Group looking for folks interested in game design to help with a D20 based sci-fantasy based... View more
Design Statement – Brokenworlds
Design Statement – Brokenworlds
Hello folks, welcome to the Brokenworlds Group!
if your reading this, i’m happy to welcome you to the group.Brokenworlds is a sci-fantasy rpg based in a world where a great cataclysm has collided a fantasy world filled with monsters, swords and sorcery, divine power, and untold riches. With a world of cold calculating science, physics, greed, war at a time where exploration means nothing anymore.
When the two collide once great magical heroes, gods, and men are thrown together in a fight to just stay alive against monsters thrown into a frenzy by the collapse of two worlds.Features
D20 system with a whole new build, You are what you wear, your equipment builds up your feats and talents allowing a character to be completely redesigned mid game, no more character re rolling to try something new!
New races, as the great elves dwarves and halflings take a back seat, theres nobody left but men and monsters in a uneasy alliance to stay alive.
New Classes, play as the striker, scout, destroyer, vanguard, medic, droner, engineer, wizard or infiltrator, each with their own unique talents and skills.
Guns versus Swords, as life gets tough weapons of mankinds science come to the aid, with machineguns, rifles and pistols. But never count a man with a sword and a will as useless.
– Much more!A complete design from the bottom will make brokenworlds d20 a thing to enjoy for all!
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