Books (RP)
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Active 8 years ago
Its not what it seems it the world of books. It started in 2042 when the first book became real.... View more
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Its not what it seems it the world of books. It started in 2042 when the first book became real. In a strange little down that isn’t well known there were rumors going around. Rumors that books came to life. It started out with minor books at first. Little kiddy books that didn’t cause any harm so people just ignored it. It’s when the deeper darker books started coming to life that people began to freak out. It’s up to the book lovers to figure out what is going and if can be stopped or if they will have to live like this forever.
Leo runs over the Annabeth, “Annabeth look what I made.” He says as he shows her the little robotic pegasus.
Annabeth looks at the pegasus and immediately thinks of Percy. She forces a smile “That’s awesome Leo.”
Leo smiles and sets his down on the table not being able to tell she was upset. He touches one of the wings and the little pegasus begins to run around.
Amato stares down at the Pegasus, tilting his head with a look of curiosity and perhaps sympathy. He leans forward, examining it closer, and extends a hand, not quite touching it, “…May I?”
Mica had slouched in his seat when Guan Yu glanced at him. He looks out the window, and then turning his head back to see that four people had gathered around to look at a small robotic Pegasus. Mica’s head slants to the side, he squints his eyes at it. “These people are crazy.” he says to himself, scoffing.
Leo smiles, “Let it come to you then you can look at it.”
Amato nods, as the Pegasus approaches he gently picks it up, examining it closely. He touched it on the head, a vaguely melancholy expression on his face. He felt something that could be almost be described as kinship with the machine.
Annabeth keeps an eye on Mica while watching the interaction between the pegasus and Amato
Guan Yu leans in close, his beard lolling onto the table “amazing, truly masterful.”
Amato continues to silently and intently stare at the Pegasus for another few moments. At the sound of Guang Yu’s voice, he snaps back to reality, placing the Pegasus back on the table, “Ah, apologies.”
Leo looks at Amato, “It okay” He smiles then looks back to Guang Yu. “Thanks”
“Hey Leo, why don’t you tell them about Festus.” Annabeth says
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