Clansdentine Kingdoms
Any chance that you like Skyrim, Assassin’s Creed, Ranger’s Apprentice, or just medieval stuff... View more
1) Don’t kill everyone. You’re only aloud to kill two characters in a twenty-four hour time period. Unless it’s the time of war involving your clan/corpses/creed/group/etc.
2) Realistic kills. It’s understandable if you’re hiding or sneak up on someone, but you can’t just win a one on one fight within one hit. If you think you died unfairly tell a group admin and it will be reviewed
3) No melodramatic arguing that’s out of your character. Your character can be as rude as you want, just not you
4) Constant spam of the same thing is frowned upon. Don’t do it.
Ceaderwater- A high elevated fortress that, if climbed high enough, provides a view of Shodder Ocean and all the establishments in between. The palace is home to the soft life styled priests and monks of Asheroick. Though they appear peaceful and pristine, a dark power is held within the depths of their palaces.
Sodden Village- Just as its name explains, Sodden village is a small wet village across Ice River from Ceaderwater. It’s known well for its fields of barley and hops, but it’s also known for the lurking Kannon Warriors, a group of well known assassins.
Nightnap- A large bartering village known for its black-market activity and lack of official authority. Though that may be true, the residents still keep on the down low. The Marrat’s Mafia over run the town, controlling businesses and commanding everyone. Possesing some sort of hidden powers that just can’t quite be placed. Some say that they abduct people and test on them with their powers.
The Marrats are natural enemies with the Kannons and knights, but have an odd releationship with the monks of Ceaderwater.
Argale- Aragle. also referred to as Aragla, is a large fortress where the high guards are carried with the duty of protecting the royal family. Many times, they won’t even let the knights near the castle. They’re mainly enemies with everyone.
The royal family has little rule over the country. Many times, they resort to hiring the Kannons to do some crowd control.
Rep’Shaun- This is where the Rep’Shaun knights reside, if you hadn’t guessed. They are quite proud folks, believing that they are defending their country. Rep’Shaun is a harbor town right on the coast of the Shodder Ocean, which usually becomes a pirate problem.
Shodder Ocean- A cold, windy, ice water ocean that is mainly unknown to many of the residents on the land not much is known for what lays beyond the seal hunting lands.
Ice Claw River- A tangy mountain river that runs through the heart of the country. Many towns are established around it for a water source.
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