improvement place (all skill start at 10 please keep track of were you spend your points on paper or your character post), A book that doesn’t take a inventory spot and holds all general info on the island along with a map as well when resources are collected you don’t touch the item after collection it is automatically put into your inventory (please be reasonable about the amount you collect) all crafting goes along with the inventory. and you start all wearing nothing but basic underwear.

    this may get the feel of references and if before you ask yes ark SAO and akame ga kill all played a roll in inspiration

    I personally will be reading every post and if there is any bullshit it will be called out and i will ask you to change it myself i don’t care how long ago you posted it don’t like it i will kick you out and kill your character faster than you can type an argument.


    As long as that is understood and no rules are broken lets survive and have fun together!

    A thought just ocurred to me “HOW THE FUCK ARE WE GONNA JUSTIFY AP(ability points)” well every new day everyone gets ten make it easy.

    GoldPhoenix9 replied 9 years ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • HeartonLockdown

    February 24, 2016 at 3:24 am

    Name: Leone (pronounced Le Own)

    hair: Black buzzcut

    body type: thin lightly muscled

    face: soft facial features

    heath: 100/100                                 (10 skill points = 100 HP)

    stamina: 100/100                            (same as health)

    oxygen: 10 mins/10 mins              (1 point = 1 min to hold breath)

    food: 10 days/10 days                     (1 point = 1 day before dieing of starvation)

    water: 100 hrs/100 hrs                   (1 point = 10 hours before death by dehydration)

    weight: 10% / 100%                        (1 point = 1% of weight that can be carried before your slowed and unable to move)

    melee damage: 1.5%                          (1 point = 0.1% of increased damage) (certain activities will increase this skill)

    movement speed: 1.5%                    (both specs are same for this)

    fortitude: 1%                                  (both specs are same for this) (this decides how much resources you can collect)

    crafting speed: 1%                        (only the point to percent is the same as the last few)

    torpor: 0%/100%                          (this can’t be increased but when you look at inventory this says how close you are to passing out the closer to 100% the slower and sleepier you get)

  • GoldPhoenix9

    February 26, 2016 at 4:52 am

    Name: Ruby

    Hair: dull red, wavy, length is just bellow the shoulder.

    Body Type: thin muscles, short height.

    Face: thin, looks tired most of the time, freckles along nose and cheeks.

    Health: 100/100

    stamina: 100/100

    Oxygen: 10 mins/ 10mins

    Food: 10 days/ 10 days

    Water: 100 hrs/ 100 hrs

    Weight: 10%/ 100%

    Melee Damage: 1%

    Movement Speed: 1%

    Fortitude: 1%

    Crafting Speed: 1%

    torpor: 5%/ 100%

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