Fighting, dungoens, freeing trapped npcs, and pvp rules

  • Fighting, dungoens, freeing trapped npcs, and pvp rules

    Posted by silenceII on August 18, 2012 at 3:49 am

    Fighting conists of five rounds afterword I or someone Iv’e givin admin rites will tell you the approx damadge done by you and to you if you did more you win regardless of weather the foe is till alive. just write down you five actoins- cut/chop/swing, cast spark/etc at mobq-the monsters name
    dungoens will be were you fight tougher mobs and were you get crystuim- for now players will randumly get this unitl ive figured out how im going to implement dungoens.
    freeing trapped NPCs- I will begin new “days” in this game with the statment-seen npcs- and then that chars class, stat, and crystuim cost to free- they will have stats a class but no name you may name them or ask an admin to name them- no swearing or other bad things in their name- nocs require you to have food- wich they and you will eat- enough shelter for two, and when your are trying to get a second npc some leadership skill wich can only be aquired by using your npc- they will fight on your side in battles or gather matierials needed for things based on there class- a mage will ghater magic things or herbs while a warrior will mine or hunt.
    pvp is currently not allowed until a figure out a way to impliment it, until then assume that when you attack someone that you fail for not knowing this and move on with your life.

    silenceII replied 12 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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