Crystium Guild
This is going to be for my attepts at making a roleplaying RPG I’m not sure if i can change the name... View more
Char stats
Char stats
you may choose the name of your charecter and their gender you do not have a starting class- classes are for npcs- nor are you allowed to mod your starting stats in anyway i.e. lose one point of magic for one point of strenght you may however develope these stats based on what you do- fighting will make you stronger and make you learn to dodge/take less damadge- this page is also where you keep track of you current status and skill ( skills are mentioned in a different post ) your starting stats are
spells- spark, warm glow( this is a heal)
Note: spells fall under two catigorys for now agressive and supportive ( this may be updated )
This page is meant only for keeping track of current status and skills-post you inital stats and update them at your own pace -but be honest if i find someone cheating the stats i’ll set them back to basic.
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