Combat System

  • Posted by HeartonLockdown on March 5, 2016 at 6:56 pm

    with the combat system the GM is required so if you start a fight I will be there ASAP but no guarantees I’ll be there right away


    in simplest terms a die and coin is used for this

    Die decides if a attack connects or is blocked or dodged

    coin decides critical hits


    more numbers between the two rolls the more effective the hit it can be weak, normal, hard, or powerful attacks

    attacks can be blocked or dodged defenders choice




    John: *throws a punch at rick*

    Rick: *blocks the hit*

    GM: John rolls a 5 Rick rolls a 2 (3 number difference hard hit rank) flips coin (heads will always rule crit tales always rules no extra damage) tails no crit *Rick attempts a block but is not fast enough and is punched right in the nose causing minor bleeding*


    and that ends a interaction no one can die in most situations but if the GM rules you were hit with a deadly blow then prepare to make a new OC

    when entering combat you do not get in the way of other people unless they join in so others can continue what they are doing

    if you have any questions or need a different explanation message me personally I’ll be happy to explain to you

    HeartonLockdown replied 9 years ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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