Books (RP)
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Active 8 years ago
Its not what it seems it the world of books. It started in 2042 when the first book became real.... View more
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Its not what it seems it the world of books. It started in 2042 when the first book became real. In a strange little down that isn’t well known there were rumors going around. Rumors that books came to life. It started out with minor books at first. Little kiddy books that didn’t cause any harm so people just ignored it. It’s when the deeper darker books started coming to life that people began to freak out. It’s up to the book lovers to figure out what is going and if can be stopped or if they will have to live like this forever.
“hey guys I’ll be right back I’m going to the Little girls room.” Annabeth says before walking down a hallway
Guan Yu strokes his beard “that is a term I am unfamiliar with, Little Girls Room.”
Amato turns towards Guan Yu, “It is a private area designed for women to carry out biological function.” He recites the definition from his databank.
Once Annabeth reaches the end of the hallway and is out of sight from the others she puts her yankee hat on and turns invisible. She then quietly returns to the main area where the others are but is watching Mica
Dragon flaps its wings and gets a few inches off the table before it falls again.
Leo catches it before it could hit the table. “I’ll have to adjust your wings a bit so you can fly around without having to worry about falling.”
Amato glances at the dragon as it flies, then looks to Leo, “I would recommend increasing the gear ratio around the joints, increasing surface area of the wings and decreasing the weight of the body.”
Leo looks at him, “Yeah I also need to find the right chip for him or he will break down.” He begins to mumble to himself as he things.
Amato takes a little closer look at the dragon, “Will it take an c-16 IBM chip or does it require an older model?” He asks, lifting up a wing with an extremely gentile hand, “Its a -S size, correct?”
“Yeah that’s right.” Leo looks at Amato and smiles.
Amato nods, “I believe I have a spare leftover from beta testing.” He turns his wrist so his forearm faced upward. A small hatch opened up and his eyes momentarily went black, then a small chip popped out. He picked it up and handed it to Leo, “It should be compatible.”
Leo smiles brightly, “Thank you!” He says before he begins to work on the dragon again.
Amato attempts to return Leo’s smile and looks down, watching Leo’s repair.
Leo easily fixes the dragon using a few extra parts. He soon steps back once the dragon was finished.
Dragon looks around at everyone before it begins t walk around on the table.
Amato watches the dragon move around and nods, “Quite good craftsmanship.” He comments, “You have an interesting style. If you wish to, you could fairly easily apprentice at my affiliated corporation.”
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