Inferno, Beyond The Gates of Gehenna
Satan’s realm lies beyond the Gates of Gehenna. The Inferno where he rules is his home and the... View more
Satana in the dimension of the Scorpion Demons
Satana in the dimension of the Scorpion Demons
After her mother was taken to the asylum, she was retrieved by several demons and escorted to the inferno.
She soon learns that the father she thought was a high level demon named Marduk Kurios is actually Lord Satan Kurotoki of the Inferno.
after she learned the true identity of her father, she barely got to see him, she was sent to a dimension within the Inferno which where she would learn supreme black magic. She would also be trained in the demonic martial arts under the former Hell-Lord Dansker. It was during her training that her soul was bonded with an arch-demon and agent of destruction known as “the Basilisk”. “The Basilisk was a powerful demon, considered one of the deadliest of the Satanic host. Satana was able to contain and release it at her discretion. But every time she manifested it, it would become more powerful and difficult to control, and it could one day consumer her as well. The demon Zannarth was forced into her service and became her resentful slave.
And so for some time, she enjoyed her life within the deepest realms of the inferno with her own legion of scorpion demons and pets at her disposal.
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