
  • Elysium

    Posted by perhapsManic : Ataxll on June 22, 2013 at 5:33 pm

    The name was fitting, Ataxll thought. Elysium. They would wait forever, until their ends, without a true home. Though this was better than the time spent alone. Sometimes better than the time spent alone. The troll glanced with the usual interest from side to side, left to right. On the right was the green plain that they decided to build the castle-like structure on. There weren’t flowers, no. That was elsewhere, somewhere past the forest. That plain was in part of a strip around the middle of the world, with seasons and day and night. But on the other ends, it never made sense. The purple-hinted iris turned on the golden pool it sat it, to the left. The plain was dying, dim, and on the bottom it was black, frozen. Far to the right, on the opposite of the frozen mountains and dead forests, were plains of flowers, jungles, and forests, and on the very tip a desert. The sun only hit the desert directly, and with how the planet rotated, the middle band had day and night.
    Ataxll usually kept to the darker areas. It suited how they had stayed after their poor incomplete rainbows. Yellow, green, blue, and a bit of sacrificed purple didn’t make rainbows. Colors had been missing.
    Because of their rampage, and infliction of the aspect of Doom on their own timeline, when Ataxll came with the others to colonize Elysium, they have given the troll the title of Frightening Joker. And each of the first were called Charon after the group they started. It only seemed fitting, with the doomed bringing others across seas of time and space. And with the name Charon, how could they not name it Elysium?
    Each of the first got their own moon that revolved around Elysium, chained to the world. Ataxll had chosen a wasteland, the way they imagined Elysium Fields. When you stepped into the sand, your feet sunk, and you could only build on rock or in it. Dead trees sprouted from crevices. But that was just Ataxll’s choice.
    The Highblood’s eyes drifted from their moon, and swept across the fields, empty for the first time in how long? But they never stayed that way. The Ferrymen were simply on the last legs of their vacations.

    perhapsManic : Ataxll replied 11 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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