Bleach Fan Club/Roleplay
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Active 6 years ago
This is a place for both regular old Bleach fans and for those who wish to roleplay (OC’s are... View more
Public Group
Group Description
This is a place for both regular old Bleach fans and for those who wish to roleplay (OC’s are greatly welcomed, things such as roleplaying as the actual characters and OC relationships are on a first come first serve basis)
Overall Rules:
*Try and keep it PG-13
*Be nice (as in no put downs)
Roleplay Rules:
*First Come, First Serve
*Saying you use an OC, you have to have a weakness of some sort, you cannot be invincible
*Follow introduction guildlines
*It’s never too late to join! x3
Introduction Guildlines:
(If Soul Reaper, put both real age and age they look) Age:
(If Soul Reaper) Zanpakuto Name:
(If OC has one and they have not been already taken) Love Interest:
(Please be brief) Bio/History:
Posted by Mei-Chan on September 29, 2014 at 9:01 pmBecause this is starting to look messy.
Cain replied 10 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies -
2 Replies
Name: Kaji’Rama Otse’miren-Kai
Race: Shinigami, Asian (South Korean)
Affiliation: Soul Society
Gender: Female
Personality: Happy and somewhat naive. She is also a very kind and curious person, with a love of helping others. Kaji’rama is an outgoing and social person, made particularly observant by her lack of hearing that causes an appreciation of her remaining senses. Despite her passionately cheerful attitude, she still gets angry and has no problems with fighting.
Appearance: Wavy teal-colored hair, with vibrant multicolored eyes. Later wears a black rose pin in her her hair.
Likes: Taking things apart and analyzing them, fixing things, practicing spirit energy control (and later, manipulating it), kidou, pyrotechnics, weapons.
Dislikes: broken things, pandemonium, disrespect, bras, and math.
Specialization: Kidou and Mechanics
Noteable Features: Deafness
Name: Grand Machine (Gurandomashin.)
Sealed Appearance: A vibrant sword with a red scabbard and golden guard and hilt. The blade is also gold with veins of silver.
Spirit Appearance: Image To Be Added Later
Spirit Personality: Calculating and observant, but also exciteable. Kaji’rama has a hard time training with him/it due to how easily upset the spirit becomes over the smallest things (like a dish that wasn’t completely washed, a stain that just won’t come out, a rusty machine or greasy gear. Or maybe a peice of food that was wasted when it fell on the floor). The Machine is somewhat OCD and can stay hung up on one small thing it notices that bothers it for hours on end. Kaji rarely has the patience to handle her twitchy Zanpakutou and rarely speaks to it, which of course also upsets it. A very huffy spirit, and a bit of a crybaby, but can get serious and has a one track mind when a task is at hand.
Zanpakutou type: Mechanical
Special Ability, unreleased state:
Inner World: Picture To Be Added Later
Shikai Release Phrase: Grind and Whirl
Shikai Appearance: Picture To Be Added Later.
A series of long steel cables (15) extending from a corset hidden beneath Kaji’rama’s outfit, each being 30 feet long at maximum. The ends have sharp blades attached to them. The blades are shaped similarly to spades and split down the middle, and contained within each are three marble-sized sticky bombs that are each activated when they leave the blade. A reiatsu pulse from Kaji (which can be more quickly carried by the cables) then acts as the detonator. The steel cables are controlled primarily by her will more than any physical movement. She may also use them for movement by grappling things and pulling herself to them (or inversely, pulling them to her).
Special Effects: None.
Instantaneous Effect: Minor wounds are healed, minor speed and reiatsu boost.
Special Form: Whip Blade
Description: When the bombs have been depleted (or whatever remained was simply ejected) all of the blades open and can then be lined up, locking into a small sword that will extend, retract, and bend with the 15 (technically 30) smaller blades curving to wrap around or otherwise wound a target. The more it extends, the more vulnerable it is to being broken, however.
Shikai is a constant release, which means once Kaji uses it she cannot return it to its sealed state.
Bankai Name: Decimator
Release Phrase: Shake the Earth and Blacken the Sky
Special Effects: Creates a small explosion that will knock away anyone within 40 feet and potentially kill anyone within 10.
Instantaneous Effect: Conceals Kaji’rama within a small steel-reinforced station where she has been converted into a cyborg; the station then expells a remotely-controlled copy before burrowing deep in the ground if possible and otherwise putting up an electromagnetic barrier.
Copy: This is essentially a walking bomb with a semi-elaborate defensive system to support it as it moves across a battlefield. In its left arm is 35 feet of steel cable, coated in accelerant. The cables have pins that lodge in wood or metal or flesh and catch, then on command have small igniter stones that light the cables on fire. The right arm has a mid- to close-range flamethrower. Golden wings extending from her back can emit a small barrier that will last at most 5 minutes. Afterwards as a last resort the feathers eject and explode on impact. Each leg contains 10 small missiles that fire at the knee if she kneels. And contained within her mouth is one final detonation switch that blows her up completely, potentially effecting a 50 square foot area. The numbers are subject to change based on how much spirit energy has been dedicated to the copy, and she cannot use kidou. A central power “battery” resides in her chest, more easily accessible through a port in the back. Damaging this disables the copy with a forced shutdown – all remaining explosives become unstable and detonate within the following 5 seconds.
After the detonation of the copy Kaji’rama has the option of either staying put or ejecting herself. She has the same general arsenal, with an added gearshift system that allows her to conserve energy at higher speeds.
Character Name: Necrid Sirrus
Age: 864
Gender: Male
Race: Shinigami or Vizord.
Birthday: November 23, 1149
Blood Type: A+
Height: 6″1
Weight: 189
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: White
Notable Features: many scars all over his body
http://i41.tinypic.com/m97dcl.jpgFamily Members:
Personality: He is a cold and collected man that wishes to see the world burn in black nothingnesshttp://i41.tinypic.com/m97dcl.jpg
BSR: * * * * * * * * * * *{11}
Offense: 90/100
Defense: 80/100
Mobility: 170/100
Reiatsu Control/Stamina: 100/100
Intelligence: 40/100
Physical Strength: 100/100
Physical Stamina: 100/100
Total: -680/700http://i41.tinypic.com/2mnlm3k.png
Affiliations: OnimitsuKido
Place of Birth: Rukon District 91
Classification: Musician, RichEconomic Status: Middle
Occupation: Classified
– Zanpaku-to: Sealed Form-
Necrid is always connected to his paracite
– Zanpaku-to: Ardens Might-
– Zanpaku-to: Shikai Techniques –
Instant Effect: A purple blast of fire burst from the blade to strait ahead for fifteen meters that can drain the energy of the one it touches but it only burns for a few mins.
Cosmetic Change: His blade becomes a pair of black gauntlets that have three blades rangeing at seven inches from the knuckles and the palms are made of a special metal to use as a shild.
Lasting Effect: The black fire is a slime substance that is living and feeds off of reastui so once it touches an object that is also useing reastui it can drain it of its power and grow stronger but it does not return my charcter since the fire is another creature all togeather but while the battle goes it will also slowely drain my own so that it can stay out but after it drains 30% percent of any type of reastui the fire disapates but the three blades stay out till i either run out of energy and its forced to realese or i realese it of my own free will.
1) Fires grasp: His blades get coated in a black fire that allows him to drain away the reastui of those it cuts.
2) Darknness reaver: He cuts the ground catching it ablaze and the living wil hunt for whatever reastui is closest to it.
3) Looming nightmare: He can use the black fire as a shield for short bursts to block and drain an enemy’s attack.http://i41.tinypic.com/m97dcl.jpg
– Zanpaku-to: Ardens redemptionem-
http://i533.photobucket.com/albums/ee339/dragon9393/necridpurpl_zps9cb3fff4.jpgHIs claws explode and form a purple liquid that covers my shinigami from head to toe. It uses Constituent-Matter Manipulationto sprout six spiked tentacles from his back that he can use to grab and lift up the enemy. His fingers and toes become spiked to a point so he can use them to climb or slash at the enemy and while in this form he can heal quicker then his previous forms though he has to drain someone to be able to heal himself. He is a instictive creature only have limited thought process because his mind is divided between him and his zanpakuto whih causes him confusion so he relies on instict.
Enhanced Smelling
Accelerated Healing Factor
Camouflage Capabilities
Constituent-Matter Generation
Constituent-Matter Manipulation1.)]Death’s touch
Information about Bankai’s 1st Technique
The tentacles are able to drain the reastui out of the objects they hold2.) Burning darkness’ devine blast
Information about Bankai’s 2nd Technique
He can change his form every three posts since his body is made of a liquid paracite that can be made into a solid.He can harden his body till its hard as steel and hes covered in pyramid type spikes and his face is covered in a visor that allows him to see while moving quickly.
He can also make his right arm at the elbow into a whip while his fingers become hooked blades.
His final form is meant for speed adopt a more hunched, quadrupedal stance when walking or sprinting. His body becomes shelled like as if he was covered in dark purples bones that make him slipstream. He has a segmented, blade-tipped tail. The sharp tip has a bard feature that he can use to drag his prey back to himself for close combat.
3.) Final Darkness Step
Information about Bankai’s 3rd Technique
For fifteen seconds his speed would double if he has drained someone’s reastui.http://i42.tinypic.com/fp9jlk.png
Reiatsu Abilities
You feel like your life is being drained from your soul, As his reastui enters an area it breaks down reastui around it an devours it
http://i43.tinypic.com/auzap.pngChapter Title – Year
Necrid has a layer of titatium dragon scale armour under his skin that was placed there by dIvision tweleve taichou Okasu.The history of Necrid Sirrush starts when he was reborn in the 25 rukon district. He use to walk around the walls of the gotei every day hoping to one day find a weakness in the wall so he could sneak into the academy. He was found by a LT. Of the seieretei and was chased for a few hours before he accidentally ran into the division 12th Taichou. Okasu ended up taking him to her lab so she could study just how someone goes from a normal soul to becoming a shinigami. Necrid was cut open and things changed to see if they would quicken the process or slow it down. He ended up getting his eyes removed and new one placed in so that he could see farther. Necrid ended up wearing a mask that would limit this new sight and wearing a hood so that they couldn’t see the shine of the red that came from his eyes. Necrid eventually became the newest member of 12 and with reaching this point the dissecting became more advanced and
She cut out different organs that she wanted to test to see if she could make fake organs that would work in the body. Necrid ends up wearing white raps that eventually turn black from blood. Necrid would eventually decide to leave squad 12 for his better health and he ventured forward and took a spot in division 6 where he trained to portal the gotei and the rukon district which was the first time he ever was able to see his home again and they change that had happened in Necrid made it so no one knew who he was till he spoke up and then the people that has known him had walked up to him and were shocked at the thought of someone from there district becoming a shinigami. Necrid would eventually leave six to take on a Lt seat in division two where he fought beside his Taichou for many land decades before his LT was cut down by an Arrancar but not before he broke the Arrancar’s armor and when the arrancar wasn’t looking Necrid struck fast as he awakened the power of Shunko. Necrid watched the arrancar turn to dust as he carried his Taichou back to Seiretei and gave him a proper funeral. He went in front of Sou-taichou and was granted the rank of Taichou of Division two which he watches over from this day forward till someone better finds and defeats him.
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