Alright. Let's get down to details. .:MATURE:.

  • Alright. Let's get down to details. .:MATURE:.

    Posted by perhapsManic : Ataxll on June 22, 2013 at 8:17 pm

    Thought I’d put the warning there, because this will involve the reproductive details of the Trolls.

    So, here’s where I would like to put the details species and how they are roleplayed.

    To start it off, here are the way I view Trolls. As most do, I view them as hermaphroditic, the main difference being the chest and that the females seem to be naturally more aggressive. For details on how they’re more hermaphroditic, follow these two links. Warning, they are of the genitalia. SECOND EXPLICIT CONTENT WARNING. Just to be sure you listened.Color Coordinated or More Reailistic. I’d like to clarify that no, I didn’t look that up for some sort of romantic and sexual fanfiction or something. I found that when looking up troll anatomy, and found it interesting.
    Second is that I think of them as having darker patches on their sides where their grub legs were. Not quite scars, but close. There are only two on the ones I roleplay, one on each side, because they generally have six legs, and four pupated into arms and legs.
    Third would be the bone structure. Human bones are usually somewhat yellowish unless bleached. In my opinion, Troll bones are simply a bit darker, and the horns have a brighter hue to show off. On the topic of horns, rub your own hair. It feels comforting to have your hair touched, it’s a rather natural thing shared by various animals, like cats. When I roleplay a Troll, it is comforting, but somewhat embarrassing because of how subdued it makes them, and how they almost melt like a happy cat.
    For ears, I like the swivel ears, that angle to sound and with emotion. For the lower blood, I think of a more rounded ear, pointing slightly when it reaches yellow, and then pointing until it gets to the indigo highbloods, I picture them more like the Navi from Avatar, like this which can swivel freely . Of course, Blue and some upper Greenbloods should be able to swivel as well. I think the Avatar style ears could make an easy transition between land and sea dweller, since if you look, you can see the wrinkles inside the ear where the thicker cartilage is; the top and two other ones in the middle. The flesh between would simply thin into a webbing, and the three prongs would be wider.
    For teeth, I think they’re more humanoid the lower blood, and sharper the higher. Like a crimson blood would have sharper canines, while the highest pinkish blood might have more of a shark-like mouth. That would explain why Karkat has all sharp but not dagger-like teeth, while some above him have more normal teeth.

    So share what you think, if you’d please. I’d love to hear your details and such, and what mutations you think Trolls could have.

    perhapsManic : Ataxll replied 11 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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