Books (RP)
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Active 8 years ago
Its not what it seems it the world of books. It started in 2042 when the first book became real.... View more
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Its not what it seems it the world of books. It started in 2042 when the first book became real. In a strange little down that isn’t well known there were rumors going around. Rumors that books came to life. It started out with minor books at first. Little kiddy books that didn’t cause any harm so people just ignored it. It’s when the deeper darker books started coming to life that people began to freak out. It’s up to the book lovers to figure out what is going and if can be stopped or if they will have to live like this forever.
Leo shrugs, “Maybe, lets just see how this book thing turns out.”
Amato nods, “I would agree, that is the most prudent sentiment for this situation.” He turns to Leo again, “However, if I may, I would like to send word to Master that you are considering it. Will you provide consent to that?”
“Yeah I guess.” Leo says as he pets the tiny dragons head with his finger.
“Thank you.” Amato says, then his eyes darken to a deep blue and seemed to become unresponsive for about a minute. He blinks, returning back to reality, “Master has expressed interest in you.”
Amato cocks his head to the side, making eye-contact with a slow blink, “You’re pleased with that outcome, correct?”
Placing his tea down, Guan Yu begins to sharpen his blade.
Leo looks to Guan Yu when he begins to sharpen his blades, “Wow”
Amato glances at Leo again, “I have been informed,” he begins, “that Master will likely be arriving within a 24 hour period. Due to Master’s impatience, Master has decided to begin your training as soon as possible, further instructing me to tell you, ‘I’m bored and have come to the conclusion that you would be the most productive waste of my time.”
Guan Yu strokes his beard again, “I too would like to understand this boss person’s interest in us.”
Amato turns his head to look at Guan Yu, “Due to the collected data of the situation, those of literary origin are a direct contradiction to the laws of physics, as matter cannot be created from nothing, and due to the collected data on Master, I am led to draw the conclusion that Master will not accept that the laws can so easily be broken, therefore Master may have a compulsion to find a solution.” He pauses for a moment, glancing at the two of them, “However, beyond that there may be a subjective reason I have the inability to understand.”
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