
  • MaraTwasHere

    June 21, 2015 at 9:27 pm

    Eleanor stared at the ball of light captivated within James’ hand. “Sooooooo…..Not to be rude, but that ball of light? Like, lemme guess, when you throw it at someone they get an electric shock! Or…maybe it captures them in that light and your illusionist abilities lets them see nightmares you’ve created for them? Or…” She pondered across the possibilities, bouncing on her toes as she pulled out a notebook seemingly out of no where. She began to sketch the balls best as she could. It looked like a beach ball compared to the shimmering substance he held.

  • Bakura Darkwing

    June 21, 2015 at 9:30 pm

    “The quiet ones are always the best, less likely to slip up and get lost in that hideous maze known as social interaction” he shuddered “people are scary and i’m small and adorable, it really isn’t safe…surf, wave, greetings…have we done those yet” he pulled out a small ornate pocket watch “yes we did, three minutes late but completed all the same…where was I…oh yes, quiet people are awesome, you are awesome and cute not bunny cute but like handsome cute…and i’m going to go move my stuff into my new room” he morphed into his rabbit form and hopped away, his little bunny cheeks turning a deep red

  • Jazzy

    June 21, 2015 at 10:20 pm

    Mica blushed and pointed to the end of the hall, “The last room is my room, it’s open!” Mica yelled and followed.

  • Bakura Darkwing

    June 22, 2015 at 12:47 pm

    Elliot hopped up onto the bed and sprawled out, returning to his human form…well humanish, the ears never went away, nor did the tail but that was always carefully concealed. With his face still firmly pushing into his pillow, he stretched one arm out over the edge of the bed, a card flew out of his sleeve and into his hand, though his voice was a little muffled, you could tell he said “three of hearts”, suddenly, out of the card flew two small suitcases and a croquet mallet, that landed neatly in a pile by the bed. He rolled over staring at the ceiling “You are an idiot Elliot March, a flipping idiot, you meet someone and then entirely ruin your chances before you have even become friends, you had to go and make it awkward right out of the gate, but I was just telling the truth he is and he seems kind and his smile is so warm and…I’m focusing…how am I focusing I never focus this is…odd” his brow furrowed as he tried to ponder this mystery

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 22, 2015 at 3:25 pm

    “Oh. There it is.” She tapped her finger on the room, ‘420’ in the 400’s. Hallway K. Eleanor stepped back from the map, nodded to James who was left with a smile before continuing down the hall, her bag bouncing behind her.

  • Jazzy

    June 22, 2015 at 4:48 pm

    Mica walks in and lays on his bed, “So, what’s your name again?” Mica cracks his fingers.

  • Bakura Darkwing

    June 22, 2015 at 5:10 pm

    Elliot immediately sat up, he prayed that Mica hadn’t heard him talking to himself “It’s Elliot” he laughed nervously “but people also call me els, white rabbit, ears and even shorty or bun bun, i’m fine with pretty much all of those, except the last two” he laughed again

  • Jazzy

    June 22, 2015 at 5:45 pm

    Mica smiles, “Okay. That’s fine. I really want to call you Bun Bun. That’s just adorkable. But your name name is fine.” Mica takes off his shirt and picks up a book.

  • Bakura Darkwing

    June 22, 2015 at 6:14 pm

    he stared at mica’s abs, mumbling to himself in voice too quiet to hear “you can call me yours”, he coughed and spoke up “i’m just going to head to the little lapin’s room, i’ll be right back”, he crawled under the covers of his bed, disappearing from the room and resurfacing out the door and round the corner

  • Jazzy

    June 22, 2015 at 6:34 pm

    Mica opened his book, “Okay.” and he started to read the book, ‘Stephen King Finders Keepers’ 

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 22, 2015 at 6:45 pm

    With the twist of her key she was let into the room she would be calling “home” for now on. It had a queensized bed pushed to the corner of the room with a matching one on the other side, and near the two windows were desks. She moved toward each desk, examining them. Some stray pencils and balled up papers from the previous residents, and scratches along the desk top. She wonder what had caused them. With a sigh, she clapped her hands and her bag began to unzip itself, her clothes finding the walk in closet the two residents were to share, and her supplies and books drifted toward the desk she’d chosen. The one where she could see the forest pretty clearly. Both window views gave a nice look out, though. She was about to hop onto the queen sized bed near a small circle window  when the bedding started peeling itself off and her blue satin sheets slid on. Eleanor tried to sit on the trunk at the foot of her bed when it flew open causing her to soar onto the bed with a crash. “Hey!” She barked at the pajamas sorting themselves into the trunk. “Watch it.”

  • Jazzy

    June 22, 2015 at 6:48 pm

    Mica yawned and put the book down, he closed his eyes and took a short nap.

  • Jazzy

    June 22, 2015 at 8:30 pm

    Mica woke up in a jolt and looked around, the room was dark and there was a pain in his stomach. Mica gently put his hand over it and felt something warm and liquidly, Mica held up his hands close to his face and there was blood. Then, the room went pitch black and a soft but creepy voice whispered in his ear, “I’ll always be with you.” Mica suddenly woke up and looked around his room and saw nothing, it was light outside, “Christ, it was just a dream.” Mica looked around and was hoping that is room mate came home soon.

  • Bakura Darkwing

    June 22, 2015 at 8:41 pm

    Elliot walked back into the dorm room “sorry i took so long, I got distracted by this bird outside the window, which got me thinking why is a raven like a writing desk, so i went to the library to research and…are you okay” he sat down on the edge of Mica’s bed “you look like you’ve seen a ghost”

  • Jazzy

    June 23, 2015 at 12:04 am

    Mica smiles and yawns, “Oh na, I’m fine. Just a little freaked out by this book I’m reading. It’s called Finders Keepers by Stephen King. Uh……It’s creepy.”

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