Demon Dog SugarVillage
Demon Dog Sugar Village (Strictly RP)
((Property of Inuyassha and the GrandSugarClan))
Village of... View more
Temple of Bau
Temple of Bau
*The Temple of Bau hidden within the Demon Dog Village is guarded by several human Buddhists who have taken refuge in the area. They have been protected by the demon dogs of the area and also by the regular dogs that reside there. Although Bau or Gula is the Sumerian goddess of dogs and healing, she is honored here with a temple because it is said that the Buddhists were led to the area by a black dog that apparently revealed itself to be Bau herself. The monks lived here for many years in peace until recently, when demons and other creatures learned of the hidden ancient artifact of great power hidden within the temple. There were always dogs around the temple since the monks always took care of them but the dogs were growing restless and the monks safety was becoming questionable as the lure of the artifact became stronger and stronger.*
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