Bleach Fan Club/Roleplay
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Saki Mangetsu
Saki Mangetsu
Name: Saki Mangetsu
Gender: FemaleActual age:110
Visual Age:16-19
Appearance: (Is currently in Reprogress)
He has shoulder length black wild spiky hair. He has a facial that looks strong. His eye color is a light grey, and the shape of the eye is also strong. The complexion for his skin is a light tan. Has the kanji tattoos on his left and right for arms; for the left 匿 Toka(Sheild) and the right 剣 Ken(Sword). He is tall for a vizord standing as six feet. He has the muscle type of lithe(flexibility), with above average muscle mass.
The way he wore his shinigami clothing was the sleeves where cut off for more flexibility. He also made it tight and close to his skin. The pants to the uniform were the regular style they were given. The tabi were a dark grey, not black but a dark grey. And concluding the sandals were the normal also.
Clothes: Akasaki abandoned his uniform instead he wears a long black hoodie, that covers mostly the top of his face. Akasaki Also wears a long black trench coat its length goes down to the ankels of Akasaki’s legs. On his hands he wears two white gloves that have the kanji of 弓 yumi on his left and 矢 chika on the right.
Personality: Kind And Cheery. Keeps to him self some of the time. He try’s to be on everybody’s good side wont hold back if in a fight. likes to meditate so he can be at the edge of his toes. likes high places. He really hates the cold.
Background: He was born in the middle of febuary he never knew his birth parents, they died in a tragic car crash. Instead he lived with his Uncle Tengetsu, he was all the family was left. His uncle was a Martial Artist, he trained Akasaki himself. Throughout his life he was taught Hand to hand combat, Kendo, Archery, and lived by the Bushido code. When in high school he was the Kendo and Archery Team Captain for three straight years, but was be traded by a small group of 7 Kendo members.
About a day before a Kendo Tournament Nanaki Misamoto lead a small group of one of the strongest Kendo teams at the tournament into a ambush with real swords and killed them too the last body. Akasaki not far behind he tailed the group to a ten story Abandoned warehouse, surveying the area he steps out of the shadows and walks up to Nanaki unsheathing his Nodachi while his Uchigatana hangs at his left side. Six of the group members come slashing at Akasaki, He blocked all of the strikes then strikes back killing them from self-defense. Nanaki with a crooked evil smile with blood droplets on his face. He charges Akasaki quickly sheathes his Nodachi and stances in ready for a strike with his Uchigatana, Nanaki comes with in ten feet of Akasaki he slowly un-sheaths his Uchigatana then crosses swords with Nanaki.
They sword fight for ten minuets or less, hearing the clanging of swords Akasaki starts reaching for his Nodachi to finish the fight. He unsheaths it and turns the Uchigatana’s hilt backward in his left hand and holds the Nodachi in his right, he posistions his left arm extended in front of right shoulder, then places the Nodachi on top of his arm and Uchigatanas Blade. Then shouts “MOON STYLE: TENGA GETSU(heavenly fang moon*no correlation to Ichigo*). First Move Full Moon Blade Shield”. He releases the position and stabs the ground with the Nodachi and starts spinning the uchigatana’ s blade first slowly then picks up speed then the moon out side starts reflecting off the blade as a silvery glow as it got brighter and brighter. And had the look as if the blade it’s self was the full moon. Then Akasaki grabbed the Nodachi than said”Second Move: Waxing Cresent Blade”. Takes a quick step then slashes down in a silvery strike towards Nanaki’ s katana and breaks the blade.
Unexpectedly one of the fallen group members takes out a gun .45 colt and shoots Akasaki the right and left hand, dropping the swords grabing his hands and screaming loudly he runs out the doors toward the roof. Nanaki looks at his broken sword and grabs Akasaki’ s swords and walks to the roof.
Akasaki stumbles catching his breath he calmly sits on the roof and then trys to stop the bleeding. Frantically he looks for some thing to use for a weapon. He finds a three foot pipe he grasps it and trys to stand a waiting his opponent final move. He hears knocking on the door, then the door suddenly bursts open then Nanaki stops for a minute. Then he charges at full speed swinging wildly at Akasaki. He trys to block the frenzy of swords Nanaki slices the pipe diagonaly while Akasaki pushes him back Akasaki readys him self for a charge while as does Nanaki. Nanaki Runs forward Akasaki, He shouts”Third Move: SHADOW STRIKING MOON” He tightly grasps the cut pipe and aims for the throat. “FINAL MOVE: SILVER LANCE STRIKES THE MOON”, cries Akasaki as he stabs Nanaki in the throat, he stumbles back toward the edge of the roof the looks down. He was stabed in the heart with the Nodachi and stabbed in the gut with the Uchigatana. He falls off the edge then fades into darkness…
Arriving in the Soul Society right after he went in the Academy a year later after finding his spiritual powers. In the academy he was in the top class from his swordsmanship and speed to react. After the Academy he was in squad 9 for 20 years. Untill he gained his Shikai and got a seated position in squad 3 of 3th Seat.
For about Ten years he was the 3th seat. Then the Release of Aizen he destroyed most of the Gotei 13 squads the Captains all Dead Akasaki rose up to the Task and Became the Next Captain General After the Previous Genryusai Yamamoto. He had a Lieutenant Luke Wrath after his First year of being the Head Captain of Squad One He Rose up the size of the Gotei 13, in Captains and soulreapers that he Had sought out and Taught himself. After 59 years of Being the head captain A mysterious Virus hit the Seireitei. A low Number of low-level Shinigami died from the Virus but about a Few Higher ranking Shinigami Under went Hollofication.
From being the Head Captain his spirit energy was big enough to delay the infection but it did infect him later on. After knowing that his Hollofication was coming he Declared that the Luke Wrath will take his place and Vizards and Shinigami will work together he said that if his Hollofication came he would leave the Gotei 13 and leave the Seireitei and have his Base of operations in the world of the living. His Hollofication came while he was on a mission in the world of the living…. While meditating in his regular schedule in the world of the living on a mission he found a Huge hollow about to take it out he jumped to Akasaki and suddenly brought him to his inner world. He looked around and sensed a unfamiliar presence lurking around his inner world. A mirror image appears in front of Akasaki as he walked forward the colors changed from black to white skin from a light tan to a pure white. “Hello owner…. Seems the time has come for me to make my presence known. I am your Inner Hollow-“. Being cut off Akasaki Awakens with the hollow destroyed with just blood stains left to prove its existence. At his feet lies a mask with three large bite marks in his shoulder from the hollow. Akasaki Sent his Hell butterfly back with it holding information that his time as a shinigami was over. Felling overwhelmed Akasaki grabbed his head and shouted and His whole body Shined Bright white and a white substance covered his body. He used a High ranking defensive spell to bind his body from going berserk. He then went in to his inner world and noticed that the Person from before is there again. “Well well well, i didnt think that you didnt know how to control your body from the rampage.” the Thing said. “I read the workings of the information from Old Urahada. NOW LET US FINNISH THIS” Akasaki said knowing the risks of the battle that will take place. After nearly 53 minutes pasted Akasaki Gained Control over his hollow Powers and Can hold out his mask for a few Hours while it is activated.
Now living in the world of the living he currently goes to a Karakura High school so no one thinks what he is doing out of school. He meditates daily to pass the time and to say in contact with the Humans that have super natural abilities. He will visit the soul society once and a while to report in on his progress. Although Luke Wrath will Give him A hard time thinking that he is Superior Will look Down to him while still Far away from ever being it.
Zanjutsu: Master
Name: Kenshi
Translation: Swordsman
Unreleased State: Nodachi and a Uchigatana
The Nodachi whole length 60 inches while the Hilt length is 24 inches the guard is narrow and a bout 12 inches long and 1 and a half inches wide. Example:<==>. It is worn on the back and the hilt is on the right side. The saya is a polished black with two wraps on the saya. One is at the top, and the other is at the bottom
The Uchigatana his normaly wears it on his left side the tsuba is like a kite shield. The blade length is 3meters long and the hilt is 18inches long. The saya is a glossy black also it has a wrap at the end of the hilt that lengths of for about 1 1/2 feet. The wrap starts from the butt of the hilt up to about 3inches.
Zanpaktou Shikai:
Zanpaktou Release Phrase: Smite with your sword till you bleed no more, Guard the people till your death, And lance the evil to the sky, SHOUT OUT YOUR BATTLE CRY KENSHI!
Kenshi is a Melee, a Defensive, and Projectile Zanpaktou.
Kenshi has three weapons, a sword, a shield, and a bow and arrow. The appearance is of the sword is a long hilt as a Nodachi’ s where the blade is supposed to be is a pure white crystal ball, with the guard in a way looking down a swords tip. The appearance of the shield is a gauntlet on the left hand that only has the Kote larger and bulgier, in the middle of the gauntlet there is a Pure white crystal that produces the shield, with the fingers are claws. The appearance of the Bow and Arrow is a small hilt with three pure white crystals. One in the top and bottom, then one in the middle showing on both sides. Kenshi takes the spirit energy in and outside of Akasaki to make a blade made of spirit energy. Same goes with the shield and Bow and arrow.
Shikai Abilitys:
*To Begin the move cycle Reshi must shout MOON STYLE: TENGA GETSU then begins the cycle*
Name of ability: First Move: Sword of the Crescent Silver Moon
Translation Daiichi deyou: Wangetsu Ken Tsuki-Gin
Description: By swinging the sword down Akasaki creates a large silvery white trail from the blade of the sword that represents a crescent moon falling from the heavens. By raising his spiritual pressure he is able to make it realesed from the sword but disappears after 20feet.
Type: Offensive
Range: Close 5ft to Medium 20ft
Limitation:8 close range, 3 medium range
Name of ability: Second move: Shield of the Full Moon
Translation: Daini deyou: Mangetsu Toka
Description: A large circular shield made out to look like the full moon. Pure white with a tint of silver covering Akasaki or and an ally. Who ever is be hind the shield will heal slowly and protect them from most attacks. The shield can be used in a sphere but wastes more energy on Akasaki. He can also use it while in combat for a arm sheild but has no other benefits but protection.
Type: Defensive/Healing
Range: 20ft
Limitation: Fullmoon sheild 8times, Full moon sphere 2 times
Name of Ability: Final move: Arrow Shooting moon.
Translation: Kouki deyou: Chika sogeki Tsuki
Discription: A large Blast radiating from the bows arrows. Its look is much like a cero but in a narrower look. The color is a pure white and silver tint glow. If concentrated enough it can blast through energy shields and attacks. But it can not break zanpaktou. This ability is best for one move strikes.
Type: Ranged 50-65ft
Limitation: 2 times
Bankai name: Kensei Kenshi
Translation: Sword Saint Swordsman
Bankai Apperance: Similar to the Shikai, the hilts are longer and with a curve. the blade it emits looks like the one from the shikai but stabilizes down the blade where it looks and feels like a real blade. With the Gauntlets it simplifies out and looks like a solid metal Guantlet, the crystals are on the forearms. For the Bow and Arrow, Gauntlet has an extension comes out from bottom of the gauntlet with the orbs at the end of the extension. The extension is able to retract in to the Gauntlet when not in use.
Bankai Abilities:
*To Begin the move cycle Reshi must shout SAIGO NO MŪNSURAIRU: then begins the cycle* Including when in bankai the range and limitations are doubled.
Name of ability: Enchanced Sword of the Crescent Silver Moon
Description: By swinging the sword down Akasaki creates a large silvery white trail from the blade of the sword that represents a crescent moon falling from the heavens. By raising his spiritual pressure he is able to make it realesed from the sword but disappears after 40feet.
Type: Offensive
Range: Close 10ft to Medium 40ft
Limitation:16 close range, 6 medium range
Name of ability: Enhanced Shield of the Full Moon
Description: A large circular shield made out to look like the full moon. Pure white with a tint of silver covering Akasaki or and an ally. Who ever is behind the shield will heal slowly and protect them from most attacks. The shield can be used in a sphere but wastes more energy on Akasaki. He can also use it while in combat for a arm sheild but has no other benefits but protection. The Look of the sheild is more solid and Glassy like
Type: Defensive/Healing
Range: 20ft
Limitation: Fullmoon sheild 16 times, Full moon sphere 4 times
Name of Ability: Final move: Arrow Shooting moon.
Discription: A large Blast radiating from the bows arrows. Its look is much like a cero but in a narrower look. The color is a pure white and silver tint glow. If concentrated enough it can blast through energy shields and attacks. But it can not break zanpaktou. This ability is best for one move strikes.
Type: Ranged 100-130ft
Limitation: 4 times
Name of Ability: Weapon Conversion
Description: Akasaki is able to unite his Hilts and Gauntlets in to different Variations of weapons
Type: Melee and Defensive
Zanpaktou Spirit:
Name: Kenshi
Nickname(s:( Uncle, Tengetsu
Kenshi wears a soul reaper uniform with some samurai armor. He has the Sode and Kote on his left arm while having a sword on his right. The sode has and extended neck guard to cover the top of his ear, down to the shoulder.
His eyes are like a burning fire red, and hair short teased spikes going down to his neck. His eyes have a strong sharp look.
Kensei Kenshi instead of soul reaper uniform he wears a hooded trench coat, it gives the look that it gives off flames. He has some armor Kote on his right and left arm, he also has three waist guards around his waist two on the hips and one at the front. He as well has a half of a breast plate on his left sidethat only covers the pectoral region. For a right arm its a large Claw like hand and gives the look of black flames rising from it.
Personality: He is just as Akasaki but opposite with most likes and dislikes. He likes high places. He likes Bright places. Likes the cold.
Relationship: His relationship with Akasaki is like master and apprentice close and compact. Akasaki some times calles him Uncle or Tengetsu on accident. The reason is that he is like his uncle, Akasaki thinks that his uncles soul bonded with his nephew was so tight they never separated he just was absorbed into his soul.
Inner World: In the Middle of the world is a large dense forest. Then when you get further away, the less thicker, and smaller it gets until there is just a flat grass plane.
Inner Hollow:
Name: Reiki Chiotensaki
Apperance:He wears the shinigami uniform the way Akasaki wore it, without sleeves white and black. The outside out side of the uniform is white and the inside is black. His hair and skin are pure white, his finger nails are black and one inch long. The tabi are white and the sandals are black. His eyes are completely black shiny and glossy-like.
Personality: Dark and malicious, Hardcore, and more harsher than Kenshi.
Relationship: Simular to Master and Apprentice. As two completely different individuals of likes and dis likes, the Master and the Student two people of completely different powers and strengths.
Hollow Abilities:
Hollow Mask Appearance and Summoning:
Appearance: it has a simularity to a Lozenge shape with Two points coming out from the top two sides. At about the Brow line there is a red ring and in the middle of the mask there is a V under that is a Gray Lozenge. at the eye slits it is lower a bit past the Brow line. and at the bottom of the eye slits there are Claw like gaps going down and almost to the end of the mask. The Color of his eyes are Black and his Iris is A Dark Gray almost Black and looks like that there is nothing there.
Summoning: There are two ways Akasaki can summon his mask; 1st: is to flip is hood up while still holding it pulling down the mask starts to appear in Black Flames, or 2nd way: if he already has his mask he will take his thumb, index finger and his middle finger and place it where the blades would be and then he will press down and then swing his arm down then the mask will appear Like a Burst of Black Flames
Hollow abilities:
Cero: He fires a large Bright white cero with a blue outline from the tips of his blades.
((Being leader of Vizards I have some Different versions of the Cero Below are them And if you want to make one be creative you are limited to 2.))
1Cero, Arrow Link: The Cero accelerates Daiichi deyou: Wangetsu Ken Tsuki-Gin where it looks like an arrow. It can be done As many times as the limit allows it.
2Cero Moon Bomb: Akasaki Uses The Full Moon Sphere Shield and Fills the inside with his cero and fills it To the point of bursting. he Then Implodes the sphere Sending the Cero inside to To Explode and Take out any one Near the Sphere. It is used less frequent from the ammount of time taken putting in the Cero.
Enhanced speed: able to use shunpo more frequently than normal about 5 times more in shikai and 10 times more in Bankai
Power argumentation: While wearing the mask, Akasaki’ s Hollow powers supplement his Shinigami powers, giving him a vast increase in both strength and speed.
Enhanced Durability: His durability is even more evident throughout the fight as he is thrown through various buildings and obstructions.
Enhanced Spiritual Power: While wearing the mask, the spiritual power Akasaki possesses becomes even greater than before.
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